My Near-Death Experience And Other Things I Am Thankful For

I didn’t plan to share this on my blog because it’s very personal. To date, I’ve only shared this Mary and a few others after a conversation about near-death experiences.

Before sharing my NDE, please let me tell you why I decided it was time to share this. I am very ill right now. What began as probably a common cold has evolved into something much worse, as it does so often in those with compromised immune systems. Other than typing a few emails, I haven’t been on my computer over the last ten days that I’ve been battling this. The hospice nurses have been coming to check on me regularly. Hospice is such a blessing. It looks like it might be an upper respiratory infection or possibly pneumonia. They put me on the same antibiotics that I was on last year when I was battling pneumonia. Needless to say, we canceled Thanksgiving dinner at our house. Mary’s sister was happy to have Thanksgiving at their home. Mary and I are looking forward to a quiet and hopefully restful day alone. I think we’ll list all of the things we’re thankful for, which will be a very long list. God has been so good to us.

I’ve written about this in previous posts, but in September of 2018, I came so close to dying from pneumonia. It was then that I was handed over to hospice. To everyone’s surprise, I recovered from pneumonia, but I still have this ALS thing. I was back on my computer ten days after coming down with pneumonia. However, that battle weakened me significantly. I’m exhausted most days, more so over the last six months. Most of you know that I’m completely paralyzed and cannot speak, so I use an Eye-tracking computer to communicate and post on my blog. Using an Eye-tracking computer can be a real problem when you can’t open your eyelids. I have not been reading many blog posts or anything else over the last six months, including the Bible. Many days I close my eyes and listen to an audio Bible.

As followers of my blog know, a month after I recovered from pneumonia, Mary was laid-off from the at-home job she’s had for almost thirty years. It was difficult, but we tried hard not to go into panic mode. One of the verses we clung to during that time, and continue to cling to is Romans 8:28:

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Well, let me tell you what happened after Mary was Laid-off. My brother opened a Go Fund Me Account for us, and the contributions, along with other generous gifts, exceeded Mary’s annual income! I have needed her assistance so much more since having pneumonia, and now I have a full-time caregiver. God is so good! Thank you so much to those of you who contributed and/or prayed. You can now see why our list of blessings is going to be so long.

(Recounting your blessings are so good for you; I feel better than I’ve felt since this illness began ten days ago after typing that. Mary just came in to check on me and said, “I can’t believe how good you’re doing.”)

I’m sorry my intro to sharing my near-death experience was so long, much longer than I intended it to be. I decided to share it in hopes that it might bring comfort to someone that’s drawing near to death’s door. It has brought me so much comfort every day.

I’m also posting it to tell my family and friends not to mourn for me when you hear I’ve stepped into eternity because, as the Bible promises, and as my brief near-death experience showed me, it’s a place of peace and joy that cannot be attained here on earth. The last thing I want to do is diminish the joy and peace that is waiting for me. I know that one day, maybe one day soon, I’ll answer to Christ for every word I’ve spoken and written, including what’s written below. Especially for what I’ve written below.

My Near-Death Experience

It was January 31st, 2015.

Just a day before my sisters Paula and Lyn came to visit for the weekend, I came down with a horrible case of the flu. At the time, I didn’t know that I had the flu. If I had known, we would have asked them to reschedule their trip.

The day they arrived, I was feeling a little better. In hindsight, I just convinced myself that I was feeling and getting better. However, that night, I became much sicker. A full-blown case of influenza is horrible for even a healthy person, but, as I quickly discovered, it’s much worse for someone weakened by then eighteen years of ALS. Add to this a compromised immune system and only one-third of my lungs functioning, it’s as bad as it gets. Needless to say, I was not a good host that weekend. I spent the rest of the weekend in bed with Mary coming in to check on me every thirty minutes.

I had never been that sick in my life, it was miserable. I was running a high fever, and every bone, muscle, and every other part of my body was in excruciating pain. On top of this, my breathing passages were congested so even with my breathing machine forcing air through my nose, I was gasping for air through my mouth. I just wanted to sleep, but because of the pain and my having to gasp for air continually, I couldn’t even doze off for a short nap.

This constant misery continued for probably 36 hours. Then, just when I thought it could not get any worse. When I was at my absolute weakest. When my head hurt so bad that I thought it would split. When my breathing passages felt completely blocked, something incredible happened – I died.

All of the pain left me instantly and completely. And, there was no more congestion or breathing problems. Let me be more specific; this was not like it was easier for me to breathe, and the horrible pain went away. It was the total absence of pain, and I didn’t even feel the need to breathe. I was in a state of indescribable joy and peace. Long before I was diagnosed with ALS, when I was at the healthiest point of my life, I couldn’t even imagine feeling as good as I felt for those brief seconds. I knew that I had left my body.

Then, after probably less than twenty seconds, I returned to my body. The pain and the breathing problems returned, but I began to recover quickly from that point on. There are no words to describe this, if there are, I haven’t found them yet.

I don’t think a day has gone by that I haven’t reflected on this encounter with the first after death. This revelation has left me strangely excited about the day I enter eternity. Even though this near-death experience was brief, I now know what perfect peace and perfect joy feel like. Perfect joy and perfect peace are inseparable. They are one and the same.

After reading this, you might be asking why, “If eternity is so great, why do you continue to battle ALS?” I am the first to admit that living completely paralyzed, voiceless, wheelchair-bound, and relying on a ventilator to breathe for me and a little pump to feed me is not exactly a good quality of life. I press on because I made a commitment to Christ to share the Good News:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).

Happy Thanksgiving, family, and friends!

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on November 28, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 203 Comments.

  1. I am so happy to make your acquaintance, God is indeed good. I have had my miracles as well so I know the love you feel. His grace is sufficient for us, God bless you my brother. Amen.

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  2. Bill and Mary, book 2 is now at the publisher 🙂
    It will be quite awhile yet, but I am excited to get it in her hands!

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  3. You have made me cry – happy tears! thank you for this post. I am curious about death and so reading this has comforted me greatly. I am battling illness, not terminal but chronic and just being in the knowledge that when that time comes, everything will be ok, is everything to me. God is good!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow. That’s all I got! So wonderfully written. Loved seeing this on my feed🙌🏻

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  5. Thank you so much for this.

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  6. Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented:
    Faith Filled Friday: We never know how or when we will pass from this life to the next. Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? I am so thankful that I did. Heaven will be my new home when my time on earth is over. – Connie

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Blessings on you……continue to share HIS word and the TRUTH of the GOSPEL of peace. You are here for that reason and oh what a testimony you are!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you for sharing such a personal experience. I too look forward to the eternal peace and joy of Jehovah God’s beautiful Kingdom (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:3,4). Rest assured that God will always take care of his servants as long as we continue to put his Kingdom first (Matthew 6:33,34).

  9. Amazing testimony of how a willing man can be used to tell God’s story. You left a like on my article about Jesus healing. I believe you would like to read my “near death” experience at this link: I completely understand your reluctance in telling your story. Two reasons at least: first, it is such an amazing intimacy with God that you feel exposed if you tell and second, you don’t know that you want your story to be mocked by those who not believe. However, you continue to tell the story like it happened. You are telling what happened. No one can prove that it did not happen! You need not try to tell why or how.


    • Thank you, Oneta. I was reluctant to share it, but ended up deciding to share it for two reasons: many of those who read my posts are going through difficult health challenges and I thought it might bring them comfort. The second reason is thinking it might bring comfort to loved ones if/when I die.


  10. I know you’re right, about the perfect peace and joy, and with having no words to adequately describe it. I understand about looking forward to heaven. And I understand about sharing the good news. We share a similar experience which is nothing shy of the immeasurable Grace of God. It makes me smile. And your determined joy makes me smile as well. I’m so glad I came by.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I have to tell you that I am completely enamored how you can communicate!

    My husband and I have been blessed with seven children. Our last two children are a set of identical twins with down syndrome. One of them also has autism. The one with autism cannot speak words but he has a device with pictures and words that he can speak complete sentences with by just touching them. And I think that is such a blessing because then he can tell us what he wants and/or needs. I can’t imagine what it was like at one time when people couldn’t communicate but had complete thoughts going on in their head… God is good all the time!

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  12. This could not have been more timely, as I’m battling a bad case of flu that has turned on me and has lasted way too long, but it is nothing compared to what you’ve gone through. I have wished death would just get it over with. One important thing you shared was your purpose and purpose is critical to move forward. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for sharing this story, Bill. I can understand why you only shared it with Mary and consider it very personal. I have had experiences, not near death, that I have had but only shared them with a few trusted souls. Many people don’t understand that God is all around us every day but we fail to see.

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  14. God is so good. In the midst of suffering He gave you a great gift. Wow so encouraging. Praise God.
    Thank you for sharing

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  15. Thank you for sharing all of this. You are such a blessing. Praying for you and you family!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. God gave you an amazing gift! We often gloss over what the Bible says about God’s love. It cannot be compared to anything we experience here on earth. Thank you for sharing this! I pray you recover quickly. This blog has certainly shined a light in a dark place for many!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. What a wonderful reward awaits you! Continue to be faithful to the end, it will be remarkable lovely to hear, “Well done, you good and faithful servant!” We continue to keep you and family in prayers. Have a blessed day.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. I hope you are feeling better Bill! Prayers for you!

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  19. Regina Goehring


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  20. Thank you for sharing your experience, it means so much to me and all the other people that follow you. You and your wife are truly special. 💕

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  21. Are you related to Sweeney’s in Clifton/Chebanse Illinois??

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  22. You just keep doing God’s work here on earth..I am thankful for your “purpose in living”. Peace be with you…and your loving family. 🙏

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  23. My thoughts and prayers are w/ you, Bill. Your faith is a shining light to the rest of us. May you be surrounded by love, now and always.

    Your friend,

    Anna ❤

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  24. “When I awake I am still with Thee” (Ps. 139:8). Even so shall it be when we awake on that eternal morning, Bill.

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  25. Bill – this post, if you never write another, is a GIFT to all of us. It is enough. If God is calling you home, go easily and with joy. You have run the race well. God be praised.

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Wow this is so beautifully written. I pray you continue to get better. What an amazing NDE. Thank you for sharing and continuing to write. Blessings to you and Mary. 🙏🏼😘

    Liked by 3 people

  27. I love your joyful, painless glimpse of heaven, Bill. Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m sorry you are experiencing this added illness and am praying for you and your family. You continue to be such a blessing.

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  28. issuudotcomslashdewane

    Take courage once again Bill. It is there.

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  29. God bless¥ Eternal life prayer
    Lord make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury
    Pardon where there is despair,hope,where there is darkness, light and where there is sadness, joy

    O divine master grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand,
    to be loved as to love,. For it is in the giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and
    It is in dying, that we are born to eternal life 🕊
    Thank you Jesus ¥

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Hi Bill,

    I bet that helped Paul endure suffering by tasting his eternal reward. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord allow you to share with the voice He was given you through blogging.

    Merry Christmas brother,


    On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 12:06 PM Unshakable Hope wrote:

    > Bill Sweeney posted: ” I didn’t plan to share this on my blog because it’s > very personal. To date, I’ve only shared this Mary and a few others after a > conversation about near-death experiences. Before sharing my NDE, please > let me tell you why I decided it was time to s” >

    Liked by 1 person

  31. The beauty of you having this close-to-the-heart experience with the Lord is incredible. You’ve had a glimpse of the truly good Father we have, the chance to experience the joy and peace of our Holy Father who has walked with you on this journey through ALS and losing all of you to be all of His. I’m so thrilled for you to have this as His special gift to you. And I look forward to conversations with you in heaven when your voice will be returned. Blessings to both you and Mary!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Your strong witness about approaching and experiencing death is encouraging as well as relentlessly honest. So much gratitude; so much agony; so many what-ifs; and so much peace and joy. What a strange mix. I’m so grateful I saw this post today. Now I’m hungry for a gratitude conversation with my husband. 🙂

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  33. As always, you really help me keep things in perspective. Showers of blessings on you and your sweet Mary.

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  34. I experienced an Ah-Ha Moment while reading your comment about peace and joy being one in the same. Of course they are! You can’t have one without the other; they’re like two sides of one coin. Thank you for that bit of wisdom! / Bill, you are an INCREDIBLE inspiration, always affirming the power of gratitude and hope, and proclaiming the goodness of God in spite of your circumstances. We, your readers, are ETERNALLY grateful for you and Mary!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your encouraging comments, Nancy. I am looking forward to eternal peace and joy. On the day we cross over, there will no longer be a need for hope and faith, which are also the same thing. Think about it, we’ll exchange our hope and faith for joy and peace. Good stuff!


  35. Thank you for sharing your NDE, Bill. I also can’t wait for that day to come, but like you, I apparently have more godly tasks to accomplish on this earth. And that’s okay. Sometimes when I open your blogs I have a sinking feeling in my gut that something may have happened to you. I will be joyful for you on that day but my heart will still mourn and I will miss you. God has spoken through you to so many people and I feel blessed to be one of them. I am so grateful for my friendship with you and Mary. We probably never would have crossed paths had it not been for our disabilities. For that reason, I am grateful for this wheelchair.

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    • Thank you, Terri. We are thankful for your friendship, too. I am looking forward to meeting you, but not too soon 🙂 I will train Mary how to post just in case. That’s a great suggestion from you.


  36. Thank you Bill for sharing this. It made my heart happy to hear that you could experience complete joy and painlessness even for a brief moment. You were given a glimpse of hope like no other. As I look back on my husband’s passing just a few short months before, I remember the eerie calm on his face right before he died. He was struggling with every breath and then they became so spaced out, although it was the hardest thing to behold, the beauty of it was extraordinary to see on his face, peacefulness. I do believe in Heaven and I knew he was in a better place, even though the hurt of losing him is still unbearable, it did make it easier to have faith that he was okay. I pray for you and Mary daily and the devotional book you sent me has guided me more closer to God than I have ever been and what a blessing that is. You are a blessing to all of us who read your heartfelt words, You may be bedbound and hooked up to many things, but you are the strongest person I know.
    Love to you and Mary.

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  37. Thanking the Lord for brothers in Christ like you who encourage our hearts and remind us that death leads to indescribable joy. My 91 year old aunt just passed away this previous week. I like to think she’d share the same emotions and sense of peace that you just did…
    Bill, when I think of your perseverance and positive words all these years/blogs later….I’m reminded of Hebrews 11 Heroes of Faith.

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  38. Thank you, Bill. Always, you think about others as you live for Christ. I know you shared this so we would be comforted by the comfort God gave you. This is why your blog is on my shortlist of favorites. You generously give of yourself so that we may also share the same unshakable hope you have. Well done, dear brother. Well done. I hope you’re going to be around the blogging world a lot longer; however, I won’t be worried about you if you aren’t. I will give you a high-five when we me on the other side of Heaven. You and Mary are the best.
    Blessings to you both ~ Wendy Mac

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  39. Wow!! What an incredible story. But, your life is an incredible story. I think of you so often and your faith, and your amazing attitude. You are an inspiration to so many to keep going. To share the Good News. To trust God no matter what. So, thank you Bill for sharing a small part of yourself on here because it helps keep us all going. And praise God for the donations!! I’ll continue to pray for you my friend and your current health struggles. And God bless Mary.

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  40. Your amazing Bill ! Your bold and courageous spirit inspires all of us. Pray everyday for you and your family. Doug

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  41. Wow…this made me cry. Your response is just like the Apostle Paul. You know that it is better for those who need to know about Jesus if you are still here. (Philippians 1:21-24) And that is what you call being compelled or controlled by Christ’s love. Thanks so much for sharing. Praying for you and your family. God Bless all of you. ❤

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  42. Thank you for sharing, Bill, and thank you for your faithful example. Praying for you with great thanksgiving . . .❤️

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  43. I am praising the Good Lord with you, Bill!!!
    I just recently came across a show about 2 people that had NDEs and that peace you describe they had also!!!-Beth

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  44. Bill, thank you for being such an encouraging writer. God has blessed me by giving you this time to share. May he comfort Mary and your family as the time of parting grows closer.

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  45. Been praying much for you and Mary. Your post has made me think about the Lord’s gifts -here on earth and and there, in Heaven. It made me realize that everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, can be used to point people to God and eventually to give Him glory. Thank you for being such an encourager for us, with your experience here on earth and in that place to come! I am praying for your today, in Jesus’ words, “…on earth as it is in Heaven.” Love you

    Liked by 2 people

  46. Thank you so much for sharing! Although near death experiences have been written about, it is so much better when it comes from someone who is trusted. I hope and pray for sweet relief from pneumonia. So thankful for you, my friend!

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  47. God bless you brother.
    My walk is always improved after reading your posts, and this one is no exception.
    You are used of God to benefit the body of Christ, and I appreciate you.

    I will pray for you and your wife.

    Liked by 2 people

  48. Thank you for sharing your experience and always sharing your beautiful heart with us. Col 3:23 tells us to do all things as unto the Lord. Your life is a true devotion to Jesus and an inspiration to me and the multitude of people who know you and read this miraculous blog. I am always encouraged by you and by my sweet friend Mary! I love you both dearly! ❤️

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  49. I sit in humility, as I read your post about your life and your experience. There are no words, just a reverent quietness at the suffering you have endured. Sending you some love and blessings for today. ❤

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  50. The cry of my heart from Uganda is that, Oh that the Lord would heal you physically.

    Thank you for allowing God to use you to stir up faith in nations even when it seems impossible. You are a testimony to the fact that God can do anything through a life yielded to him.

    You are fighting the good fight. You are keeping the faith; You will finish the race and will receive your crown of righteousness as promised. 2 Timothy 4:7-8

    Grace and peace to you, Mary.

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  51. It’s always so good to hear from you Bill. Your life continues to be a blessing to me and many others. I know that God will continue to hold you ‘in the palm of his hand’….. and as saddened as I am when you speak of one day losing your battle… I know how you will be welcomed by our Lord as he says ‘well done faithful and loving servant’… ❤ Diane

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  52. Dear Bill and Mary,
    Thank you for this post. I am praying for you both every day; morning and night,
    I appreciate your insight and your wisdom and courage.
    You inspire me profoundly. May God richly bless you.
    Love, Nancy

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  53. A friend of ours is in very much the same situation as you are. He was given 3 yrs to live after his ALS diagnosis. He is now at 27 year. Though also paralyzed and vented, he is both very active with ALS support and has written a book with the same method as you blog. His book, Living as a dead man:Life lessons gained from losing one life in recieving a greater purpose” by Jeff Lester. He found not only greater relationship with Hod but a purpose in helping others and inspiring others in every situation and hardship.
    I too had a NDE at age 2. I completely understand.. there are no real words to express what it like fully. The bears we can come to it and yet fails to completely sum it is Perfect peace. It transcends the words and IDK if anyone could fully grasp it without experiencing it. I’m 58 now and the experience is still so vivid. Theres nothing like it here but we have remained here at the will and purpose of God but I do not fear the day Im called home.
    Happy Thanksgibing💕

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    • Thank you, Laura. I know exactly what you’re saying about the NDE. I am looking forward to that day.
      Jeff’s book looks great. I added it to my Amazon wish list. I have an agreement with Mary not to order any more books until we finish reading the ones we have 🙂
      Poor Jeff was so young when he was diagnosed, just 27! I was 36. I know you can live long with ALS if you get a vent, I’m glad it’s working well for him. It’s obviously a very personal decision, but I have chosen not to go that route.

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      • Jeff really was young and that was probably the most devastating at the time. Still in college at the time, everything he envisioned for his life, finding love, marriage, having a family, all seemed to have vanished with the world “3 -5 yrs to live” but, God had other plans. He did, young with ALS, find love, married and fathered 4 daughters. He was named the Missouri MDA Person Of The Year for his work for the ALS community. He was accepted into the University of Michigan, Dearborn ‘s graduate business program, graduated with distinction with an M.B.A. and a M.S. in finance….AND wrote the book!
        I think it’s his quiet faith, humor and grace in overcoming the issues of life that transcends ALS and translates to everyone in any situation.

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  54. I am so moved, humbled, and inspired by your testimony Bill. I have to really think about what you shared and how it refashions everything that agitates or bestirs me.
    Thank you dear brother, so thankful for you and lovely Mary.

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  55. As I read your post I thought of Philippians 1- For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!

    God will bless you my brother for your faithfulness to share Jesus with others while you experience a very difficult life

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  56. In the short time I’ve been blogging on WordPress seeing your posts make my heart fill with joy. When you share that’s exactly what you bring, the joy of the Lord. May God continue to keep you in His hands ❤️


  57. Terri Proske Santoy

    Thank you Bill for sharing. Your an inspiration to me.God is good!

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  58. I will be praying for you, Bill. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well right now, but thanks for sharing that with us so we can pray for you! I will also pray for strength and courage for your wife.

    Bekah Brooks from Poneto, IN

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  59. Love this so much! Thank you for sharing. It comforts me more then you know!

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  60. Bill you are a brave and amazing inspiration! It is so wonderful of our Lord to allow you that moment, so that you won’t be afraid and then to be able to tell others so that they too can have peace. Thank you so much for your diligence and hard work in serving the Lord and helping us all to understand more.
    God Bless you and Mary!!

    Liked by 2 people

  61. God isn’t done using you on this earth. Thank you for keeping going. Can’t help but think of the song, “so until then my heart will go on singing, until then with joy I’ll carry on…..Bless you, Bill for your desire to carry on. You minister to so many. I’m one.


  62. Powerful, man. Thanks for sharing the hope. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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  63. Praise God for you and your testimony, Bill! So encouraging.

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  64. Sincere thanks to you for bravely pressing on and sharing your personal experiences. God bless you always

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  65. How wonderful!! Heaven Is more real.than anything on earth ! Indescribable forever joy, learning, doing, totally pleasing Him! My favorite book of all time is the small book titled HEAVEN by Joseph Bayly.

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  66. Thank you for sharing that amazing experience! Oh how I long for Heaven too!! Your words remind of that old hymn, “But until then, my heart will go on singing…” Thank you so much for sharing your story here of the Good News of Jesus within your own life. Many prayers for you tonight.

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  67. Thankyou for sharing your life, your experiences with us. What a wonderful blessing to get a glimpse into what lies beyond. May you and Mary have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Blessings to you 😊💙

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  68. We are so blessed that you have continued your fight for so long, you are an inspiration all your family and friends. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love to you and Mary and Happy Thanksgiving

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  69. God bless and keep you and yours, always.

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  70. Linda Lee/@LadyQuixote

    Yes! Amen! Hallelujah! I had a near death experience when I was just 39 years old. I did not know, until then, that I had a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. My heart went into something called “rolling premature ventricular contractions” and suddenly — I was out of my body.

    Perfect Peace. The most Jubilant Joy. All-encompassing LOVE. And the sense that I was HOME, and there was nothing to fear, ever again.

    Words cannot begin to adequately describe it. This experience was not dreamlike, at all. On the contrary, it was much more real than this life. A hyper reality. And, just think — we who are His are going back there someday — forever!


    Liked by 4 people

  71. Amen!
    God has His plan for your life.
    I am so happy so many gather to help with finances.
    God is so good to bless His children.
    I pray your lungs heal quickly and you are feeling much better.
    God Bless you and your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  72. Dear Bill and Mary, I also know of the love and joy you experienced Bill, because I too was in God’s presence many years ago for a couple of minutes. Haven’t got a clue why but I also am so thankful. Although I did not see or hear anything and my hearing actually faded away in the room full of people that were praising God, I knew like I never knew anything before, that I never wanted to leave God’s presence. You’re right, there is no possible way to describe it. His love is simply beyond overwhelming. I remind myself of the wonder of His presence often because nothing is more beautiful and sometimes our existence here, can take all that we are. I just lifted both you and Mary up in prayer and asked God to bless you, not that I need to do that because He cares for you both more than I ever could and you know that I care. One glorious day we will meet because we are one in Him through the wondrous grace of God’s Son. As always Bill, I ask for God’s grace and blessings on you and yours. – Bruce

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  73. Thank You! So much for your words of encouragement throughout the years…we serve a God that is loving, compassionate and constantly watching over us. I started reading your blog because my sister in law had been diagnosed with MS…I can’t recall how long ago? I don’t know how I came across your blog…but God purposed it. My Brother in Christ, I want to Thank You for your uplifting words, your open heart to us..and yes! One day we will be in the presence of our Living God, where there will be rejoicing, praise, no more illness, tears..ALL things will become NEW. Today is Thanksgiving and Ive been listening to this song most of the day….it speaks about the Goodness of God….of His faithfulness, of His mercy that has never failed….and at the end of the day…Yes! I will sing of the Goodness of God….be blessed by this song. See you soon in that Heavenly Country that we all are waiting for with joyful expectation.🙏🙏.

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  74. Thank you Bill for sharing this. Your testimony throughout the years has blessed so many people and pointed them to Christ in ways you can’t even imagine. Peace and comfort to you as you continue along this journey.

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  75. God bless you and your loved ones, and may He bless the testimony you’ve shared.

    One night in a dream I saw what I sensed was a little spot in Heaven — and it was so beautiful! Total light, but no shadows. The flowers out-of-this-world for vibrant colour and the bird was so tame! Its feathers sparkled like diamonds.
    If it was only a dream it was a amazing one — I’ve never forgotten. Trouble is, afterward this old world looks rather washed-out at its best. And I realized why God sends hoar frost and ice rain: it gives us earthlings a little glimpse of the sparkling beauty of heaven.

    Liked by 4 people

  76. Love you Bill. Our God is so good to us isn’t He? One day we will all be free from these chains and shackles, a day I await with eagerness.

    Liked by 2 people

  77. Thank you for sharing!

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  78. Bill you are an inspiration and a true blessing to me, your blogs are greats and your friendship is cherished, I hope you and Mary had a great Thanksgiving Day and many blessings to you both.

    Liked by 2 people

  79. Looking for that Go Fund Me button – I’m sorry to add to your work. Could you post a link please 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  80. Thank you for your beautiful & encouraging post, Bill!! You will definitely hear, well done, My son, enter into My rest when your time comes to go Home! Love, Linda Menaugh

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 2 people

  81. What a lovely post to wake up to in Australia. I’m so glad you’re still here. I understand you’ve been ill recently, but it would be lovely to hear about some of you work in the Middle East if you have some testimonies. The work you do is amazing and so very important. I hope and pray that when it is time to go home to Christ it is not through sickness or struggle, but peaceful, gentle and joyful with those you love around you (as I hope for myself). Knowing they and you will miss each other but will see one another again. Although when I pray for you I always pray complete healing 🙃
    How is the book coming along?
    I’m so glad that you have both been blessed with greater than before. When my husband was knocked back to 4 days work 2 years ago I had a sense God would show His goodness us, and through unexpected bonuses we aren’t 5 days and we had Hm home that 5th day to help me with the pressures I was coping with at the time. God is Good!
    I will check your website for the go fund me page link again. I’m so glad that together as a community we could bless you both.
    Blessings Bill and Happy Thanksgiving 💜

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  82. Amen Bill! Praise God for that experience! Thank you for sharing! That is exactly what I felt when I stopped breathing, died, and left my body on April 28th, 2012! The perfect peace and painlessness is indescribable! It was absolutely beautiful! You have been on my mind and heart Bill and I have been praying for you. One day we will be free from the pain in new glorified bodies and I am looking forward to that day very much! God bless you and your family and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 5 people

  83. You are a great inspiration to many!

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  84. You have inspired me so much over the years. I first started reading your blog in about 2011, when I became sick. I feel a bit guilty saying, I’ve gotten a lot better since then. But during that time, reading all you were going through and your Christ-centered perspective through it all helped pull me out of a depression. You inspired and challenged and encouraged me! I’ve long appreciated your posts, but today I have no words. Except to say, I am so excited to know one day, when you and I both arrive in heaven, I will be able to meet you, and thank you, face to face. Though I suspect I’ll have to wait in a rather long line to do so. Then again, I’ll have an eternity to wait, so I won’t be too worried.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wife. Your faith has shined forth so brightly. Your life proclaims the gospel.

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  85. Happy Thanksgiving Bill and Mary. You make me weep, man. “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” The apostle Paul knew this truth very well, as do you. I think it was when he suffered the onslaught of stoning when he also died. And then returned. He described it, as have you. I am so proud of you my brother for showing all Christian men what a real Christian man is. All glory, honor, and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus who made it all possible, who opened up a door to Life by His perfect life as our Door. Blessings to you.

    Liked by 4 people

  86. Love ya Bill Sweeney!!!


  87. You’ve been such a blessing, Bill Sweeney. Thank you for sharing your life and your testimony with us. I’m so grateful for your words, for your strength, for your weaknesses, for the One who lives within you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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  88. Thank you for sharing your experience Bill. Amazing.

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  89. What a blessing that God has given you a taste of what is ahead. I can only imagine how that memory must comfort you often.
    Blessings, brother, and I look forward to meeting you in that painless, joyful state.
    Love to Mary, too. (Speaking of blessings 😉 )

    Liked by 4 people

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