A Good Quality of Life

I’ve been thinking a lot about quality of life issues lately. More specifically, I’ve been trying to figure out why some people that (in the natural) possess virtually everything we think would make for a good quality of life, yet they’re miserable. Conversely, many others have almost none of the ingredients that we think must be in the mix for a good quality of life, but they seem perfectly content.

I think about this issue more and more as life with ALS becomes an even greater challenge. If ALS takes its natural course, the victim will die of respiratory failure. The muscles needed to breathe become weaker and weaker to the point where you just can’t breathe anymore. Oftentimes the flu or pneumonia are just too much for those with advanced ALS and can speed up this respiratory failure.

I had a severe case of the flu in February, and last month, I spent five days in the hospital with pneumonia. Both times I thought it might be the end of my journey in this life. I was definitely not happy with my quality of life when it took all the strength I had (which isn’t much) just to take a breath.

In a post from a few years ago, I said that I would rather die than live with a horrible disease like ALS. At the time I made that statement (about a year before being diagnosed with this horrible disease), I was healthy and had most of the things that people associate with a good quality of life.

I know that some people look at me and think that they’d rather be dead than live like this. I get it. But, as a Christian, I now believe that I was proud and kind of shallow when I made that statement so many years ago.

It’s so easy for Christians to quote well-known Bible verses when we’re not facing difficult challenges, but these same verses become real and so profound when life gets hard. For example, quoting Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me“), is easy when you’re strong, but it takes on a whole new meaning when you don’t even have enough strength to open your Bible and turn to it.

Does Philippians 4:13 still apply to people like me? YES!

If we put that verse in its proper context by reading the two verses that precede it:

“…I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

In this passage, Paul is saying that the strength Christ gives us is to be “content (with our quality of life) in whatever circumstances” that we find ourselves in. I’m convinced that it’s this strength or lack thereof that determines how we view our quality of life when going through a difficult trial.

There was a time that I really didn’t like reading verses about God making us content in difficult circumstances. Contentment means you are happy, satisfied, comfortable and other words that sounded more like a Hawaiian vacation than trying to cope with a difficult trial like ALS. I basically viewed contentment as the enemy of hope (for a better quality of life). But I’ve since learned that contentment (in the Biblical sense) is not the enemy of hope; they’re partners.

“…hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.” (Romans 8:24-25)

God-given contentment gives us the perseverance we need to keep on hoping for a better quality of life. Christ gives us contentment for today and hope for a better tomorrow; if we are not content today, we won’t have hope for tomorrow.

One day “tomorrow” will be eternity; the day that contentment no longer has need of hope or faith. It will be so much better than a Hawaiian vacation.

I’ve learned that the first and most important step to improving your quality of life is to do everything possible to improve the quality of life for others.

“Give, and it will be given to you…” (Luke 6:38)

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on May 20, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 170 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Sorrow to Victory and commented:
    Take time to read this. Bill is such an inspiration to all of us!


  2. Reblogged this on GOD'S LOVE IS INFINITY and commented:
    truly amazing


  3. I am so late reading this blog. This is a timely message for me. A good reminder. You are such an encouragement to many. A true inspiration. We all have a lot to learn from you. I pray God strengthen you from this past illness. It can take so long to get your strength back to where it was. Many blessings to you Bill.


  4. hello there! Thank you for liking my blog, your posts are very encouraging, keep on writing!


  5. Hi Bill. I have emerged from a long hiatus where I did not write and I did not read other writers. It seemed necessary. Today, after I posted a small part of what it seems I have been learning, released to write again, I hurried to your page. As I read your latest musings I realized I have missed you like an old friend. Your words are like a touchstone where I find echoes of an eternal reality. Thank you for making the effort! I think you have no idea how important your ministry really is.


  6. The best to you my friend…You have been an inspiration for so long. It’s funny sometimes how almost arrogant we can be when everything is fine but what truly counts is when things are at the worst. šŸ™‚

    Blessings to you and as always, a great post! Hugs, Amy šŸ™‚


  7. Thank you for all you write Bill. Enriching in every sentence. Thanking God for you.


  8. Wow!
    Incredible reflections!
    Thanks for sharing your life!
    Million thanks!


  9. Hi, I am the sister of your brothers neighbor, her name is Paula.Paula has talked about you for a long time. You have made a difference in my day and my future days. I had been critically ill 4years ago. I was in a coma and on life support for 3 years. I’ve never smoked and used to be a solid runner.my illness has left me with pulmonary fibrosis. I am oxygen dependent,the last couple of days I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. My faith is very strong and I have been praying for some help. The Lord has never left me abandoned. Reading your blog this morning has been an answer to my prayers!! You absolutely inspire me. I am imagining that it takes alot of energy to post your blog!!Thank you Thank you Thank you. Your an amazing man!! God is working through you! Your life is doing more good works than you know! May God bless you and Thank you again for taking up the challenge!!


    • Thank you SO MUCH, Madonna for your encouraging words!!! This is one of the most humbling comments I’ve ever received on my blog!
      You’re right, it’s difficult for me to keep posting on my blog (getting harder and harder just to get out of bed and into my wheelchair šŸ™‚ ), but I need the interaction with inspiring people like you so, with God’s help, I force my body to obey my spirit.
      I’m so sorry for your health difficulties. I imagine that you could relate to the line (in the post) about having to fight for every breath.
      Keep fighting, my new friend.


  10. Amen. QOL is a staple in my career. Something I preach and rarely try myself.
    I started my own blog as I attempt. Life transformation to reaign my “whole self” with the Lords Will.
    I’d your bored, take a look.

    Transformation: Spirit, Mind & Body


  11. I thank God for the witness you give about the real meaning of life and of hope. I am sure that God has kept you with us this long so that God can communicate to the rest of us about the true meaning of the words “quality of life” that only you can communicate for God! thank you, my brother in Christ!


  12. Reblogged this on SO I HAVE MS…now what? and commented:
    The world of blogging. It’s such a blessing to have the opportunity to be inspired, to smile and even convicted at times as we read. Bill @ Unshakable Hope, always touches our hearts with each and every post. He’s one special man “doing everything possible to improve the quality of life for others.” “Give, and it will be given to you…” (Luke 6:38) The Lord truly is smiling as He states, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”


  13. I rejoice that you have found strength to say that you are working toward being content (and I pray that God would fill your heart with all peace necessary). Truly some of the most inspiring and tear-jerking stories I have ever heard/read are of people who’s lives change utterly suddenly. For myself, I can’t say very cheaply that I am content. I’m not one who has any kind of sickness, handicap, etc (by the world’s standard I’m perfectly healthy), yet my wife and I have less than the people on welfare own. We live in the constant tension of whether we will be able to pay bills, or if we will need to figure out what to sell. We don’t have Internet, we don’t have television, we don’t have video games, and we only have computers for communication and writing =)
    I am content in all things. Thank you for challenging me to reask this question, and reexamine myself. Grace and peace in Christ Jesus, and blessings and love from Ohio.


    • Thank you, TJ. I’m so sorry for your financial difficulties. I had to quit my job after being diagnosed with ALS and this led to us being forced to sell our home, new van and camper and to make drastic lifestyle changes… The financial stress was greater than just being diagnosed with a terminal disease. God turned our financial difficulties around and He can do the same for you. Hang in there!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Amen, friend. Amen! I actually gave a sermon on being content this past Sunday, and the fact that I’m just seeing your post is confirmation for me that I must continue to meditate on this! Thank you, Bill, for this encouragement!


  15. It’s a blessing to read another of your posts, Bill.


  16. I loved this post. I loved how you put such a popular verse that is quoted endlessly into proper context.

    Your posts always inspire me and leave me better than I was before. Bless you!


  17. Wow, what a thought provoking post. It really makes me feel guilty for ever complaining! My favorite part was your last sentence. It is so true. I remember when I was 22, selfish, and all alone in Texas. Everyone I knew was in Alabama. I’d moved to TX with my husband, who had then deployed right away to Iraq, 2003. I was depressed. Depressed, and what finally brought me up was realizing that the only way to be happy was to serve others rather than myself.
    You are an inspiration.


  18. Bill – truly you are a hero of hope. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us that we can see first hand how “in the midst” our Heavenly Father is ever faithful and ever present. Well done you! Praying for our God who makes the impossible, possible (Mark 10:27) to invade earth’s sphere on your behalf with His kingdom of heaven where the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the sick are healed and the dead are raised (Matt 10:8)


  19. Reblogged this on laurasconfessions and commented:
    Bill has been the most inspiration to me as I’ve struggled with chronic illness due to mold sickness. His gracious, honest perspective in the face of such a tremendous physical challenge, encourages us all to examine what is most important in life. Thank you, Bill!


  20. Once again, Bill, you have touched and encouraged my heart. Interestingly enough, our pastor’s teaching this past weekend included this verse – all of it, not just the “I can do all things…” It is obvious to me, and clearly others who have commented above, that you live this. God is your strength. It amazes me to read your words, consider your horrendous situation and see the peace, love, joy and strength of the Lord shining through. Through my tears, I can only say, “thank you.” We overcome by the blood of the Lamb AND the word of our testimony. Yours speaks loudly. The enemy is overcome!

    And thanks for keeping us updated. I’ve been praying for you and your family since I hadn’t seen posts for awhile. We never know when the time will come for you to be running in heaven. I know it will be beautiful and difficult for your family. In the meantime, we are sooo blessed to have you for every minute the Lord allows. May you and your family be blessed hugely today!


  21. Contentment in all things truly is the ultimate way to live but one of the hardest to achieve I think. Only when we truly turn to the Lord can we even begin to grasp how to live this way. And even then, it is by God’s mercy and grace. Particularly in this world where one-upmanship and showing off on social media like FB, presenting the so-called ‘perfect life’, seems to be the number one goal for so many. There is more wealth and search for perfect health in the world today than ever before, yet so many people are so miserable. Says a lot doesn’t it? Thank you for sharing your beautifully written post Bill, God bless you and your family today and always ~ Sherri


    • Thank you, Sherri. You are so right, living content in this world is only “by God’s mercy and grace.” I know what you mean about the “perfect lives” depicted on Facebook leading to discontentment. Apparently a lot of people feel that way; I talked about this in a post (“A Temptation I can relate to”) and it turned out to be one of my top posts. I’m glad that my rare Facebook posts don’t leave people feeling like they’re missing out šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Thank you for sharing your perspective on contentment. It’s something I struggle with daily, but reading your post renews hope in tomorrow. Because God is good – all the time.


  23. Bill, reflecting on your last line, you have improved my quality of life with your faith and courage.


  24. God be with you, Bill. You will have moved a lot of people to think more deeply about how to live their lives. God Bless.


  25. Reblogged this on Shootin' the Breeze and commented:
    Bill Sweeney, the author of this post, is an inspiring individual whose faith sustains him as his body withers from A.L.S., aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease. My Uncle Luke suffered and died from the same condition. The courage shown by both men is heroic.


    • Thank you, Alan, for your comments and for the re-blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are welcome, of course. The part of your post about saying a healthy person might look at another with a horrible physical problem and say they would prefer death struck a chord. My father said that about his cousin after visiting him when he had lost much of his function. He said, “Don’t let me be like Holly.” Later Dad had a bad stroke and the aftermath included aphasia, so he could not communicate well. However, he did not seem to want to die. He appreciated the quality of life he had then. A treating doctor even told us that Dad did not seem depressed. He was a fighter. None of us desire a worsened physical condition than we currently have, but when terrible health problems strike us down, we can be grateful for life itself and for the people who still love us.


        • It’s such a strange dichotemy, Alan. Sometimes it takes difficult trials to make us appreciate life, that seems to have been the case with your dad. Was this the case with your uncle Luke?


          • I’d say they both appreciated life before, but did not know what is would be like to be other than physically strong, and so could not imagine that until each experienced it. Then when stricken with their respective health changes (Luke’s ALS and Dad’s stroke), they each met the challenges bravely, which you have done for a long time, adjusting as you go.


          • Like them, I appreciated life before ALS, but I think that I took my great health for granted. I suppose most people do.


  26. I wish I could find words to tell you how much your posts push me forward in my growth as a Christian. I absolutely love them and tell everyone about your blog. You don’t know this but you mintore me.thank you for another awesome post. would you ever consider guest posting on my blog? I have guest post on the first wednesday of every month. My blog is small but I would love to share one of your post to my small group of readers.


  27. I agree. the best part of my day is doing something for someone else. It seems the busier I am the more I get done with no problem at all. Always trying to include others at the end result. You are spot on my friend. Very nicely written, god bless you, I have lots two loved ones to ALS. the journey of challenge. One day at a timest


  28. An amazing post. Thank you.


  29. Another excellent and encouraging post šŸ™‚ I’m glad that you included the context for Philippians 4:13 because I think it’s often overlooked. Thank you for sharing your insight and more of your story.


  30. Walt Crowder

    Thank you for a very inspirational blog. You are an AMAZING man!


  31. Thank you for this inspirational blog. You are an amazing person!!


  32. Thank you for this moving and profound post, Bill. I am truly sorry for your struggle with ALS. Clearly though it has given you a deep understanding of God’s love. You are an inspiration to all your readers…certainly to me.


  33. I’m sorry you were so sick, Bill–rough stuff! I love your connection between our contentment and hope in Christ with how we perceive our quality of life. Absolutely true. To sing God’s praises in whatever circumstance we find ourselves, is to be strengthened by the hope of heaven that is ever nearer. May God continue to bless you and your family with His Presence and Peace.


  34. Thanks Bill. Something I needed to hear this today. Work struggles sometimes can deter me from allowing me to be content. When I read your post it reminds me of the blessing just to be able to get up and go to this job that provides for my family and knowing that without it I would be so much more worse off. (so trivial to your daily trials) I am thankful for your words which always helps to put it into perspective. Thanks for reminding me of God’s blessings yet again. Love and blessings to you brother!


    • Thank you, Valarie. Work and other responsibilities can really take a toll on people – too many demands on us can lead to discontentment. I’m sorry to hear about your recent health problem, I hope you’re better. Hope to see you soon.


  35. Thank you for this post, it sure puts things in perspective.


  36. “context” – This is something that I have taught and encouraged my fellow students to use when quoting Bible verses! Very wise words you have shared on contentment, Bill. Happy to see you back in the blog-o-sphere.


  37. Your words touch me deeply. I love the last words of your post about improving the quality of your own life by improving the quality of others.
    And better than a Hawaiian vacation?? Count me in!! šŸ™‚
    God Bless you, and thank you for sharing your thoughts on this blog. They are very powerful.
    I am praying that your physical struggles lessen.


  38. Hi Bill. So sorry to hear you had time in hospital. It must have been terrible for you and your family. I would love to have known so i could have prayed for you my friend. Are you able to get your dear wife to email me phil.camden@bigpond.com or Facebook message if something like this happens again (if not i fully understand). Thanks again for a challenging and helpful blog. While I can Im still speaking at different churches and your blogs are an inspiration to me. I just thought that one of the great things about heaven will be meeting people we have come to love but never meet. I look forward to meeting you face to face one day Bill!


  39. Well said my friend. People see Jesus in you while you fight this battle. Keep persevering in Him.


  40. You continue to “improve the quality of life for others” Bill, that includes me! No doubt, our Lord is smiling stating, “well done my good and faithful servant.” Glad you’re feeling better. Blessings to you and your family!


  41. You are so right: “The first and most important step to improving your quality of life is to do everything possible to improve the quality of life for others.” Bill, you improve the quality of my life every time you post! I so appreciate your honesty, wisdom, strong faith, and sense of humor–in spite of the difficulties you face every day. Thank you also for showing us what true perseverance looks like!


  42. Bill, I too was missing your blog. I’m praying for your health and that God would continue to do amazing things through your life.


  43. Reblogged this on As Seen Through the Eyes of Faith and commented:
    A message from a man who knows what he’s talking about!


  44. WOW! Such insight from one who lives it daily. Your encouragement inspires me to persevere with the burdens that I have been called to bear. You are an instrument in the Hand of God.


  45. Thank you, Bill…for renewed perspective. I’m struggling with a tooth ache, heading to surgery tomorrow and your wise words were a great comfort to me. I am always blessed and “balanced” when I receive your posts.


  46. tabitha59reachingout

    Wow! Your last paragraph is very challenging yet good advice. Challenging because it comes from someone who is ‘suffering’ yet you still want to give. Good advice, because it is a godly focus for us all to have. I am grateful to you for sharing your journey with us. It is true that God may not be the instigator of our trials, but He certainly uses them to ‘grow us’. Clearly you have been doing a LOT of growing. God bless you in all things. šŸ™‚


  47. Thank you. Thank you. Your posts are always timely for me. I have been worrying about the future of two grandchildren with disabilities and the safety of a very bright grandson who has been teaching in a Christian school in Afghanistan. You put everything into perspective. When you quote Philippians, it carries the power of your living it. I pray you experience the many small blessings that remind us of the presence of God in all things. Eileen


    • Thank you, Eileen. Trusting God (not giving in to worry and fear) is a daily challenge for us. Your grandson is not just “very bright,” he’s also very brave. Praying grandmothers are very powerful, Eileen!


  48. Happy to hear from you dear brother ~ always blessed by your words ~ Amen :Y




  50. issuudotcomslashdewane

    Bill think about our common destination where all stand on an equal footing and pain free with God singing over us!http://momentsmidstream.blogspot.ca/2015/05/his-singing.html


  51. Bill:

    Thank you for your post. I found it personally encouraging, and most hopeful.



  52. Perspective really is everything. Choosing to see things through God’s grid rather than my own. Willing to live open handedly with what I’ve been sovereignly and graciously given by the God of the universe. I love how you make this so plain, so clear. You get better than most of us what the cost of contentment is. Thank you for being so willing to be so real.


  53. Reblogged this on Is there anyone listening? and commented:
    Embracing the bible in trials makes our hope unshakable! You are my example , thank you brother in Christ!


  54. You amaze me every day. I am so proud to be your sister


  55. Bill, you are one of the top bloggers of encouragement. I love your advice to strive to “improve the quality of life for others”–it’s the secret formula for joy. You do this very thing so well by reminding us of the hope we have in Christ. You’re a gift to all of us. Thank you. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it must have been for you to have pneumonia. My husband was knocked right off his feet when he had it a few years ago (and my daughter ended up in the hospital with it when she was a baby). It took a few months for them to get back to normal. Scary stuff. God obviously has more work for you to do here on earth.

    Blessings to you and Mary ~ Wendy ā€


    • Thank you, Wendy. Your blog posts encourage me also.
      I’m really surprised by how many people have told me it took a month or two before they felt that they had completely recovered from pneumonia. I thought it was just me šŸ™‚ I use a BI-PAP (breathing machine) when I sleep and am usually an early riser, but since having pneumonia, I’ve been slow to get out of bed in the morning – I just don’t want to disconnect from the breathing machine.


  56. Thanks, Bill, for these wonderful words of wisdom. You always bless me!


  57. Reblogged this on Yahushua's Cleansing Reign and commented:
    This is such an amazing blog post that I think everyone should consider before we go about whining our way through the day. Not that everyone does…but we all do at some point, me included, whine about things that really are not all that important. That was also one of God’s biggest issues with the Israelites…their incessant whining…lol.


  58. “Iā€™ve learned that the first and most important step to improving your quality of life is to do everything possible to improve the quality of life for others.”

    Wow. Thank you for this.


  59. My friend,
    Your post comes at a most poignant time in our family’s lives. I cannot go into the specifics at this time but please know that ‘your written words’ have provided for me the words I’ve been praying for to share with my son.
    With our loved ones, (especially as a parent,) watching a prized (aren’t they all?) life shattering into pieces you automatically jump into protection mode; where you begin rushing around in feeble attempts to try to glue life back together with/for them. It is so painful to know those we love are so broken, (whether internally or externally.)

    We’ve held on to the hope of restoration for so long…
    BUT as time has marched on a NEW discovery is slowly emerging….
    of a life, which looks differently than he’d imagined develops, he is recognizing that THERE IS STILL BEAUTY TO BE FOUND.
    He is discovering he is much stronger, much more grounded in faith, hope & trust, than he ever knew because of this challenge he faces. He is filling with a deeper gratitude for the God that walks beside & even some days CARRIES him. And he is humbled by those who have not ‘scattered’ but remained to stay, to watch, and to pray together WITH him.

    The dialogues about this are not always easy, but your tender words say what we (his parents) and he have been dancing around.
    I thank you for this gift today. I look forward to sharing them with him. And one day would love the opportunity, with your permission, to reblog this post with a few of my own added words meant for those who are walking this profound journey with us. I know they will be the salve that is needed…

    Today you have LIVED Luke 6:38….Today you HAVE given…may our love (returned back to you) be what YOU’d hoped for.

    Hugs & many Blessings! Dawn Marie


    • Thank you very much for your comments, Dawn Marie.
      It seems that the most difficult (and frustrating) trials in life are the trials and tribulations of our kids. We just want to “fix” any and every problem they have. But we have to remember that they’re only given to us on loan, God is their Father. It’s strangely comforting to remember that they’re God’s problem – we must trust Him to resolve these issues. This is the frustrating part šŸ™‚ Our primary job is not giving up – the breakthrouh could come tomorrow.

      Liked by 1 person

  60. Amazing! I just thought about you yesterday. Wondered why I hadn’t seen any of your blogs. Very sorry you were in the hospital.

    And I agree with your comment that at first glance, “contentment seems like an enemy of hope.” That somehow we’re suppose to settle for less.

    When in fact, contentment is like the joy of the Lord. It isn’t about being happy with our circumstances, but leaning on the Lord for strength and joy in the circumstances.

    Bless you!


    • Thank you, Karen.
      As I was writing this, I thought of the paralyzed man by the pool of Bethesda. It seems funny that Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed, but He was really asking him if he was content in just continuing to lay around. That’s the bad kind of contentment, the contentment that’s devoid of hope.


  61. Oh Dear One, this is beautifully said. And, with your permission I would like to repost it. I think it’s a must-read for those who are facing trials of any kind. I’m thankful that you pulled through your illnesses this winter. And I’m praying God will give you strength for today. I hope you know how much you are loved by those of us who look forward to hearing from you.


  62. forrestwebber

    The timeliness of this post was extremely helpful to me (in a gentle and reproving sort of way!). Thank you Mr. Sweeney.

    Sincerely, Forrest Webber

    Forrest Webber


  63. issuudotcomslashdewane

    Your honesty is like a cool mountain stream. So many talk of living 110% for Jesus, but they have no idea. The fellowship of His sufferings does not come to every Bible reader. The ones who breeze by are in truth the poorer for it. Thanks Bill…Doug


  64. “But Iā€™ve since learned that contentment (in the Biblical sense) is not the enemy of hope; theyā€™re partners.”

    Dear Bill, when you write I listen. So often we “know how” things are meant to be. So rarely do we “know” when we offer “advice and comfort”. Your post here and the reference to comments you made way back then – not one of us experiences living more than one moment at a time. I love listening to your moments.


  65. Wonderful post! Thank you so much for your candid observations about the terrible challenge you are going through. I have a goddaughter whose husband died from ALS about three years ago. They have two young daughters. I witnessed the tremendous challenges they faced on a daily basis. His wife was with him every step of the way. My heart goes out to you and your family. Now his mother has been recently diagnosed and Kim is moving her in to take care of her. I am going to recommend your post to Kim for encouragement.


    • Thank you. Yes, ALS is a daily struggle, but I suppose most trials are.
      In Kim’s late husband’s case, the ALS is probably genetic. Thankfully mine is not. Thank God for suffering servants like Kim and my wife.


  66. mrsmariposa2014

    One of my favorite verses for that very reason. What truths here! Bless you, brother.


  67. Looking back on my life I find many more great “Giving” stories than “Getting” stories. There’s a lesson in there somewhere. I really like your post today, especially coming from someone like yourself, who gives the words contentment and perseverance a very real and profound significance. Thank you Bill.


  68. You continue to overwhelm me, humble me, and make me appreciate HOW MUCH I have every post. You are truly a gift and an inspiration. That you continue to write with your trials is a blessing. God bless you and I will continue to pray for you and your family and all those that suffer in this life. I can’t imagine what your every moment of every day is like yet look at what an incredible blessing you ! Thank you for sharing your insights, faith, and inspirations. God bless and love, peace, and joy of the Lord….always!!!!!


  69. Reblogged this on Catch Me When I'm Falling and commented:
    A great post from Bill at Unshakeable Hope. I needed this today. Maybe someone else does too…that’s why I’m sharing it.


  70. That was a dose of medicine I needed this morning. Thank you.


  71. Thank you so much for your comments and for the re-blog, Diane.


  72. Thank you for the re-blog, Bruce.


  1. Pingback: “A Good Quality of Life” 5/22/2015 by Bill Sweeney, stricken with ALS 18 years ago | God's group

  2. Pingback: A Good Quality of Life | Nice One Nana

  3. Pingback: A Good Quality of Life (reblogged) | alighttomyway

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