Do “All Things” Really Work For Good?

Before I begin this post, I feel like I owe the readers of my last post an apology.
When I started this Unshakable Hope blog over six years ago, I set some guidelines for myself. One of these guidelines was replying to every comment made. I figure, if people took the time to read and comment on a post, I at least owed them a “Thank You.” Besides, I enjoy interacting with my readers; my friends.

I didn’t reply to even one comment. Mary and I read every comment on our own, and then she read them out loud to me. Thank you so much for your encouraging comments and for your prayers – both of these help us to persevere.

As I mentioned in the perseverance post on my birthday, Friday, October 5th, I planned on posting it on September 23rd, but I woke up that Monday morning with what I’d discover was pneumonia. I was transferred to hospice, and I think most people, including Mary, felt that it might be my last few days in this lame body. But, I recovered and actually felt pretty good the weekend of my birthday. The hospice nurse told me that the pneumonia was gone.

However, the following week, I came down with another unrelated infection, which meant ten more days of powerful antibiotics. I think it’s because I am fed a liquid diet through a tube in my stomach, but it takes everything I have to keep the antibiotics down after Mary pours them in. Thankfully, I did keep them down and, thank God, I recovered from that nasty infection too.

Mary and I were happy to wave goodbye to October. I am typing this on November 1st, a brand new month. As if on cue, the first real cold front of fall swept through Texas last night and put an end to the hot, humid weather of October and replaced it with beautiful crisp sunny weather. If I was still able to golf…

The day of this posting is November 2nd. Mary and I were married on November 2nd, 1985; today is our 33rd wedding anniversary. I think she’s a keeper.

I know, what was I thinking wearing a white tux? I think a white tuxedo was a Texas thing in the 1980s. Regardless, Mary wanted me to wear a white tux, and people in love agree to things they otherwise wouldn’t even consider. I was raised in the Chicago suburbs, not far from where the movie, “Home Alone” was filmed. A quote from that movie came to my mind when Mary emailed me this picture to use in my post and I cringed when I saw the white tux; (in Chicagoland) “You can get beat up for wearing something like I that.”

I was diagnosed with ALS within days of our 11th wedding anniversary. As I said, this is our 33rd anniversary. So, I’ve had ALS for two-thirds of our married life. Would Mary and I have had those smiles on our faces if we knew what our futures held? Obviously, that’s the reason God doesn’t reveal our futures to us. Like manna only lasting twenty-four hours when the Jews were trusting God to sustain them in the wilderness, the Christian life is a “one day at a time” life.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)


YES! This verse is true – for every follower of Christ. Unless you only think of prosperity in the financial context. If this and other passages about prosperity just referred to finances, our brothers and sisters in the third world and even the apostles missed God. Through our darkest times, including when ALS ended my career, and I had to wait seven months for my first disability check. With mounting medical and credit card bills, we were afraid to answer the phone out of fear that it was another collection agency with their heartless threats. It was then that we learned to rely entirely on God. He worked miracles on our behalf. This chapter of our lives will be a chapter in the book I am writing.

We learned about true prosperity the hard way. Having God’s Spirit dwelling inside of us, and the joy, peace, hope, and contentment that comes through the Spirit of Christ. Having a God, a family, and friends who love us unconditionally; This is true prosperity.

Way back then, Mary had a job working from home for a medical transcription business. It didn’t pay a lot, but it was enough for us to keep our two beautiful daughters, then four and seven, in a Christian school and allowed Mary to be at home with the girls. I was the primary breadwinner, so it was difficult when I was forced to resign from my job. But, through hard work and her intelligence, Mary grew in her career and has worked for the same business for the last twenty-nine year’s.

I’m typing this line at 9:12 at night, I am trying to finish so I can post it in the morning. Well, about five hours ago, when I was in the midst of typing this post, Mary came in and told me that she was Laid-off from the company she’s been employed with for almost three decades. Her being Laid-off wasn’t unexpected, the business was bought out three years ago and has undergone many changes. We were thankful that they kept her after the buyout, but we suspected this day was coming.

Are we wringing our hands and pacing the floor after hearing this news this afternoon? No way! Besides the fact that I can’t wring my hands or pace the floor, even though Mary is, or was, the primary breadwinner, we’re not the least bit worried. Why? Because, as I said, we have learned to rely on God. He is our source, not a business and not a disability check.

Since having pneumonia in September and battling the horrible infection in October, I have been needing Mary much more than I did before these two latest trials. As I’ve mentioned before, Mary’s eighty-six-year-old mother has lived with us since Mary’s stepdad passed away over five years ago. She’s always been amazingly independent, and she’s been such a big help around the house, doing all laundry and helping clean the house. She’s been such a blessing to us.

Well, last month, she passed out and took a bad fall hitting her head and injuring her lower back. The ambulance rushed her to the hospital, but after two days of testing, the doctors could not find the reason she fainted. Even though she was I was barely able to walk, the hospital sent her home. In addition to being my full-time caregiver, Mary is now her mom’s full-time caregiver. Working a stressful job and taking care of her mom and me, and also doing the laundry and cleaning that her mom used to do, was taking a heavy toll on Mary. Something had to give – God decided it was Mary’s job.

Back in June, Mary and I were looking for ways to cut expenses so she could work another less stressful and maybe even a part-time job from home. We were talking about selling our house and finding a less expensive place to live. The problem with moving is that we have a perfect set up in this home; we have a large bedroom and bathroom with a roll-in shower for me. And, we have a guest room with its own bathroom. It’s been a perfect set up for Mary’s mom and Mary and me.

I felt that God didn’t want us even to discuss making a change for the rest of this year. It’s been tough on Mary because she thinks out loud. She’ll say I something like “there’s a new neighborhood being built nearby…” I give her a dirty look, and she stops in mid-sentence, remembering our agreement.

Back in June, God gave me a well-known verse for us to cling tightly to through the rest of this year. The verse is Romans 8:28:
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Does this really mean “all things,” even pneumonia and losing your job? YES!

Somehow, if we give it to Him, God will take all of our sin, shame, disobedience, and the many difficult trials we go through. He then mixes in a big bowl, stirs in a generous amount of grace, mercy and the forgiveness that Christ offers us; then He paints for us a beautiful mosaic titled, “All Things.”

God is good!
God is faithful!

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on November 2, 2018, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 87 Comments.

  1. Hello Bill, gosh so much has happened since the last time I have been online. It’s been months. I am sorry you and Mary have been through so much, but so thrilled to see how God’s hand is on you! Wow. Continued prayers for you both. Thank you for sharing so much with us. You truly bless my heart every time I catch up on your blog. I get inspired when I am going through my dark patches. God bless you always…Mary and your family too. ~Debbie

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  2. Happy Anniversary, Bill and Mary,
    I am inspired from your tenacity and faith. Truly, all things are not good but all things can work together for good when we put them in the hands of our loving Heavenly Father . Out of darkness He brings forth light and out of a rock He brings forth water. He remains the same, yesterday, today and forever. He is good all the time.

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  3. Happy anniversary!! Your testimony is inspiring. Prayers that God’s best will unfold on every side of you. 🙂

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  4. Beautiful post Bill and Happy Anniversary (a bit late, I know), to you and your amazing wife. Many blessings to you both.

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  5. Happy anniversary and thank you for sharing.

    I have been widowed for 20 years now. God has been at every bend in the road. He is with us in the struggle of every step we take. Hold on to His Truth and promises. When He moves, He moves in a mighty way for His beloved. You and Mary ARE His beloved!

    Stay in the quiet, silent places with Him. He’ll draw you ever closer to His heart and continue to unfold His amazing story for your life. Your story is amazing! It has the fingerprint of God written all over it. God’s peace…

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Bill and Mary, I love your attitude of trust. You always speak hope into our hearts. Your example of choosing faith over fear helps all of us to do the same. God is good. Period. May He bless you both more abundantly than you ever imagined. Keep writing and editing that book, dear brother.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Happy Anntversary Bill and Mary! I am amazed at your incredible strength and am lucky to be able to call you friend.

    Take care!

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  8. Great stuff, Bill. You are a blessing to many! Thank you!!

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  9. Happy Anniversary! What a testimony to God’s grace and the love you and your wife have for each other. It’s amazing the way God works out things we would never think of. I know he has something planned that will be perfectly suited to your situation. I’m praying for his supernatural provision.

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  10. One day I will figure out how to log in to comment, but I just want you to know how encouraging you are to the rest of us!!!! I love your faith and how God is using you!!!! I can’t wait for your book and to see how God blesses others through your testimony!!!

    Blessings, sweet friend! Dabney

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  11. Beautiful! Happy, happy anniversary! I know your wife likely needs this time to focus on you and her mom. My mom has a lot of people under her care and could relate a little bit here!

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  12. It’s so easy to freak out when scary things happen, but I, too, have been amazed by His mercy and grace in my life. The inner freaking happens less and the duration is much shorter than when I was younger, because I have witnessed God’s goodness in working all things together for good in one way or another. I try to do what I can with what He has given and leave the rest in His hands. He’s got this! Thank you, Bill and Mary, for consistently living it out!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I like the idea of that big mixing bowl! You know Bill, this is one of your best blogs yet that I’ve read over the past couple of years. Your words and your faith are so powerful. When you talked about being moved to hospice my heartfelt so heavy. I’m looking forward to reading your book. You have inspired me so much this morning!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. My Cuppycake & I were married 32 years ago and he too abided by my ‘bride-ly wishes’ to don wearing a white tux, giggles! You are correct….it was an 80’s thing! And I look forward to hearing just how beautiful your mosaic becomes with the next ‘piece’ God installs, in his guidance for where He is leading Mary next! Hugs & Blessings dear cyber-space friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Dear Bill and Mary,
    Looking at those ‘kids’ so full of excitement and hope 33 years ago, and reflecting on the the faithfulness of God in helping you through every trial, fills me with awe. Thank you for consistently pointing to the light and hope of Jesus as He has strengthened and filled you each day. Giving thanks for His kindness in putting you on my path six years ago. Happy Anniversary . . .❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thanks for sharing. Andrew and I understand what it means to rely on God too. Due to our health problems both of us our currently unemployed. Neither of us can find that fix for our health problems, yet God is good and still takes care of our every need. I did initially freak out when we had to shut our home based business down. I also realized after the fact thst I over reacted for no good reason. I know God’s got this. In fact, He’s got us exactly where He wants us and is still working. It’s comforting to hear a story that sounds so familiar. Thanks for sharing yours. ❤

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  17. The most important thing about your posts is that you inspire so many…. whether or not you’re able to respond to comments is not…. I think most of those who follow you, just want you to be as well as you can be. Yours’ and Mary’s walk in life has not been easy….but ‘you are more than conquerors through ‘Him’ who loves you’ Take care Bill … Diane

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  18. Happy belated birthday, Bill and Happy Anniversary Bill and Mary! I’m praying for you both. I KNOW God works ALL things together for His good because HE IS GOOD!
    Thank you for sharing your message of faith, love, and hope.
    Much love to you both.

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  19. Karen Suttle Sanchez

    Bill, I was there on your wedding day. I had a front row seat…ok, I was on the stage with y’all (guess I had to be since I was a bridesmaid). It was an AWESOME day celebrating your union. I also remember when you were diagnosed, it was a sobering day and sadness settled over all of us who have been close friends all these years. But, we didn’t “park” in the sadness because we ALL knew and still know that God is a GOOD GOD and he did and does work all things together for our good. We may not understand our circumstances, but we still hold on to God knowing He gives us a hope and a future!

    I am so sorry to hear about Mary’s job, but I know that God has something better and less stressful. In the meantime, I know, firsthand, how God will supply all your needs above and beyond what we could possibly imagine.

    Rick, too, was the primary provider and I made a third of what he made but, somehow I was peaceful through it all. During his illness, and after he went to his heavenly home, God came through, financially, in ways that I could have never imagined (I have lots of stories…y’all are one of those who blessed us financially in the midst of Rick’s last days and I remember it well). I sit here on this day looking over the past 10 years since he’s been gone in awe of just how good God has been to me and the boys. So, there’s no doubt in my mind that He will come through, financially, for you and Mary. How can we not trust Him when He’s proven He was with us in so many ways throughout the years!

    You and Mary have been so faithful through the years! You have touched lives in more ways than you know. Thank you for not giving up and continuing to be an inspiration to so many!!

    I love you and Mary…HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!


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  20. Your Mary is a keeper, indeed. You don’t need to apologize for not responding. I’m just always glad when I see you’ve posted again. Praying for you and your family.

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  21. What a fruitful ministry you have here brother! Thank you so much for sharing, you’ll only know in heaven what you’ve sown in the Body of Christ. Praying for you and your lovely wife.

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  22. I am reminded, again, of The Practice of the Presence of God. God is in all things. And God is always good, even when we’re struggling. It doesn’t make bad things go away. It doesn’t necessarily make them easier, but the knowledge that God is always good is sometimes the light that bursts through all the darkness, at least in my experience. It keeps me going. I guess that’s what faith *is* – ‘the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ as it says in Hebrews 11:1.

    Blessings and peace to you and your family. Eagerly awaiting your book.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Happy anniversary to y’all.
    God bless you both.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Your words continue to have a home in my heart. I am praying for you, Mary and Mary’s Mom. I have learned so many times to just say, “I can hardly wait to see how you handle this one, Lord!” And He provides. I join you in unshakable Hope! 💞

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  25. Thank you so much Bill, you inspire me to be a better disciple of Christ. Hi Mary, thanks so much for all you do to make it possible for Bill to write to us. Love and peace to you both.

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  26. You mate, make me a better disciple of Christ. Thank you. Hi Mary thanks for all you do to make it possible for Bill to help us all. Much love.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Reblogged this on Flatlander Faith and commented:
    Your post brought to my mind a memory from years ago. A brother and I were superintendents for Vacation Bible School. As we were choosing choruses for the children to sing, the brother pointed to the words following and said: “If these children remember nothing else from this week but the words of this chorus, that would be enough to lead them to trust in God in the storms of life.” We made it thee theme song of that year`s Vacation Bible School.

    I know the Lord will make a way for me,
    I know the Lord will make a way for me.
    If I trust and never doubt
    He will surely lead me out,
    I know the Lord will make a way for me.

    Wishing God’s blessings to you and Mary.

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  28. Happy Anniversary to you and Mary!!! Praising the Lord for all the years you have been together!

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  29. Hi Bill and Mary,
    You don’t have to write back. I just want you to know that I am praying for you every day.
    Sending love,

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  30. God bless you both. Yes, He knows far more than we do what we need, and clearly Mary didn’t need the stress of that job. Trusting that He will lead her where He wants her to go, and it will be far better. Meanwhile, what a blessing to be able to trust Him and rest in His will. Not many of us can do that, but with people like you leading the way, hopefully we’ll learn.

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  31. Thank you Bill, for your faithfulness in telling of God’s Faithfulness. Your uplifting, encouraging spirit is always a blessing. Particularly this post at this time, re all things working together for good. At times, as we look at situations through our fleshly eyes, we can say “no way”.
    As we look at situations through Holy Spirit, focussing on Jesus Christ, we can say, “sure looking forward to seeing God work in this and be Glorified.
    Our nephew is in a difficult health situation right now, where a good outcome cannot be seen in the flesh, and we are his only family, going through it with him, and we are all Trusting God. Where there is no way, God IS THE WAY!

    God’s Blessings on you, Mary, and Mary’s Mom, Bill. And thank you.

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  32. Belated happy birthday, happy anniversary and on to new beginnings every moment relying on God. Thank you for your testimony how God is always good and merciful. I was worried then when you went to the hospice. I do not expect a response from you knowing it’s already a challenge for you to right. Just like Job, you cling to Him unshakeably. Blessings to you, Mary and everyone in your life.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. ahhh, Congratulations! what a beautiful couple 🙂

    and thank you for the encouraging post; i needed it.

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  34. Les and I are on the road and can barely drive (Les) because of the tears. We are walking this as well and really needed to hear about persevering through the struggle. We love you and Mary, and are so thankful that you were our old neighbors.

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  35. Bill, your posts and testimony (which is daily) are of great encouragement. About 7 years ago the company that I had recently relocated for lost their funding, it was a startup. New to startups, I never fathomed losing my job. We hung on for 6 months but were finally forced to move, putting all of our belonging in storage. We moved in with my wife’s folks for what we thought would be a mini vacation since other funding was imminent. Well, imminent turned out to be this 7 years. We lost nearly everything except what’s in storage. But during these years we’ve been able to: Help my mother-in-law as (my father-in-law was battling Alzheimer’s), get my wife back to teaching elementary school, get my bachelors degree, and we now have a beautiful four-year-old daughter! We had to learn to pray that God would close doors he intended to close and wait on him to open new ones. We are now, days or weeks away from full funding and moving back! God has taught us so much during these trials. Waiting and patience are attributes God seems to teach us at every turn, but it’s something we get better at as time goes on. I will be praying for you and your amazing wife. God Bless!

    Liked by 3 people

  36. Jennifer Stepanski

    Love much. God continue to richly bless! Jennifer S

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  37. Bill, I praise the Lord for your testimony in the same week as Jerry has been in the hospital again, receiving 2 blood transfusions. We continue to witness the Lord’s grace the greatest during these times of adversity. It is truly humbling when we must endure thiese difficult times, but these are the best times with our Lord. As you and Mary know with experience, we can encourage others by the work He does in our lives. We continue to pray for you and Mary, knowing that our Lord is caring for you in a way others cannot fathom. Blessings as you put all your trust in Him and for your book. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  38. Yes, Bill. She’s a keeper… 🙂

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  39. barclaytmarcell

    Bill, I am a new-ish reader of your inspiring blog. Your words, your life, your faith has been a gift. This past week our son and daughter in law lost their baby and we have been in the valley. Your post has come on the eve of the baby’s prayer service. Thank you for offering unshakable hope in the God who loves us and offers the hope of heaven. Barclay

    Liked by 4 people

  40. A day at a time is what we are walking out here too. Looking for that gold 😎
I would like to prepurchase your book. How can I do that please?
And as I sow into you
R book, your ministry your lives I am going to trust for my book my ministry and my family’s lives because God is Good! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  41. You are both an inspiration! Wishing you loving anniversary. You love each other and know that God loves you. May he put things in place to help you at this time. As a friend of mine says he has to put “the arangels” to work. Your faith is a blessing to us all.

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  42. God surely gave your testimony to me as a gift! I have a degenerative disease called pulmonary fibrosis, and anxiety!! After another hospital visit in the later part of September, I was blessed with great merciful healing!! Unfortunately my anxiety, can get the best of me some moments. Today has been rough, but my prayers and devotion stay with God. I know how faithful God is to us and he has never abandoned me. Finding and reading your post is a gift from God to my heart and soul!! Thank you for being a conduit for God’s love, all
    Praise and Glory to God!! Know that you and your family will be in my prayers!!

    Liked by 1 person

  43. I’ve emailed this to our connect group. It’s on point for our current topic. They may also want to prepurchase your book and support your ministry.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. A day at a time is what we are walking out here too. Looking for that gold 😎
    I would like to prepurchase your book. How can I do that please?
    And as I sow into you
    R book, your ministry your lives I am going to trust for my book my ministry and my family’s lives because God is Good! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Happy anniversary and congratulations! I am sorry that you had such a hard month all the way around, but you are so right – the Lord will use it for good. Somehow He always does. Your faith is truly inspirational, and I appreciate your sharing your testimony! Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Youfr faith will carry you through what ever.

    I try to comment because I feel if someone has something to say I should let them know someone heard,or read as the case may be.

    Thank you for loving my God and being such an inspiration. Hang in there!

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Lynda Kay Verity

    I am just in awe of you BOTH! I sit here and read your blog and am blown away, again. Each time I read this I get inspired, but I feel ashamed that I don’t look for the good in all things. Happy Anniversary! I just learned the news today about Mary. I love Mary as a sister and I wish you two all the happiness in this world. I know He will provide, but I can’t stop feeling sad about Mary losing her job. I have worked with Mary for a long time and I knew this day would come for us all sooner or later. It gives me hope that you look so much on the bright side of things and I know Mary and you will be alright. When it does happen to me, I may need you to cheer me up. I will always have you and Mary in my thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Linda Lee/@LadyQuixote

    Reblogged this on A Blog About Healing From PTSD and commented:
    I just discovered this blog called Unshakable Hope a couple of months ago, and I am inspired, humbled, and amazed by Bill Sweeny, the author of this post! Bill has had ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, for the past 22 years. For many years he has been completely paralyzed, unable to walk, talk, eat, or do anything other than move his eyes, which is how he types his blog posts, on a special computer. And yet, despite everything, Bill Sweeney has Unshakable Hope!

    My Complex PTSD stems from multiple severe traumas and abuses that occurred throughout my childhood and early adulthood. For many years I was staunchly agnostic, almost an atheist, because I could not understand how a perfectly good, loving, all-knowing and all powerful God could allow so much suffering in this world.

    But for the past 15 and a half years, I have been a Christ follower and believer — NOT because all of my questions have been answered, which they haven’t been, but simply because the preponderance of the evidence in my life compels me to believe. Today I really do believe in a holy, all-knowing, and all powerful God, a God who is perfect love, even when life is harder than hard and totally unfair, and even when I do not understand.

    And yes, like Bill Sweeney explains in this incredible post, I have come to believe that all things really do work together for the ultimate good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. The further along I get in writing my memoir, my real-life horror to hope and healing story, the more I can see the truth in this statement. God has brought a great deal of good into my life, out of all the trauma that I have lived through!

    Comments are closed here, please stop by the original blog and wish Bill and his wife a happy anniversary — today is their 33rd. And please read Bill’s post all the way to the end, it gets even more amazing the further down you read.

    Thank you for stopping by, and God bless. If you are like I was for so many years and you don’t believe in all this “God stuff,” I totally get that! My advice is to keep an open mind and heart and keep seeking Truth. You will find the truth, if you seek the truth with all of your heart, regardless of what it may cost you. It’s a promise in scripture and this is how it happened to me, 15 years ago at the age of almost 50!

    Here is a great big grandma’s ((HUG)) if you want one. Now, read Bill’s latest post and prepare to be amazed!

    Liked by 2 people

  49. What wonderful memories you and your wife have, Bill. And what amazing faith. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤

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  50. 💕Happy Anniversary!!💕 You both are an inspiration to me everyday! I think of you often.
    I am so sorry to hear of your recent illness! I wonder if Mary would accept my friend request if she has a Facebook page? I wish I’d known, so I could have prayed specifically. Though I pray for you every time the Lord puts you on my heart (which is often) I like to know what you need prayer for.
    We have been going through some scary financial stuff. But I truly believe your example gives me so much faith! By the way I think you both are keepers!😏❤️

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  51. Part of me, my fleshy part, wants to yell, “WHY?” … However, the part of me that knows my Father so very well (partly because of your testimony) has this amazing peace along with you. I am confident of Him, whom you and Mary have believed. I am praying mightily for you both to stand your ground, to continue to find ways in being His unshakable servants with unshakable hope. Please know I am praying for you both!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Heidi. Mary and I know that this too will work out for good. Even though she no longer has a job, she’s still getting up at 5:30 every morning and doing devotions and then working around the house on projects she never had time to do when she was working. Yesterday was cleaning the sidewalk and driveway 🙂


  52. Forgive me, happy anniversary! And Bill, don’t you dare not release my comment. Mary, hang in there. Family helps family, it’s what Christians do, it’s what Jesus asks us to do.

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  53. Tremendous testimony, Bill. Reading such God-glorifying accounts makes me all the more ungrateful to Him for whining about what amounts to nothing at all. Happy anniversary to you and Mary, and may the Lord continue to bless your entire family far beyond anything you can ever imagine!

    Liked by 2 people

  54. Bill and Mary, my heart melts when I consider the turmoil of the mind where logic and faith comes face to face. I remember my bout with cancer and how my mind raced with all kinds of “what happens if ….” I hope one of your relatives starts a “gofundme” for you folks. If you haven’t already, please do, I know I would like to help plus I am sure many others would also and please publish it on your blog. No buts …. you’re family, we’ll help. Some one in your area, please get this started. As always you all are in my prayers. – Bruce

    Liked by 2 people

  55. Bill, I was there on your wedding day and I also remember when you got your diagnosis. I’ve seen you and Mary be so faithful over the years with everything. I know He will continue to take care of your family. We are praying for you and Mary! We love you both and are so happy you have each other! I’m praying for a better and less stressful job for Mary. Right now, just enjoy the extra attention.

    Liked by 2 people

  56. I am praying for you folks! Happy Anniversary! You are an inspiration sir! I pray more people learn of your testimony and are saved! Grace and peace to you all!

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    • Thank you, Ryan. Leading others to Christ and encouraging believers going through trials is what motivates me to get out of bed every morning. I only wish it would have been what motivated me to get out of bed before ALS.

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      • Amen sir! I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease on 1-6-12 at the age of 33. I suffered anaphylactic shock on 4-28-12 and I stopped breathing. I survived by a miracle through the Holy Spirit. I was down to 128 pounds at diagnosis and I am 6’1″ tall. My normal weight pre-Celiac was around 160. Thankfully it wasn’t cancer, but people have no idea how bad and deadly Celiac can be. My small intestine is damaged and I can’t absorb nutrients properly, so my weight now is around 138-140 pounds on a good day. I also suffer from Cachexia also known as wasting syndrome due to the damage to the villi in my small intestine. I had to give up all the food I grew up on and I have been gluten free for almost 7 years. No wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, and especially no oats, which caused the anaphylactic shock. I suffered years of horrific pain in my intestines and the bathroom trips and vomiting were unbearable. I thought I was going to die and I just about did, but God had other plans. I published my testimony (on Amazon) in March and I have been blogging since 8-10-18 preaching the Gospel and sharing my testimony here on WordPress. I accepted Christ back in Oct. ’96 & have been serving the Lord for 22 years now. God isn’t done with us yet sir! We may be broken, but we are powerful in the Holy Spirit! What a gloriously awesome day it’s going to be when we get our new bodies in Heaven! I am looking forward to eating again without fear of anaphylaxis in a body that is healthy and strong for all eternity! God bless you and your family Bill! You are a true warrior for Christ!

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        • God bless you, Ryan. I am adding you to my ever-growing prayer list. I had a general idea of what Celiac disease is, but, after reading your comments on my post today, I Googled it to learn more. Like ALS, Celiac disease is horrible! I’m sorry you are having to deal with this trial. I am convinced that God has kept you and I here to lead others to Christ. Hang in there, brother.

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          • Thank you Bill! My prayers are with you as well. I really appreciate the encouragement! Not many people know about Celiac and sadly many still mock the disease and the “gluten free” diet that Celiacs are forced to eat. I agree with you, we definitely still have breath in our lungs to lead people to Jesus, amen! I can’t imagine what it has been like for you to live with ALS and I’m sorry for all the suffering you have endured. You and your family are a testimony of the power of God! It gives me great hope to know that at the end of our time here we will go out and leap like calves when we get home! Grace and peace to you all!

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          • Yes, Ryan, I am so looking forward to our eternal bodies, BUT, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He still heals, my friend, and that is what I am praying for you.

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  57. Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary, you are both incredibly inspiring. I’m so sorry to hear about the rough month you’ve had and about Mary’s job. As always, we’re praying and we’re so grateful for your strong faith. Enjoy the weekend with the Sweeney sisters. They will surely bring cheer!

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  58. Amen, Bill. Happy Anniversary to you and Mary. The Lord hasn’t failed y’all and He never will!

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  59. What a testimony you and your family are to the faithfulness and love of God! C. S. Lewis said the same of his wife, Joy Davidman whose doctor misdiagnosed her cancer years before and when they found it she was too sick to treat it successfully. You are right. Only God knows the whys. Happy Anniversary!

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