Back On Track!

Hello, friends,

I’ve been ill for the last week, but I feel much better today and thought I’d write a short post. It feels so good to feel good!

Since my last post, ” Pressing On,” I’ve been trying hard to do just that. Before getting sick last Friday, most weekdays, I’ve been writing ten hours a day. However, typing with an Eye-tracking computer is so slooooow. ALS is such a frustrating disease! Just when you think it cannot get more frustrating, it does.

With ALS, you get muscle twitches. For whatever reason, tiny gremlins under the skin seem to take turns twitching. I can see and feel these twitches, but over the twenty-three years of dealing with them, they’ve become a relatively minor annoyance.

Until Monday morning, when my left eye muscles began twitching – and lasted four days!

In case you don’t understand how a paralyzed and a voiceless person like me can communicate, I have a special and costly computer. This computer has a camera on the bottom, which tracks my eye movements. It works just like a standard computer mouse, except it automatically clicks on whatever I look at. I have my click rate set at less than a second. Using an on-screen keyboard is how I “talk,” and it’s how I am typing this post right now.

You can now see why one of my eye muscles twitching was such a frustrating problem. I look at T, my eye muscles twitch, and the computer clicks on the Y. I was typing gibberish. More than usual. It was maddening!

With my latest illness and weird eye twitch behind me, I am able to laugh about it.

I’m ready to get back to pressing on!

Even when life is hard, God is good!

“Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.” (Proverbs 4:25).

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on February 14, 2020, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 115 Comments.

  1. ohhh its such stressful disease. i hope you are feeling better now… 🙂 Get Well Soon… 🙂

    Spirituality Awakening


  2. Oh my gosh that would be sooooo frustrating 👁 keep going Bill – the world needs your story 📚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, dear me… How truly frustrating! Praying as soon as I “post” this comment that Abba prevents anymore of such additional annoyances! Your courage, optimism, perseverance and faith in the face of such overwhelming daily obstacles never ceases to amaze and inspire me! God bless you greatly, again and again!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Bill for all of your encouraging words! I’ve been cherishing your words and thoughts about life since my Dad’s diagnosis of ALS last summer. I will pray for you as I pray for my dad.

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  5. I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I just found you ~what an inspiration! ❣️

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  6. Praying for Pressing On 2.0, Bill!

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  7. The patience and motivation required for you to communicate is monumental. I admire the fortitude that God has given you to reach so many in His name and for His glory. You are such an example of God’s strength in human weakness. When I read your words, Bill, I don’t picture a man in a wheelchair with a communication device; my mind sees a mighty warrior on the top of a hill clothed in the armor of God and battling evil.

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  8. I can only imagine how frustrating that must have been. Glad you’re back on track and feeling better!!

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  9. I absolutely love your spunk. Glad you’re feeling better!

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  10. Bill, praising the Lord with you! I’m praying for your family and writing endeavors.
    As a friend and a fan, I always enjoy your posts. Glad you’re back!

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  11. So happy for you that are feeling better.
    Sometimes when obstacles come in my way it makes me chuckle…..someone must be trying to bring me down. (Satan hates when we share God’s). All I can say is that is just another sign of what blessing you are to me & so many others!!!!

    God Bless & Keep Salty

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  12. Howdy, Bill. Like your many other admirers, I am glad that you are feeling better. You are my best example of a man who knows what it means to “cowboy up” Of course, you live in Texas.

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  13. Hey Bill. You are a wonderful mentor. Thank you brother. Wow:” even when life is hard God is good”. Not just a clique; from you its fair dinkum, true blue, Holy Spirit experience right there! You and Mary are the real deal. Love and prayers.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I’m glad your eye twitch is now behind you. And I’m happy you’re pressing on, dear Bill. I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been not to be able to write.
    Blessings to you and Mary ~ Wendy Mac

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  15. Jennifer Stepanski MRS Wonderful

    Love y’all much. Happy Valentine’s weekend. Thank you Lord for Bill and Mary. Thank you for taking such good care of them. Thank you for giving them strength, fueling their faith. Help them always in everything. Thank y’all for your friendship and love. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and your courage and your encouragement. Thinking of y’all often. Prayers always. God healing. Thy Will be done. Bill, I’ve been so very blessed by your words and work. Amazing. Keep pressing on. Stir it up. Glory and honor and praises.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Glad to hear your feeling better♥️
    I so admire your faithfulness to keeping your eyes and heart on our Lord! You make me want to always push to be better at that:)

    Love you sweet friend….

    Liked by 2 people

  17. You say, “I’m ready to get back to pressing on.” But you were pressing on the whole week you were sick, including the four days you also dealt with eye twitches–pressing on in ways the rest of us will never know. With all these other brothers and sisters who’ve commented, I say, praise God you persevere with your writing, Bill. Your circle of influence continues to widen, all for God’s glory!

    Liked by 3 people

  18. God bless you, Bill (I know He does!). Yes, the small ALS annoyances are really annoying! Hope your eye twitching is a thing of the past!

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  19. I love that you can laugh now that the annoyance is passed. Annoyances are an everyday part of life, so your positive focus because of Jesus gives you a perspective that many of us don’t have. Disruptions are intolerable because they do just that–disrupt. But God. I see Him more and more in the disruptions in my life–and you speak of them so eloquently and with such confidence in Him and His grace. Thanks for being such a strong voice–literally–for the grace and glory of our Lord and Savior.

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  20. Amen. Glad to see you back. God is indeed good! ☺

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  21. So glad to hear you are feeling better. Now when my eyebrow twitches I will think of you. 😉 Thank you, Bill, for “keeping on”. I do not know how you continue to do what you do. How amazing are YOU! I read all these fabulous replies and I just want to say ditto to each one. How amazing and inspirational you are. I have grown so much in the time I have spent reading these blogs. I see it mentioned a lot about a book. This makes my heart happy. I can’t wait to read it and share it. I think of you and Mary often and lift you both in prayer every day, I don’t just say it, I truly do. If ever there is anything I can do for you two, please reach out…you give me so much, I would love nothing more than to give back. I mean anything.

    Love and Hugs to you and Mary.

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  22. Bill, I don’t know if you truly know how special you and Mary are! You inspire so many with every post you write! I am in awe of you and your spirit, determination and strong will! So glad to hear you are feeling better. Keep pressing on my friend!

    Sending love to you and the family,

    Liked by 3 people

  23. Oh, Bill, you are such a warrior. And I love LOVE your spirit. God has used you to speak to my heart so many times, to grow me, and to scold me. So glad you are back to writing, but I’m telling you I would have enjoyed reading even the gibberish! God bless you my friend, as He continues to make you a blessing to others.

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  24. Another battle fought, another victory for you. You continue to amaze me with your stamina, humor and determination. Can’t wait to read the book.
    Love you, Ellen

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  25. Thank you for this, Bill. I am greatly inspired by your fight to write, to working on your book, knowing time is short, and wanting to finish the race and complete the course. Life has been a battle lately and has required me to reach way down deep and to seriously press on in order to defeat the forces of opposition, break through into victory, and continue in my attempts to excel for the Lord. He is worth everything we may have to suffer in the process and it is the most wonderful feeling to accomplish work for Him and of course for others.

    You are doing this on a scale beyond my comprehension. I’ve told you this before, I think, but it bears repeating if so: You define Christian manhood, Bill. You show us all how it is done. On top of all the other challenges you face, you are nagged with these new ones as the old, but just keep plowing through, refusing to be stopped, and you even have great grace and humor about it, defying whatever comes your way. Bill is back on track!

    You must have a bigger platform. I am praying that you have a bigger platform. The Christian world needs more of Bill and Mary Sweeney. Every Christian on the planet needs to hear your story.

    Thank you for the encouragement. All glory and honor to the Lord Jesus for all He has done for you and through you, and for us. I love you guys. Be Blessed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words and for your prayers, RJ. I’m sorry you are battling to the finish line. I relate to so much of your message, it’s like you were reading my mind. I am praying for you.

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  26. Silvia Lia Leigh, MD

    Dear Bill, your are truly loved and prayed for! Be strong with the strength of the Lord!

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  27. Welcome back, dear Bill! I sure look forward to your posts. I am so glad you’re pressing on. Blessings!! ☺️

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  28. Glad to hear you are feeling better. How frustrating those eye twitches must be. Can you cover up the twitching eye? You can see I know nothing about it. Praying for great days ahead.

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  29. I am so grateful that you are back on (eye) track and not typing gibberish 🙂 … You are a blessing to so many … Love you and Mary! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Happy Valentine’s Day Bill! I’m so glad you are feeling better! Thank you for your inspiring post as you press on!

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  31. Wow, I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be. Your attitude is so inspiring.
    I’m glad you’re back, Bill.

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  32. I can not tell you how amazing I think you are in pushing on. I lost a sister to ALS so I am well aware of the frustrations. God is still using you so keep pushing, actually he is the one doing the pushing. Regardless, so glad you are doing better. With Gods help and lots of prayer, press onward.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. So glad your eye twitching stopped! It was great seeing you and Mary Wednesday.

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  34. Fabulous! Thank you for posting this Bill, it’s a real answer to prayer! And I really appreciate knowing how you actually write. So glad you’re feeling better, Bob and I love you and Mary…so happy you’re together for another 💙❤💙❤ Valentine’s Day.

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  35. So thankful that you are feeling better! Your words are such an inspiration and encouragement to keep focusing on God even in the hard places. May you feel God’s great comfort and blessing over you and your wife.

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  36. Welcome back Bill! It’s so good to hear from you. As always, you inspire and give me so much perspective on my own struggles. You are awesome.

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  37. Always good to see the inspiring words and thoughts you write Bill. Thank you for always “pressing on”.
    It is impossible to even imagine what you go through on a “regular” day to day basis, without additional challenges such as the latest twitch.

    You and Mary are a definite blessing, inspiration, and encouragement. Your life in Christ, and Christ’s life in and through each of you, is a terrific example to all who know you via blog, in person, or any other ways I am certain.

    God’s Blessings to you and Mary, Bill. Only in Glory will you know how many you have blessed on earth. Holy Spirit continues to minister through you mightily. You are a willing vessel, the type of person / Christ follower, Holy Spirit is always seeking, an open, obedient servant with a heart for God.

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  38. What a blessing, every time I check my Reader and find you here. You and Mary are blessings to us all. Much love, prayers, and blessings as the Lord continues to show you and do His will in ad through you.

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  39. Lady Quixote/Linda Lee

    Thank you, Bill. I was feeling low and I needed to read your wonderful, encouraging, inspiring, faith-filled words right now. ((HUGS)) and prayers for you and Mary.

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  40. I so look forward to every post, especially knowing the effort it takes to do it. You always encourage me. You are a Blessing! 💞

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  41. It’s always great to see your posts Bill, I can only imagine how frustrating that eye twitch must have been. But … you’re back in the saddle and that is what is important. God’s grace, peace and blessings to you and yours as always.

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  42. I can not begin Bill to imagine how frustrating it must’ve been for you . Praise God you are back .
    Your faith glorifies our God and inspires all of us.

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  43. Humor is such a gift, Bill. That you can laugh about this minor suffering given the enormity of all your suffering is evidence of the Holy Spirit’s tremendous and supernatural power. Thank you!

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  44. Thanks Bill for the update. God will always empower us to do what He calls us to do. It is useful to ask Him what the eye twitch was all about: Why now Lord? My thorn in the flesh is a right ear ache. Whenever it hits, I know I am off track and its time to fast and pray. Its usually something I have not done, like ask for forgiveness, and it’s only when I step out to do it that the ear ache is gone, and I mean gone. On one occasion, I had got in the car to go and do what i had to do and the ear ache was gone by the time I reached the first set of traffic lights.

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  45. glad you are feeling better. Blessings to you!!

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  46. You are a warrior, Bill, and an amazing example of faith to us all! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Mary! ❤ ❤ ❤

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  47. Robert Partington

    As they said to Mr. Kotter, “Welcome Back”. Been waiting for this post.

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  48. It’s good to hear from you! I was thinking about you just the other day.

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  49. Even when life is hard, God is good for God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

    It’s so great “seeing” a post from you, Bill.

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  50. Admire your attitude and am glad you are back. Keep pressing on!

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  51. Love your attitude Bill. “Even when life is hard, God is good”. Definitely going to ponder that for a while! Blessings to you my friend.

    Liked by 4 people

  52. Thank you for the post. I am praying!
    And I want you and Mary to finish the book!
    Sending love.

    Liked by 3 people

  53. Glad you’re back, Bill. Yes, keep pressing on!

    Liked by 5 people

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