A Quick Reminder

As of last month, this Unshakable Hope blog is six years old. Thank you so much for following my blog!

I began this blog to give hope, Unshakable Hope, to those who were feeling hopeless. I don’t know how successful I’ve been at spreading the message of hope in Christ, the only real Unshakable Hope that exists, but the followers of my blog have strengthened my hope and faith so much over these past six years.

My family and old friends follow my blog; I am blessed with such a great family and great friends. To those of you that I’ve met through this blog, you are not merely “blogging friends,” you’re friends. You have encouraged me when I needed encouragement. You’ve prayed for Mary and me when we were in need of prayer. Through your comments and your posts, you’ve taught me so much; great lessons I needed and continue to need. Isn’t that what friends do?

As most of you know, I’ve had ALS for twenty-two years, I’m paralyzed and have not been able to speak for the last twenty years (I was able to speak like a drunk for two years after being diagnosed). I use a special computer that tracks my eye movements to an onscreen keyboard. Writing is a tedious and often frustrating process. As you can imagine, typing an eight hundred word blog post (my average) is time-consuming. But God teaches me so much through typing these simple posts, so they help me more than they do those of you who follow my blog.

Now for the quick reminder.

I said all that to say, this is the first post I’ve written without forethought and study (this is about as extemporaneous as I get). I woke up this morning and thought someone needed this message today. I needed this reminder today also. It’s such a simple message – why is it so stinkin’ hard for Christians to remember?

If you are a born again follower of Christ, you’ve made a commitment to believe God’s word over every other voice – including the lying voices in your head! When you hear ungodly voices cutting you down or you have thoughts that contradict God’s word, dismiss them – they are lies! Believe this:
“…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

If you’ve drifted away from Christ, come on back, He’s waiting for you. Believe this:
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9)

Maybe you’ve never made a commitment to follow Christ. What are you waiting for? I hope and pray you’ll believe this:
“…if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10)

This song (“You Say”) is SO GOOD!


About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on August 3, 2018, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 141 Comments.

  1. Amen-Amein Brother in Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua BILL!! God Bless you Brother in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and Your Family members and Friends!!

    I Love 💜💕 you all Everyone through Christ Jesus-Yeshua, because HE LOVED 💕💜 EVERYONE FIRST!!

    Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann


  2. Thank you, dear Bill, for introducing me to this song. I lost a friend this week. We’ve known each other since grade two. But–praise God–I will see her again when I get to heaven. She mentioned she battled discouragement while cancer took hold of her body. Thankfully all of us spoke love to her. She was a beautiful sister in the Lord who, like you, encouraged everyone she met.
    I needed this song. You’ve blessed me, brother. 🙂
    Blessings to you and Mary ~ Wendy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your comments, Wendy. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend, so sad. Christians don’t suffer from discouragement, right? Ha. I really hope I’ve never even hinted at this in my posts. When going through trials, battling discouragement seems to be the only constant. Focusing on our hope in Christ, is the only way we succeed in these battles. It’s going to be so great, Wendy – no more mourning, no more pain, and, NO MORE DEATH!

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  3. Bill,
    Thank God you started your blog!!
    Below is a.sample of one of many comments I’ve sent to hurting people:
    Have you read Bill’s blog?
    I feel I found him at a time when I needed a nudge from the Lord to put things in perspective for me.
I started reading his posts several years ago. And felt led to scroll back to his first posts & read forward. I am not sure why people don’t do that more. They love a writer & just wait for new posts, even though that person’s blog may hold hundreds of previous ones.
I’ve begun reading yours & followed you & will be praying for you.
Here is the link below for Bill’s blog. I know it will bless you.


    Liked by 2 people

  4. Meat and potatoes–pretty substantial for a quickly rousted up meal, Bill! Thanks, as always, for the spiritual meals you prepare with your heart, eyes and computer, my real–not just “blogging”–friend.

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  5. A great reminder, Bill. There’s nothing in this world that makes God so happy as having one of us show up just as we are. As many times as needed. 🙂

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  6. PTL! Congrats, Bill, on your blog anniversary! Keeping you and Mary in prayer!
    And I have nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award!
    The link to your nomination is linked below. God loves you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Linda l. Chrsitianson

    This may be my last contact. We have sold our large home and are in the process of down sizing. No home to move to and have plans of place until May 1. So if I don’t get a e-mail system set up and I will lose what I have I will not be able to enjoy your messages. Thanks for all the advise along the way. Best to you in your earthly journey.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I’ve been so encouraged by your blog. I’m so glad we met as “blog friends” but will have an eternal relationship. Thank you for this message. It is what I need to hear. 😉

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  9. Always so inspirational and uplifting! Thank you for that and the amazing video! We all need that reinforcement, to know we are cherished by the King!

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  10. I’m so grateful God is using you, Bill. I know God has often given me hope through you. I am sure there are times of deep discouragement, but God really displays His faithfulness through you. You witness to me how infinitely sufficient God’s grace is. Thank you for sharing the song, too. It’s the first time I’ve heard it, and it deeply moves me. I can so identify with the lyrics. Blessings of strength and peace to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your encouraging comments, Trudy. There are times of discouragement, Trudy. Regardless of our health and wealth, I think there will always be times of discouragement in this world. Hopefully those times draw us nearer to Christ. They have done so for Mary and me. He is faithful and His grace is sufficient, Trudy.

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  11. I think you wrote this for ME! Thanks, Bill. And I just shared this song the other day on Facebook. 🙂 it’s an amazing song! Have a great week!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Hey Bill. Thanks for the effort you take to encourage me and so many others. Lauren Daigle songs are my go-to at the moment as well. Love from down under brother.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great to hear from you, Phil. Lauren Daigle is so good. I hope you enjoyed your Alaskan cruise and that long flight from Australia didn’t wear you out. Cruises are great for those of us in wheelchairs.


  13. Thank you for the simple powerful word of encouragement. You are touching lives as you blog. I am sorry to hear that it is a tedious process. May the Lord give you grace and healing. I was thinking about you, when I wrote my last blog. I hope you will be as encouraged as I become when I read your posts.

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  14. Thank you Bill! I love the reminder. The song is great, trying to share it with someone else right now!

    Sent from my iPhone


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  15. I’ve been hearing a lot about this song but it’s the first time I’ve listened to it all the way through. It, along with your beautiful reminder, have really encouraged me!!

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  16. Wonderful reminder coming just at the right time. LOVE the song!

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  17. I am sharing this with the teenager I work with. She was in tears yesterday and I think she’s definitely believing some lies. Hoping to take her out for coffee soon…

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  18. I know I have mentioned this to you before, but my heart always leaps when I receive a notification of a new post written by your ‘Unshakable Hope.’ I always know I have something to learn, or that I will receive a personal message penned to me by God through your willingness to mark it down. I’ve had the video-clip from Lauren’s song in a blog-draft and was waiting for a way to use this beautiful song in a way meaningful for others. Your post has done so wonderfully. (I will be reblogging or linking to your post within the next few days, no doubt.) But more importantly your post revealed why it (the song) stirred my own heart so deeply. Thank you for helping me to unearth what God intended to be revealed and may you continue to be affirmed by the many ‘voices being spoken to you’ of the impact you are making, within our own thoughts and hearts. You are truly doing the work of God…. Hugs to you dear ‘friend.’

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your always encouraging comments, Dawn Marie.
      I really like that song, it’s a powerful message. There are so many voices out there trying to define us, lying voices. I feel for those who don’t rely on God’s word to tell them who they are.

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  19. I always appreciate your posts. Thank you for making the effort. I am so glad that we have the technology that enables you to keep reading out and encouraging folk.

    You were diagnosed the year my husband and I were married. I’ve lost both an uncle and his cousin to ALS. I can only think that God has you here because there is work for you to do yet. May He bless you richly for your efforts!


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Karen. I am thankful for this technology, too. I think I would have literally been bored to death years ago if I just sat around watching TV and listening to music and audiobooks…
      I’m sorry you lost your uncle and cousin to this cruel disease. I assume that ALS is familial in that side of your uncle’s and cousin’s side of your family.


      • I don’t know if ALS in my family was considered to be familial. As far as I know no one else has had it, and my uncle had no children. But it did seem unusual that two men in that generation did.

        Still thankful for your perseverance in sharing Christ.

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        • It would be a really big coincidence if two men with the same bloodline, in the same generation, both had ALS and it wasn’t familial. But, big coincidences happen. At the time I was diagnosed, the woman nextdoor was dying of ALS.


  20. Bill, I have family and friends who are suffering with truly hard medical diagnoses, and I am so thankful they and I have someone like you to walk with on this journey. Much love, and thank you.

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  21. Thank you Bill. Your words comfort me and reading all these comments reminds me that your impact (therefore Christ’s impact) are exponential. iloveyouwithmywholeheart, Bec

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  22. Bravo, Bill! Your blog is a testament to faithfulness and courage. Your witness shines bright despite — and because of — your illness. May God watch over you and Mary both. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Thank you for this post, Bill. And to all of you who have commented and echoed the truths that Bill writes about, your comments encourage me too. S To the mom who wrote about her daughter and the ballet world, and the struggle to hold on to God‘s truth about identity. Thank you for giving us an example from real life. And Bill, for your comment about living in your thought life and having to deal with whether the thoughts you nourish are true or not. This is about the best of your blog posts I’ve read. Thank you for the extreme effort you gave for US!

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  24. Bill, I always look forward to your encouraging posts. Your heart to share the Good News and for God inspires me,
    Many blessings, my friend!

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  25. Well, my friend, your journey has become a shared journey, a place we can move forward with you in growth and learning about the faithfulness of our loving Savior. I’m grateful for your courage and outrageous faith to push through to write these posts when they aren’t easy. With so many fewer complications, it’s easy for me to want to quite so many times. I’ve known Jesus for many years, but having the chance to see Him through your eyes makes Him even more real, more compassionate, more purposeful. I love how He loves us so well–and how you communicate that. Thank you for being so willing to be vulnerable with all of us. For genuineness that speaks to hearts. You’ve been a gift for all of us who read your words. My brother in Jesus and my friend,

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Always a good reminder Bill and for me it is timely. I’ve been hearing some of those lies both verbally and in my mind… Thanks ! Diane

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    • I’m sorry you are being bombarded with lying thoughts, Diane. Find and memorize a verse to fight every thought. But, if you’re like me and you have a difficult time memorizing these days, make a cheat sheet 🙂

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  27. Hi Bill, both you and Mary have been in my daily prayers for quite a while now. When I speak your names, the thoughts of gratitude and Godly love come to my mind because of how special you both are and the beautiful witness of faith in our Lord that you both live. Your posts are labors of love and the hope that you continually share is uplifting to all of us. Thank you for your friendship, your prayers and for sharing the hope we all look forward to. Some day we shall meet and what a day that will be. Continued grace and blessings on you and yours.

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  28. Thankyou, for being, for obeying the stilled small voice that speaks thru your heart.I hear,and grow thru the cancers of body will not Rob the One of my soul.Blessings Linda gerhardt/plainlycovered

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment, Linda. As CS Lewis said, that “Still small voice” becomes much louder in our trials. You know this.
      “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures,
      speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains.
      It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

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  29. Thank you for your kind reminder, friend … I REALLY appreciate this post today!!!! The problem is indeed that we forget and need each other to be reminded. You and Mary are a constant reminder to me, dear brother, that our journey is one of persevering. Thanks for always cheering from your place. I just told someone that when I grow up I want to be like you and Mary 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Heidi. You are right, we need constant reminders of how we should think. This is why I like following blogs like yours 🙂 As for wanting to be like Mary and me, you need to raise your aspirations, at least in regards to me 🙂


  30. What a stellar accomplishment, Bill–six years of blogging with your special computer and onscreen keyboard. The effort you expend in order to write adds credence to what you say. (Who would put so much work into something they only half-believed?) Please know that MANY of us in the blogosphere find great encouragement in your perseverance and positive attitude, good humor and strong faith. We praise God for your voice of truth!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Nancy. You hit the nail on the head! Over the years, as typing and surfing the Web became more and more difficult, the sites I visited and the subjects I opined on, decreased with my abilities. I was a news addict for years, I wasted so much time on things, as you said, I only half-believed. I regret that. I think my wasting time probably had an eternal impact. But God’s forgiven me so we “press forward” with the things I fully believe.

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    • Theresa Schrock

      Beautifully and perfectly said, Nancy! I often think about God’s heart for people and ask him to share with me his thoughts and his love for them! I believe God receives unconditional love from Bill. Bill mirrors God’s love in return to him. The thought of loving God the way he loves me challenges me to examine myself. Thank you, Bill, for demonstrating unconditional love for the Father.❤️

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you for your kind words, Theresa. I hope you’re not working to hard up there in Dallas.


        • Theresa Schrock

          It definitely requires all of my attention! I wake up in the middle of night afraid and full of anxious thoughts about the day ahead but thank God The Holy Spirit comes quickly to comfort and encourage me. I truly love what I’m doing and the people. They are from Argentina. A very sweet family! My biggest problem is that I’m so homesick. Reading your blog encourages me! Please tell Mary hello for me! Hope to see y’all soon!😊

          Liked by 2 people

          • I just told Mary Theresa says hi.
            From what Don told me, your project is a real challenge. We’ll keep you in our prayers. I know you are up to the challenge.


  31. Thank you Bill! It’s funny, I have been struggling with my computer lately. I too have the eye track computer. How do you input characters? Do you use dwell or blink? I have 1, ONE, thumb that still works so I have been using a button to click on what I want. Here’s the thing, my old button died and the new one is stiff so I’m having problems clicking. The OT people are supposed to be finding a different one for me. In the meantime, they say to rest my thumb by using dwell. I hate dwell! And don’t get me started on blink! You know, it’s been over a month that they have been working on finding me a new button and still nothing. Now they don’t even come to my hospital room. Bill, I know that you will understand this. I have 1 thumb that still works and I really want to keep using it until I can no longer do it. I know that there will be a time when I have to use dwell but that is not now. I feel like they are going to leave me with this button and just leave it at that. Don’t they understand that I can still use my one thumb and how important this is to us? I think that your post was written for me. I needed it. Do you mind if I use the song in my next post? I love it! Thank you for your words. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m so glad that your sense of humor still works, Lisa 🙂
      it’s so funny that you are trying to milk that worn out thumb for all its worth 🙂 on behalf of your poor thumb, learn to use the dwell; I promise you’ll want to kick your computer across the room, but you’ll learn. My digits haven’t worked for years, but up until three years ago, I could just use my right middle finger to press the channel button on the TV remote. Man it was hard giving Mary the remote control! I do have a TV remote on my computer, so I can change the channel when I’m on my computer, I’m thankful for that.
      Lisa, can you get the latest Tobii model? If yes, get it and start using the gaze function. You will get used to it.
      Thank you for the re-blog.
      Email me if you need help with the computer issues or just to say hi 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  32. Well Bill,
    I can tell you that what I have received from you… is an example of God’s love radiating from within one of His children.
    And there’s no higher accomplishment than that for a person.

    May you continue on the course that you’re on my friend.
    I love who you are.

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  33. I’m so glad I found you several years ago. You are always a blessing to me.

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  34. My Way Home Life

    Thanks so much for your encouragement and inspiration, Bill! You are in my prayers.🙏

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  35. Bill, since stumbling upon your blog, my walk with Jesus has been enriched immeasurably. I have always taught others that no matter what we may have to deal with, our Father is a present help in the time of trouble. You make that scripture come to life every day, and your posts are some of the most encouraging on the web. I have told so many people about you, and even talked about you in a message I preached recently.
    You are the real deal my friend!
    God bless you and Mary.

    Liked by 3 people

  36. I am grateful for the example of persevering in your faith! Your example inspires me to help my bible study group rely on the Spirit more deeply – to get down to into our DNA so to speak.

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  37. You nailed it Bill! Your encouragement for Christians to hold onto Christ’s Sovereign Goodness and stop listening to the lying voices in their heads, totally hit the mark! We talk A LOT about it in the Counseling Room about sorting out truth from lies when it comes to dealing with anxiety and depression. To back this up I love a passage in Isaiah 30 that encourage’s His own to stop running and turn back to witness something totally amazing:
    “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;
    therefore He will rise up to show you compassion.
    For the Lord is a God of justice.
    Blessed are all who wait for Him.”
    (verse 18)
    Do you hear that? “HE WILL RISE UP to show you compassion”! (Blows me away every time I read it!)

    Many thinks to you Bill – 😉

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  38. Probably you won’t know how much you’ve encouraged people in this life. However, I thank you again and again for helping me stay the course! God bless you and yours!

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  39. Bill, I praise the Lord for you, for making you His child and giving you the witness within you. I praise Him for eyes that can produce the testimony that you continually share with us. Thank you for call ing us your friends; truly brothers and sisters-in-Christ. Blessings as you continue to look to Him, filled with His unshakable hope and joy that is reflected here on earth.

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  40. Dear Bill and Mary,
    I believe that you are picking upon the current battle over identity. The song “You Say” we used in our home group this week. I think the artists are also picking up on the issue – hence Lauren Daigles sing (I love it by the way). The issue we are covering and have been for a year is “what does God say about me … about my situation …. about them” (who ever “them” may be). And once that is identified hold onto it with all your might … choosing to believe what God says. And then to encourage them to step out with what He says about others and start to touch the world for the Father – calling a generation home to Himself.

    Bill Johnson teaches that he can’t afford to have a thought in his head about himself (or anyone else) that doesn’t line up with what God says.

    I will show my 14 year old this post. This has been her battle as she fights and holds onto to her destiny and identity amidst the ballet world. It’s been a fight. I think is been a fight across the world. Good news – God wins… the saying in our home “but God!” We believe in miracles

    She listened to the song over and over on Tuesday.

    Graham Cooke has some brilliant teaching on it – but the battle must be won by each one of us for ourselves and then we are to encourage others to step into it too.

    Thank your for your post(s). I believe you heard the wind of the Holy Spirit and stepped in.

    Thank you for it is encouraging and confirming what we are choosing to stand for here too.
    Many many blessings,
    God is Good

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    • Thank you. It’s so great that a blog can be read all over the world; it’s already tomorrow in Australia, you probably read this post at breakfast 🙂
      I think because I’m basically imprisoned in my own body, not spending time on a smartphone… (I’ve never had one), I have been forced to think more about the thought life 🙂 The thought life is EVERYTHING for the Christian. I know that I would have fallen into a long and very deep depression if Holy Spirit hadn’t taught me to believe God’s word over every other voice, especially the demonic voices (“God doesn’t care about you,” “It was God’s will for you to have ALS…”) in my head. I know and CHOOSE to believe God’s word. Discipleship and sanctification is ALL about the thought life. Being a teenager is so hard, crazy hormones cause crazy thoughts! I remember when our daughters were teenagers – that’s where Mary and I learned to lean on God’s grace and prayer 🙂 I’ll be praying. #Godisgood.

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  41. You inspire me! I also struggle with physical/medical issues, but I can only imagine what your struggle is like. It is really helpful to have the comfort of others who have been comforted. (2 Corinthians 1:4). Please know that you really are an encouragement. Thank you!

    By the way – I was curious about how you typed your posts, but didn’t want to pry. Thanks for explaining.

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  42. I always try to pull-out one significant subtext headline from every post Bill, and the most powerful one for me here is “a commitment to believe God’s word over every other voice…”. The proverbial “bottomline” of life! Can’t wait to see you in a couple weeks!!

    Liked by 2 people

  43. barclaytmarcell

    What an inspiring message. What a witness. Thank you for sharing this unshakable hope which you are living out each day. God bless you!

    Liked by 3 people

  44. I praise God that you have not allowed your illness to steal your hope.
    Congratulations on being an inspiration to others and sharing your faith through it all.

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  45. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing Jesus through your blog. I continue to tell people about your inspiring messages. God Bless! Beth

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  46. You are an inspiration. And you are right, all earthly based priorities should melt in the light of the heavenly call and our loyalty to Christ, He does call us all to go higher and deeper with him. In your own life and circumstances, dear friend and brother you have travelled both higher and deeper than many, many. May the words you post at the Spirits promoting achieve the purpose of Him who inspired them. Blessings.

    Liked by 2 people

  47. A beautiful reminder. Thank you. Forgiveness is for all of us if we just ask.

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  48. Hang in there …God isn’t finished yet.

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  49. Praise God for six years, Bill, and thank you for this great reminder. God’s blessings upon you for richness in Him, and for plenty of new blogs!

    Liked by 2 people

  50. You are such an inspiration. When I feel as though life is getting hard, I just have to remember that the Lord has a purpose for it all, and that my path is easier than that of some brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for your perseverance in posting.

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