Nothing Can Break The Chain!

My first blog post was eight years ago this week. My goal in starting this blog was to encourage and strengthen the hope of those going through difficult times. My goal remains the same. But, when I began this blog, it never occurred to me that I would be encouraged and have my hope strengthened by reading other blogs and the comments on my posts. I’ve never met any of my fellow bloggers, but many of you have become good friends, friends for life. (“Friends for life” is probably not much of a commitment for a guy on hospice :-). Seriously, I am thankful for your friendships.

The world has changed so much over the last eight years. In many ways, it’s gone from bad to worse.

The world is being shaken, but my hope in Christ remains unshakable.

Even amid trials, God still blesses His children. By far, the greatest blessing Mary and I have received since I started this blog is becoming grandparents. Our oldest daughter and our son-in-law have three adorable kids. Even though I’m not able to talk to them or play with them or even hug them, I am so thankful that God allowed me to stick around to experience becoming a grandfather.

Our oldest grandchild is a handsome and intelligent six-year-old boy named Jude. He is also a deep thinker. A few weeks ago, my daughter asked Jude to draw a picture describing his relationship with God. Below is the picture he drew:

It’s difficult for my old eyes to see, but there’s a chain securing Jude to God. I love the caption he wrote under the picture, “Nothing can break the chain.” He said the little picture in the upper left corner is “a mean bee that can’t get me because I’m protected.” When the pandemic began, my daughter and son-in-law helped Jude and his four-year-old sister Peyton memorize Psalm 91. On a recent backyard (social distancing) visit, they recited it for Mary and me. We think Psalm 91 is where he got the “protected” idea.

“Pops” is so proud of his three grandkids!


“Nothing can break the chain” is an excellent summary of one of my favorite passages in the Bible:

“Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? …But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35-39).

Jesus is the “unbreakable chain” that connects us to God!

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6).

What would your picture look like if you were to draw a picture of your relationship with God?

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on July 10, 2020, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 140 Comments.

  1. Dear Bill —

    Wishing you, Mary, and the family a wonderful Thanksgiving! You have my profound thanks for your prayers and support. In this year that has seemed so dark, we still have God’s love to comfort us, and the light of faith to guide us.

    Your friend,

    A. ❤


  2. Oh, this my first time reading your post. This is wonderful! And your grandkids are the prettiest too🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a beautiful family. Thank you for the reminder that NOTHING can separate us from His love!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, you and Mary’s grandchildren are adorable. This made me tear up. The good kind. I make sure to mention “good kind’ because my grandson got concerned when my son told him he was making me tear up. Once I assured him it was the good kind, he pranced proudly across the room. Yes, grandkids are the best. Enjoy, my friend.
    Blessings to you & Mary ~ Wendy Mac

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  5. Oh I love this so much!! Kids are so precious. I have been out of pocket for a bit but you have been on my mind. May God bless you and have mercy, Bill. I read your last post and emphasize. This world… i also hate it, but I also know so many lost still. But you give me hope. You are still running your race well!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Christine Lomas

    Dear Bill. Just thought you might like to know where I found the quote from Corrie Ten Boom. If you go to and put in ’40 powerful quotes from Corrie Ten Boom’, there is a lovely piece about her plus some of her most inspiring and beautiful quotes. The one I told you about in full is: ‘With Jesus, even in our darkest moments, the best remains and the very best is yet to be’. I have read quite a few of her books, including ‘The Hiding Place’ about her early life and later on, when she and her family were arrested by the Nazis and taken to Ravensbruck Concentration camp for helping Jews during the 2nd World War. Her faith never left her, even when she was parted from her dear Father and family and spent 4 months in solitary confinement in a dark and stinking prison cell! I greatly admire her for her faith and hope in Jesus Christ. She is a lovely example for me – as you are also Bill. Thank you so much.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Christine. I am very familiar with her powerful story. I have not read the book, but I’ve seen the movie at least three times. She’s one of the real heroes of faith.


  7. Marla Crowder

    Such a sweet note! It must make you so grateful and proud that you have a daughter and son-in-law making sure your grandchildren are taught to know a loving God! Blessings to you and Mary.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Marla. We are thankful that the kids are being raised to have a relationship with Jesus. I’ve enjoyed seeing pictures of your trip. You forgot to take me with you 🙂


  8. Christine Lomas

    Hi Bill. Thank you for the wonderful message and sharing your lovely Grandson’s picture. I was so moved by it and especially the reminder that nothing can separate us from God’s love and care. Corrie ten Boom once said ‘When the worst happens, the best remains’ and I wondered what she meant when I first read it. Now I know she meant God – He is the best! May God always be with you Bill and your family. God Bless.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Dear Bill, thanks for following my blog. What you wrote here and your excellent attitude despite all you are facing in your life encouraged me today. I feel I would be entrapped by self-pity, but instead you are writing to encourage others. That’s my goal as well, but some days I fall. Your grandchildren are so beautiful, and the drawing is inspiring. Keep writing as long as you can. Many people are being blessed!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Hi Bill,

    Just think about all the eternal hugs & kisses coming your way. CS Lewis spoke about Heaven being the place where we are the most human and not hindered or limited.

    In Christ,


    Liked by 2 people

  11. Your grandchildren are so beautiful, and the picture really touched my heart. God bless to you and your lovely family. ❤️

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  12. Now, you and Jude have gone and made me cry, Pops. You have every reason to be proud. Beautiful grandkids. Beautiful truth.

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  13. Jude’s artwork is not only beautiful…it is truly inspired! I guess I was first initiated into grandfatherhood a year or so after you (I also have three). I know you will agree with me that each one is a little miracle from God and we are only stewards of these amazing gifts for a short time. You may not be able to hug and spoil them as you would like, but the prayers you are sending up for them is the best gift you could possibly give!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. What a great legacy you are leaving for your grand-kids! I love how the faith of children can really open our eyes to the simply truth of how much God loves us. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family and their unshakeable faith with us!

    Liked by 3 people

  15. thank you. I have typed out Romans 8:35-39 as my email footer for about 3 years now. Just recently a lady from HR, who works for a company where I will be working soon, told me that she enjoyed reading the scripture in my email. It is one of my favorite and I hope it will bless others. thank you so much for sharing. God bless

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Wow. Your grandchildren are so adorable. And love the heart Jude has – given to God even from a young age.

    Happy 8th blogvarsary 🤗

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Oh I love this – thank you Bill. I love the picture. My children used to draw pictures like that, now as teenagers… but they will spend time going to where God is for them and explaining what they see, experience, feel, sense… I am so grateful that we have these tools and understanding for this season. So capable of asking God what are you up to? Where we place our focus is so critical, as we in Melbourne start another 6 weeks of lockdown.
    Thank you for posting.
    Your Aussie friends and family 😊🇦🇺

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    • Thank you, Beth. Kids seem to understand having a personal relationship with God easier than most adults. I’m sorry you are having to do another lockdown. We are still fighting this unseen enemy in Texas – relentless!

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  18. Thank you again Bill for your example of hope and faith in Christ. You should be very proud of your beautiful family. While you haven’t been able to hold your grandchildren you have wrapped them in so much love that they can’t help but see Jesus in you, as do we. They are so very blessed to have you and Mary in their lives. Love from down under brother.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Phil. You and Lenore became grandparents shortly after Mary and me, I think. Mary hates this social distancing because it limits visits from the grandkids and no hugging! I hope you’re well over there.


  19. Great post Bill. Mary reached out to me the other day by email and it was so good to hear from her. I am praying for you both often.

    Liked by 3 people

  20. Awwww, your grandchildren are so beautiful! What a wonderful picture he drew for you to always treasure. God bless you all!

    Liked by 4 people

  21. Thank you so much for sharing … what precious pictures. Makes me look forward to grandparenthood … and memorize Psalm 91 myself. You have laid a strong foundation of (unshakable) faith for your children and grandchildren, Bill and Mary. Sending hugs and love your way, friends!

    Liked by 3 people

  22. “Nothing can break the chain “ …means so much. Thank you for sharing.
    Your grandchildren are adorable. As a grandparent myself I can relate. But you are So blessed, your grandchildren are learning about God. What a joy!
    Love and blessings to you and Mary.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. God through the eyes of a child is the clearest and purest vision until we see Him face to face.

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  24. Hi Pops! Thanks for the fruit snacks we got on the mail today! You’re the best! -Jude, Peyton, Claire

    I wonder what Jude would say if I told him you shared his drawing with all of your friends!? Ha!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I loved the picture and the thought of the chain not broken… I actually though shed a few tears because while I know God doesn’t let go of us…. I feel right now some of the links in the chain are weakened… because of how I’m feeling right now. There just has been so much on my mind… I’ve been preoccupied with ‘things’ instead of what I should be thinking about… and that is my relationship with God.
    While I know we should not compare ourselves with others, I have to think that I don’t have nearly as much to bear as so many others do…. including yourself Bill….
    I guess I’m just feeling the need to be honest right now… not sure why … Take care Bill… Diane

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for being honest, Diane. I can relate to what you wrote. I think I am guilty of sugar-coating my trial some times. I often get caught up in focusing on ‘things’ also. Life is hard, my friend. There’s no glossing over it, but God is still good. I am praying for you.

      Liked by 2 people

  26. How wonderful that the children memorized Psalm 91! Their parents are making good use of the time, building that firm foundation. What a great family you have. Bless you all. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Yes….out oft he mouth of .babes.
    This may sound silly to some but, since my husband passed and isn’t here to comfort me himself I often ‘feel’ myself sitting on Gods lap with my head on his shoulder.He is my Abba after all.

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  28. Your grandchildren are just precious! I love Jude’s drawing and message.

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  29. I love this story! It IS scary to look at the world today. The news is filled with nothing but stuff that causes fear. Thankful for the truth that you have shared – that’s the best news we can all hold onto!

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  30. What an amazing (and handsome!) young man, that Jude. He included so much meaning in that one drawing. You called him a deep thinker; he probably got that from you! And as handsome as he is, his two sisters are beautiful. Grandkids do provide a unique pleasure, don’t they. With everyone else here, I’ll chime in with my “thank-you-so-much” for persevering, Bill, to keep this blog going, to keep sharing what God whispers into your heart. We are humbled and encouraged by your unwavering faith and your strength of spirit that never wanes. Happy Blogaversary!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Nancy. I know you enjoy being a grandma. Mary and I hate this social distancing because our daughter is afraid to bring the kids over because they might get me sick 😦


  31. Precious, Bill. “Out of the mouths of babes…” “Of such is the kingdom of heaven…” “A little child shall lead them…” I pray that such words never become to us trite sayings.

    I don’t recall when I first “happened upon” your blog, Bill– it was a few years ago– but I’m blessed to be still following you in this your eighth year.

    My picture (and actually it’s something that often comes to mind when I remember my past) would be of the beggar being lifted up from the dunghill, and set among princes… of whom you are one, dear Bill, among many others in the family of the great King. 1 Sam. 2:8.

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  32. Love Jude’s picture too ❤️ so precious!

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  33. It will be a constant blank space for I cannot contain him in one picture. There will be nothing to break for God does not chain me. With his infinite mercy and grace, there is indeed unshakable hope.

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  34. What a blessing to see your post. Your grandkids are so beautiful, truly a gift from God and I love the drawing! It reminds me of a drawing my son made at about the same age of our house with lightening striking above it but angels all around it. They are our teachers!
    And you two are wonderful and amazing!
    Love you Bill and Mary

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  35. Beautiful Grand kids. I agree about the book. I’ve been reading and smiling and sometimes crying while I read. First heard you and Mary on Chris Fabry. Blessings in Christ.

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  36. I love Jude’s drawing. We can learn so much from children. They have the sweetest, purest faith. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging. You are a blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. What a beautiful family! The drawing is amazing. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I truly appreciate you. Blessings.

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  38. Lady Quixote/Linda Lee

    Thank you for this wonderful post, Bill. My heart is overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for you and your blog. Eight years and still going. Praise God!

    The picture of your grandchildren is so precious. Amazingly, your grandson looks very much like my seven year old great-grandson!

    If I could paint a picture of my relationship with the Lord Jesus, I would paint an image of Christ reaching down and pulling me out of the terrible mental institution where I spent two of my teenage years, over fifty years ago. Shortly after I was put there at the age of 14, I asked the ward psychiatrist how soon I could go home. He coldly informed me that according to the current statistics, more than 97% of the patients in that institution were never released. “And if you are still here after one year, the odds that you will ever get out of here alive will go down to less than 1%”, he said.

    Can you imagine a doctor saying this to a 14 year old girl? I ran away after he told me this, and was caught and put on the maximum security ward, with the criminally insane. I was not a criminal and I had never been dangerous. I had PTSD — but PTSD wasn’t even a psychiatric diagnosis in the 1960s. When the one year anniversary of my incarceration came, knowing that my odds of spending the rest of my life in that horrible place was greater than 99%, I hung myself. I was a skinny girl and did not weigh much. But the substantial looking pipe that I hung myself from, broke! A few months later, a new psychiatrist took over the ward and said “You don’t belong here.” Then he immediately set things in motion to have me released as soon as possible. I know it was God who arranged everything so that I would ultimately be set free. God made a way where there was no way. Praise the Lord!!!

    So yes, my drawing would be of Jesus setting me free against all the odds. Nothing — absolutely NOTHING — is impossible with our Lord! Today I am writing a book about how God has delivered me from every kind of bondage. Although I was very unworthy, He called me His own and He rescued me. Thanks to the freedom that was given to me in 1969, I was able to have three children — one of whom is a newly licensed therapist — and three grandchildren, one of whom is in a doctorate program at Syracuse University, after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree from Temple and a Master’s from Harvard. Plus, I have a wonderful great-grandson. None of my children and grandchildren would have ever been born, if the Lord hadn’t chosen to set me free. Praise the Lord!!!

    Liked by 8 people

    • Wow, Linda. I would like to read your book. It sounds like an old movie I saw where a perfectly sane woman gets put in a very dark mental institution. She kept telling them she didn’t belong there, but that’s what everyone says. I’m glad that God rescued you.

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      • Lady Quixote/Linda Lee

        Thank you, Bill. I wouldn’t say that I was perfectly sane, though. After growing up with multiple extreme traumas, I definitely had some issues. But locking people up in an (in)human warehouse for life, simply because they have some emotional issues, when they haven’t committed a serious crime and they aren’t a danger to themselves or to anyone else, is definitely not a humane, loving, Christian thing to do.

        The good news is that the notorious state asylum where I was locked up as a child, was closed and torn down in the 1990s. About six years ago, my husband and I traveled to the site where the asylum used to be. It was the largest building in the state at the time of its construction, more than a mile in circumference and three stories high, with a large four story section in the center, plus several large peripheral buildings. There were multiple thousands of people locked up in that place when I was there. Standing on the large barren ground where the asylum used to be was … surreal!

        Bill, I know it is very difficult for you to write, so please don’t feel like you must reply to this comment, too. Your posts bless me so much, as do your comments. Knowing that you want to read my book is very encouraging. It’s a difficult story to write! But if it can help just one person, then it will be 100% worth it. God bless you and Mary. I am praying for both of you. ❤❤

        Liked by 2 people

        • Dear Linda, I am Bill’s brother (he and I split the middle of 10 children, so we are the middle-child 🙂 I can type (somewhat) more easily than Bill, so I just wanted to acknowledge your very moving story and testimony. Thank you for sharing your journey of faith and grace in overcoming…like the song says “you’re an overcomer!”. Thank goodness God made weak iron in that pipe that day, because He needed you! Not only do you change the world, he needed you to entrust your children to — who change the world exponentially. God bless you! Ed

          Liked by 2 people

        • That’s a huge ‘warehouse,” Linda. I can only imagine how difficult that visit was for you, with PTSD… We are looking forward to reading your book.

          Liked by 1 person

  39. Well, you have inspired once again and now I’m in tears. What a wonderful way to depict his relationship to God, one heart to another…and the bee that could never get him…priceless. Our preacher is really driving home the fact that we need to sit down with out children, teach them and show them how we love Jesus, so they will see and do as we do. So many children never ever get that chance. What a blessing that your children had you and Mary as examples and now look at the grandchildren, reciting a whole Psalm! What joy that must have given your two hearts! You should have him write a children’s book with illustrations like that in it, what a best seller that would be! Thank you for all you do. Thank you and Mary for being my friend. Thank you for your inspiring messages and insights. Thank you for continuing to chug along, even when you probably don’t feel like it sometimes. Thank you for caring enough to do it for us! Thank you for being a constant inspiration. Thank you for reminding us what is important. Thank you for sharing your family and memories with us all. Just thank you. What a blessing you two are. Love and Hugs to you both!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for your encouraging comments and for your prayers, Lynda. Mary and I pray for you. I agree with your pastor. These are difficult days to navigate. Our daughter and son-in-law are such great parents.


  40. A little child shall lead them! Is what comes to mind as I read this. Your grandson is smarter than most 6 year olds! What a sweet heart and great mind! I’m sure he will go far! He’s already touching a bunch of your readers! From one artist to another, tell him to keep drawing!
    Bill…. what would we do without you? So many times I come here and get fed! I am so glad you landed on this blog 8 years ago! Happy Anniversary! You are a household name for many of us inscribed on our hearts forever!

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Bill another great message that I needed to hear today!!!
    Sometimes in our grief we can lose sight of the one we need to set our eyes on. I believe that my chain has not been badly bent but my broken. Praise God!!!!
    Prayers for you always!!!
    Tammie Wade

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    • Thank you, Tammie. As I wrote in the previous comment, I can’t imagine any trial more difficult than losing a child. That’s definitely going to test the strength of your chain. One day at a time, my friend. We’ll see Stephanie again!


  42. Your posts strengthen me… thank you so much for your kind and powerful messages. John 14:6, was the Bible verse our son’s funeral sermon was based on. Continued blessings to you, for you are a blessing to others.

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  43. You are doubly blessed in Legacy Bill. Between grandchildren who love the Lord and Bloggers deeply indebted to your insights from a perspective from which no one would choose to view life. Yes those are truly unbreakable chains no matter how bad it gets down here. From me to you a deeply heartfelt Thank you

    Liked by 2 people

  44. Bill, congratulations on 8 years of blogging and being a part of our community. You are a light of hope and inspiration. Your physical limitations do not define, the Jesus in you, and that light brightly shines through the generations, into your grandchildren.

    This post is another thought provoking one. Love, Jude’s drawing and how he illustrates profound truth, in a simple manner. Jesus said in Matthew 18, “2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Jude shows the wonderful love of God for us through Jesus.

    My picture would show Jesus pulling me lifeless from the ocean and breathing new life into me, and us dancing together. Jesus brings joy!

    Abundant blessings of love and joy to you and Mary and your family.

    Liked by 3 people

  45. Amen brother Bill! What a true blessing it is to be friends for life with you – thank you for stepping out in faith and starting your blog and letting God lead you on this adventure as you reach the world for Christ! What an amazing testimony! Our God truly does all things well and for His glory and He does triumph and rejoice over us in His steadfast love!

    What an amazing encouragement from Jude reminding us that “nothing can break the chain!” Thank You so much Lord Jesus for that! 🙌🏼

    Love the photo of your grandchildren! Thanks so much for sharing!!

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  46. Bill – you’re simply phenomenal, brother. I will be reading your most recent blog and sharing Jude’s pic in a family devotion tonight. Thank you.

    Great is your faithfulness. You did not ask for the particulars of your assignment here on Earth but from this human vantage point, you have carried it out so well. I heard Dave Roever say that someone once said to him that “God trusted you with the scars.”

    He trusted you, sir. You have worn them so very well and blessed so many of us. Far more than you can know.

    Again, thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for your encouraging comments, Kenneth. I definitely wouldn’t have chosen this path, but God’s grace is just enough for Mary and I to keep walking. Dave Roever has been a great inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing.


  47. Bill, I LOVE this. Thank you for all you do to bring hope and encouragement to others. Your grandchildren are precious!
    Much love in Christ! I cannot wait for heaven, when we can all meet and celebrate being unchained to sickness and sorrows! Sue

    Liked by 2 people

  48. What positively beautiful children. My picture came from a time of contemplative prayer about 14 years ago. My Dad to whom I was so close, had just died. My mind showed Jesus holding me, then enfolding me into Himself. I will never forget that! Your grandson’s picture is of hearts. How else do we relate to Him. Very perceptive. And wise.

    Liked by 2 people

  49. everydaywiththeking

    Love the drawing!
    Out of the mouth of babes 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Jennifer Stepanski

    So love his drawing and the lovely pic of the 3 grandkids. Marvelous. Yes, thank you God for your “unbreakable chain”. Safety and Trust. Speaking about chains, reminded me of a song, I sang over and over for so many years, but haven’t thought of recently.
    “Praise the Lord, for He works through those who praise Him praise the Lord. For Our God inhabits Praise. Praise the Lord, for those chains that seem to bind you, they drop powerless behind you, when we Praise Him.” Praise Him”!! May not be all written right, but singing it in my head now!
    Love hearing from you. Been thinking about you and praying for y’all so, since I saw Mary briefly the other day. Healing Power. Glory To Our God!
    Thank you Jesus for your touch on Bill, Mary and Rose! Wrap them safe in your arms! Praise You! Love y’all so. Thank you for serving and ministering to me, all of us! Grace. Hope. Love, Jenny Thanks for being there for us during Mom’s transition. GLORY!

    Liked by 2 people

  51. Bill
    Jude’s drawing is remarkable-deep thinker for sure. Great photo of all the kids – so lucky to have such great role models. Miss you all.
    💕 Janet


  52. Oh, Bill. This brought tears to my eyes. The children are beautiful. Love and faith are the greatest gifts we can pass on to our children (and grandchildren). You exemplify both.

    Your friend for life,

    A. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Bill I have read your blog for the past few years, you’ve always inspired me! I struggle with health problems ( I have pulmonary fibrosis), 9 years ago I was in a coma for 3 weeks and on life support for 3 months. I’ve never smoked and was an avid runner. In rehab I had to learn how to do Everything again, starting with swallowing. I’m on oxygen 24/7. A lot of times it feels like I’m sitting on the bottom of a pool trying to breathe through a straw. A myriad of struggles and pain go along with this. I tell you these things not for pity, that is never a good place for me to be in my head. I tell you because, as you can attest to God being very present in suffering and you are such an example of this!! You are gift from God to us! Thank you for answering the call of discipleship! Thank you for shining a light on the beautify of life! What a beautiful family you have! May God bless you and your family abundantly.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for your comments, Madonna. I’m sorry for your health troubles. I can definitely relate to your feeling like you are breathing through a straw at the bottom of a pool. At times, it feels as if someone is pinching the straw. But, as you said, His grace is sufficient. He is good – so much better than I deserve! I will be praying for you.


  54. Congratulations on eight years, Bill! I know this anniversary means a lot to you. We have all discovered the wonder of this medium through interacting with other believers and sharing our hearts. It reflects very well the New Covenant model. Attending church can be great and there is certainly fellowship there among believers but this medium allows for greater expressions of our hearts and includes those not connected to church. The Lord makes a way for all of us regardless of circumstances and is with all of His children at all times. That’s the wonder of real Christianity in that God’s presence is always with His children and His love knows no bounds.

    We are so blessed to have the technology that allows for this communication. I have never met you Bill, but I feel I know you by all your posts. You have been a consistent witness over these eight years and I’m blessed to have discovered your site at some point back there. We have come a long ways and the world has certainly changed in this relatively brief time but our Lord and Savior remains a constant and a solid Rock, a sure foundation upon which we can build our lives. We suffer loss at times but it never means losing Him and that makes all the difference.

    Thanks for being a good guy. What a great family. You’re blessed! Blessings to you, Bill.

    Liked by 3 people

  55. mrsmariposa2014

    Absolutely beautiful truth. From the mouths ( and artistic hands) of babes! 😊 Congratulations on eight years of sharing the hope of Christ here.

    Liked by 2 people

  56. Love this Bill. Nothing can break the chain. That is so true and powerful. Your grandkids are adorable. And happy 8 wonderful years of making a difference in others lives through your writings.

    Liked by 3 people

  57. qisrealetrulth


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  58. My picture would be of God reaching down into the hole I dug in addiction and lifting me up to the first rung of a ladder so I could start the long climb out of the hole. Now I’m out, and bought a nice little house on the hill, a distance from, but overlooking that hole… just so I can remember from whence I come.

    Liked by 4 people

  59. Love this! I knew Jude’s picture would make it to your blog. He’s got great insight for a 6 year old.

    Liked by 2 people

  60. Hi Bill and Mary, when you look into the eyes of your grandchildren, doesn’t that just slay you! It’s hard to put into words the emotions that flood up from within. They are such a blessing! I ditto what Lydia said, you’ve got some that definitely qualify for the “adorable” category! Yes, I know, they get that from Mary’s side! Congrats on the eight years Bill. Always love hearing from you. God’s grace, peace and blessings to you and yours.

    Liked by 3 people

  61. Beautiful. Thank you, Bill. God’s blessings.

    Liked by 4 people

  62. Your grand kids are adorable!!

    Liked by 3 people

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