A Lesson about Forgiveness

The need to be forgiven by God and forgiving those who’ve hurt us is an indisputable doctrine of Christianity. Denominations might differ on many points but this isn’t one of them. But forgiving those who’ve hurt us (emotionally, physically, financially or even spiritually) can be a really difficult thing to do sometimes, especially if that hurt was inflicted upon us at a time that we were physically helpless or in other ways vulnerable.

Such was the case with Mary and me a few years after I was diagnosed with ALS. I had lost my ability to speak and was confined to a wheelchair. We were both emotionally and physically exhausted, financially broke and spiritually confused; in every sense of the word, we were vulnerable. It was in this weakened condition that someone took advantage of us financially. It was especially hurtful because this act was committed in the name of “helping us.”

This was the greatest test of forgiveness I had faced since committing my life to Christ. I had never before been hurt to the extent of not wanting to relinquish my anger. Looking back I realize that this situation was made worse because the physical weakness that resulted from the ALS had already made me feel emasculated so, in addition to the emotional, financial and marital stress this situation caused, I felt somewhat like a victim of bullying. I did NOT want to forgive this person!

After weeks of allowing my anger stealing my joy, peace and hope, I began praying for God to help me move on. It was about this time that I read or remembered the words of Jesus; “…pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:28). But the last thing I wanted to do was pray for this person. I faced a clear choice; hold on to my anger with no hope, joy and peace or step out in faith and obey Jesus’ command to start praying for this person. I chose the latter, and it was a conscious choice; it was the last thing that I “felt” like doing.

“Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” (Mark 11:25-26 NASB)

Through clenched teeth I told God that I forgave this person but only because He told me to do so. Then I began praying that God would bless this person’s marriage, health, finances and every part of their life. It was really difficult the first few times I prayed for this person, but it gradually became easier. Then, after several days of praying, a strange thing began to happen; it was as if the Holy Spirit opened a window and allowed me to begin seeing the situation from this person’s point of view.

I knew this individual was also in financial trouble and had been “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” Unfortunately this person chose me to play Peter’s role. But I gradually began to see how much stress this person was under and how it affected every aspect of their life. I actually began feeling sorry for this person and began praying earnestly for God to bless them every time they came to my mind. I still do this today and I can honestly say that I sincerely hope this person’s life has been blessed since that time.

The simple fact is that hurting people, hurt people. But having insight into the troubles of those that have hurt us and our forgiving them for their wrong behavior should not be viewed as excusing or in any way justifying their wrong actions. Like everything else that Jesus commanded us to do, forgiving others is for our benefit – so that we can have joy, peace and unshakable hope.

I’m sure there are those reading this post who’ve been victims of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or other horrible things that are much more difficult to forgive than my relatively minor example. I realize that some things are harder to forgive than others, but Jesus didn’t offer exceptions to this rule; His command couldn’t be more straightforward – “…if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” (Matthew 6:14-15 NASB)

Jesus didn’t merely speak these words; He lead by example by forgiving those that mocked, tortured and nailed Him to the cross (Luke 23:34).

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on December 3, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 116 Comments.

  1. The True Light!

    I thank you for visiting my blog and invite you back anytime!



  2. Bill,
    I’ve not blogged in quite some time for several reasons and one being, “Hurt.” Late in December 2012, the LORD spoke one word into my spirit being to focus upon in 2013, and that word has been, “Hope.” Within the last 14 days, God has been revealing Himself to me in and through the “Hurt.” Today, I received a book entitled, “Wounded by God’s People” by Anne Graham Lotz. The book goes on sale in bookstores September 1st. God’s perfect timing has encouraged and uplifted me in and through this painful journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would have been wounded in a manner by the body of Christ, and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have reacted and responded as I have. Thank you for sharing your story (again, God’s perfect timing that this popped up on my blog). God is letting me know that He sees my hurt, just as He seen Hagar’s, just as He seen Joseph’s, and just as He saw your’s, and that I can confidentally trust Him to redeem that which I commit to Him… transform the “Hurt” into “Blessed Hope!” (Romans 8:28)


    • I am sorry you’ve been hurt, especially by people calling themselves Christians. I too have found that “HOPE” is a powerful word; telling others about that revelation is the reason I started this blog. I think you should try blogging again.


  3. Great blog, Bill. It’s hard to believe someone could do that to you, particularly in your position. In spite of being robbed, you were still “richer” from the experience and though he ended up with your money, he became poorer. Thanks for your Christ-like attitude and commitment to doing things His way.


  4. Since my husband Jim has been so ill with chronic Lyme disease and his overlap ALS symptoms, we too have had to keep anger at bay. It is difficult but as you very nicely wrote about this, it causes more damage to keep that energy in anger mode. I am still learning to forgive and release the anger, it is something you have to work on every day. But it is so important.


  5. Great posts on your blog!


  6. You are inspiring. The lesson of forgiveness is something we all must learn…


  7. Thanks for this. I’m still having a hard time forgiving, but I’m going to take the fact that I read this today as a sign for me to try praying for those whom I can’t forgive, like you did. Great post~


  8. So beautifully written. Thank you.


  9. Amen to this lesson Bill. When my dear wife applied this I became blessed with no longer being her 24/7 carer! Praise you Lord. [You may have read her account of being no longer registered permanently disabled? See http://wp.me/P1Y1yB-LF%5D


  10. It is so lovely to read your words. Forgiveness is such a difficult act at times & also a powerful healer. Thanks for the reminder, we all need to keep honest about our ability to wander from the path. Many blessings to you.


  11. Bill, forgiveness is a tough journey. Your story is very powerful and inspiring. My own journey of forgiving my parents was very freeing, but it took me years to make the choice to forgive. I held onto my hurt and resentment for a very long time. As you said, physical and sexual abuse goes very deep.


    • You are so right, Denise, forgiveness, like every aspect of our walk with Christ, is a journey. Many times we come to a place on our journey and ask ourselves, “I thought I already passed this point?” I think you can relate.


  12. Bill,
    So lovingly written with great vulnerability. I had been abused in many ways as a child and when the Lord graciously walked me down the road of healing He restored those relationships with those responsible. I have to say that I too agree that when we pray blessings upon those who have wounded us, God through His Spirit, begins to heal our hearts, minds and motives. One other thought, there is not any scripture that tells us that we need to forgive ourselves; we need only embrace/accept God’s forgiveness of our own sin. Scripture tells us that when we sin we do so against God.
    Thank you for your words.
    for His glory alone,
    Mercy17, blogger of heart4women


    • Thank you for your kind words. I am so glad you’ve made peace with your past. So many children that are abused grow into addicted angry and/or abusive adults. It’s like those that are abused have to choose between bitter or better – I’m glad you chose the latter.
      As far as forgiving ourselves goes, I have thought about this subject and studied it a lot. Personally I think the Bible is silent on this because it falls under the category of accepting God’s forgiveness for ourselves. In other words; there’s no need of self-forgiveness if we truly believe that God, through the sacrifice of Christ, has forgiven us and cleansed us of our sins. Like most people, I too have regrets for my past sins and mistakes, but instead of allowing those memories to haunt me and make me feel unworthy, when I begin feeling regret, I use that as a “trigger” to thank God that He has forgiven me of that. I think this is the process of self-forgiveness – it’s an ongoing process and I think it’s a good thing because it keeps us grateful for what Christ has done on our behalf.


  13. What a powerful testimony to God’s goodness and healing when we make that choice to forgive. Thank you for continuing to share with the world in such an honest and open way.


  14. You continue to inspire us all ~ what a beautiful post! Please accept the Liebster Award ~ you can find it here…

    Loving the Liebster!


  15. Bill, my brother. I love your spirit. Thank you for sharing your personal experience and your honest process in one of the toughest situations we can face. It’s easy for me to read a scripture like the one about forgiveness and feel immediate shame about not being able to do it. You shared a key part of the process with me, and it has helped tremendously. You’ve shown me that forgiveness is a choice by my will as an act of obedience to Christ, but the power to continue doing it and the freedom that results from that obedience comes from the Spirit by way of a blessing. It’s not a moment. It’s a spiritual process that God sustains. I’ve missed this piece my entire life. Thank you…

    I have to say that my mama bear comes out when there’s injustice and abuse of power, and I often don’t know how forgiveness and keeping people accountable play together. As in the instance with my mom falling in the hospital as a result of the nurse’s obvious neglect and lies, I wonder how forgiveness plays with keeping the nurse and hospital accountable so it doesn’t happen again to my mom or other patients. Maybe it has more to do with what’s fueling my actions.

    Thanks for always inspiring my relationship with the Lord. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Blessings upon blessings to you.


    • Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Lori. I am sorry to hear about your mom falling in the hospital. I was horrified when I read your blog post! That must have been so traumatic when you walked in and found her lying on the floor.
      Regarding forgiveness of wrongs committed against us, I don’t believe it’s necessarily a contradiction to truly forgive someone and still hold them accountable for their wrongdoing. For instance I read about a case where a 20-something year old man murdered his mom and brother and attempted to murder his dad too, but, though he was severely injured and is now blind, the dad survived. The dad testified against the son even though he had forgiven him and was visiting him in jail. The dad rightly didn’t think his forgiveness and his wanting his son to go to jail was contradictory because he wasn’t motivated out of revenge for past actions; he was afraid the son would kill him or others if he was let out of jail. Likewise, you should forgive those responsible for your mom’s fall, but in some cases not holding people accountable for their actions or inaction in your mom’s case, might cause them to repeat the wrongdoing because there were no consequences. This was the fear of that dad.
      I hope you have a merry Christmas!


      • Thank you for your response. It makes perfect sense to me now. God sure gifted you with incredible wisdom AND the ability to communicate in such a clear, loving, and succinct way. This helped me so much in my current interactions with the hospital regarding my mom’s fall. Blessings to you, Bill. I would love to see your blog turned into a book. You are a treasure.


  16. So true, Bill. I’ll never forget the act of forgiveness shown by the American white couple whose daughter went to South Africa to work in a black township during the period of Apartheid. She was driving through another black township when she suddenly came across an angry mob demonstrating against the injustices of the white minority government that was brutalizing the black population. Seeing a white woman in the car, several teens in the mob dragged her out of the car and stabbed her to death.

    Numb with grief, the parents brought their daughter’s body home and buried her. They had never understood why their daughter had gone to South Africa, but some time after her funeral, they read her journal in which she wrote of her love for Jesus and his example of ministering to the downtrodden. She wrote of her concern for the black youth of South Africa and felt that she felt compelled to go there and work on their behalf against Apartheid.

    Her words moved her parents, and inspired by her life, and convicted by Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, they went to South Africa, met the young men who were in prison, and forgave them and pleaded with the authorities to pardon them. Over the following years, they made several trips back to South Africa to establish an educational foundation in their daughter’s name to benefit the youth of that country.


    • That’s a powerful story of forgiveness, Derrick. It’s also a good lesson in why we shouldn’t judge by appearances like those that killed that girl did and so many white people and others have been guilty of. Thanks for sharing that story.


  17. Awww….this is probably one of the hardest life lessons there is to learn. Forgiveness. The approach that you took, and the process that you went through was not easy, but the benefit and blessing on your life for doing so, will exceed the pain. I believe there is always a need for forgiveness of others on a daily basis, but there are moments in our life when the transgression is so personal, and painful, it feels as though we have a strange desire to hold on to the hurt and we can’t or won’t let it go. We think that if we forgive, we have released the offender from the deed, as if to say it never happened, when we know differently. I know that there was a time in my life that I really struggled with this whole concept of forgiveness, and my pastor recommended the book “Forgive and Forget” by Lewis Smedes. It was a life changer for me! It sounds like you have it resolved in your mind and heart, but I just thought I would share it with you! It’s not an “easy read”, but it certainly is a good one!
    Thank you again for sharing from your heart!


    • You’re right, Becky, we believe that we have a right not to forgive those that have hurt us and humanly speaking it’s completely unnatural to forgive – it is a supernatural act. I don’t know why someone would forgive apart from obeying God’s instruction to do so. Thanks for the book recommendation; it sounds good.


  18. I stopped by to see your blog after you “liked” one of my posts. WOW! I did not expect to be so blessed. Your words were such encouragement. As soon as you said forgiving those who have hurt you – a picture of the person that hurt me appeared in my mind. Gosh I thought I had forgiven that person! But apparently not completely. For one thing I have never really prayed for him. Maybe I can start to ask God to give me the ability to pray for him. Thank you for being so transparent. May God bless you. —susan


    • Thank you, Susan. I’m glad that my post encouraged you; your comments encouraged me too. Praying for the person you think you’ve forgiven is a great way to gauge the true level of your forgiveness:-)


  19. Thank you for being kind enough to follow my ramblings. It means so much. I’m new to blogging, and to see somebody cares what you think is a great encouragement.
    You’re right when you say everybody breathing has experienced some kind of pain. The older I get the more I realize this foundational truth – it’s not what happens to you that makes the difference… it’s what you DO with it. Joyce Meyer says that harbouring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Did you ever research the effects it has on the body? I encourage you to. It’s an eye-opener. I choose forgiveness not for them, but for me. Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I’d rather let it go. It’s just not worth it.
    One thing I know. We’re not promised tomorrow. I’d rather live right, to the best of my ability, and have a heart free of strife. I’m only in charge of MY choices. Nobody else’s. And nobody else can take my choice AWAY from me. I choose love. And forgiveness. Gary Whetstone once said, “I was, “seized by a grace I did not initiate”. Well, my name is Grace. I’ve received it, so I feel it my duty to honour my Lord and Saviour by giving it. K


  20. This was so amazing. At first I thought it was just another perspective of forgiveness but this was so much more.
    I wonder about ALS and other things that seem so horribly unfair. And yet it seems as if there is an opportunity that others may not have….
    The ones who take that opportunity such as YOU have a much stronger voice.
    You are much an amazing example, with such a strong voice… regardless of the way your words find us!!!!!
    Thank you. I needed this message. As did almost 100 others from what it looks like here!
    You are HIS amazing vessel.


  21. It is so hard to forgive when a person has been wronged. I am one of those who has had the abuse you mentioned above. It is hard. It takes time. It is also a choice. It is a choice that freed me the most from the abuse that had happened. So anyone who says that they can’t, please realize that is still giving power to the other person. I am not saying it is right what happened or that you need to be around that person, but not forgiving keeps you a prisoner, not the abuser.


    • Thank you, Katie. You’re right, forgiving is a choice, a choice we rarely “feel” like making. But, as you seem to have discovered, choosing not to forgive your abuser would be choosing to essentially allow this person to go on abusing you – emotionally and spiritually anyway. Thank you again for sharing your story of forgiveness, Katie.


  22. Bill…thank you for sharing this.

    Amazingly enough, I stumbled across your blog this afternoon as I was surfing.

    It is indeed very hard to forgive when we have been wronged. But it is so freeing when the hurt and bitterness looses its hold.

    Thank God for His Wonderous Grace and Endless Mercy!

    You sir….are an inspiration.



  23. Thank you for sharing-often people fail to see what can happen to them when they refuse to forgive-as you experienced it turns you up-side-down on the inside-and forgiving actually releases all that emotional baggage that can weigh you down. And I enjoyed reading how God healed you, in more ways than one, I must add. I appreciate you visiting my blog-Thanks-Peace be unto you and yours


  24. Great blog and blog site. Thanks for your honesty and maturity. Blessings to you and I pray Genesis 26 over you, that as you plant in the year of famine, you will reap 100 fold in the same year, and God will bless you.


  25. “…to the extent of not wanting to relinquish my anger” This is so true. I find there’s something insidious in our nature that makes us want to lick our wounds and hold on to hurt and anger. There have been times when only God could remove that anger from me, and only when I came to the point of knowing I was destroying myself hanging on to it. God did remove the anger, and when it would come back, it was lessened each time and easier to give to God again. Finally, I would arrive at the place of forgiving — thank you, God! I have to say, that’s the proof for me that God exists and that salvation is the new life God offers us.

    Thank you for your witness. I loved reading it and am grateful for your witness and your life.


    • Thank you, Mary. I don’t know why we feel we have the right to hold on to our anger even after realizing it’s only harming us. But you’re right, forgiving is a proof of a God-conscience; the “natural man” (our carnal nature) has no reason to forgive or do anything good that’s against his self interest.


  26. Good morning Bill how are you doing today? I want to say thank you for visiting my site when you do. I didn’t want you to think I did not notice. May you and your family have a Blessed Christmas…


  27. thank you for stopping by and liking my blog. I look forward to reading yours.


  28. optimisticgladness

    I have found that as you pray for them, you feel better. A long time ago, I was jealous of a girl. She was beautiful, funny, smart, talented and just seemed to “have it all.” I’m embarrased to say, but I was jealous. I did not like that I was jealous, so I came up to her one day and told her how I felt. I told her that I was jealous, that I thought she was beautiful and funny. From that moment on, I was never jealous again. Strange, when we pray for others or want whats best for others, we are blessed ourselves. Thank you for posting this Bill!


  29. Awesome what taking God’s way will do. Some people carry their bitterness right to the grave. So sad!
    Is it okay with you if I reblog this?


  30. Loved it! Very well written and a powerful ending. This is something I’ve been struggling with and I’m glad I came across this post!


  31. Forgiving people really is a process, isn’t it? It inspires me to think of you gritting your teeth and praying for this person. Makes me think of one or two particular people whom I should work harder at forgiving.


  32. What a wonderful post. It is amazing the way when we forgive someone and pray for them it totally transforms the way we see them. However, forgiveness is not just to benefit us, it has a double purpose. If you ever see that person again, please let them know you forgive them, because this will be a huge blessing to them, and gift of love, and a witness of your faith. It may even change their life!:)


    • Thank you for your comments. I completely agree with you that forgiving isn’t just for our benefit; I’ve seen videos of hardened murders breakdown and start crying like babies when his victim’s family forgives them. I meant that even if the perpetrator doesn’t acknowledge his or her wrongdoing (as it was in our case), we need to forgive them if only for our benefit. I should have been more clear about that.


  33. That kind of forgiveness takes an inordinate amount of strength & trust in God. I’m sure it wasn’t easy…I know a couple of situations in my own life that have required similar prayers. The blessing is that you are at peace and no longer holding on to destructive feelings…and I truly believe God will bless you 10 fold for that. As for the person who sinned against you, your forgiveness will hopefully reach into his heart and cause him to change. If not, it’s going to be between him and God anyway, right?


  34. Love that simple truth, “Hurting people, hurt people”. When I look at those who’ve hurt me I can see the pain behind their eyes. My hurt seems so small in comparison. I choose to become better in Christ not bitter in my crisis.


  35. I just nominated you for the Food for Thought Award. I’m posting about it this morning!


  36. Is a wonder your faith is great! You inspire all of us. Thank you.


  37. Thank you for sharing your story of forgiveness. It is a powerful story and a great example of ownOd has been working in your life! I wrote almost today about forgiveness as well. It is a topic I don’t think we can hear enough about. Blessings to you and your wife!


  38. Hi Bill
    I think I like your blog the best of all the blogs I’ve been reading. We seem to be on a very similar wave-length, you and me. I also wrote a post of forgiveness where I did the same thing you did, only with my father. The name of the post is called: “Rusty’s Accident & Forgiveness”. You can search for it by putting “accident” in the search box. You have to hit the ENTER key to do the search.
    blessings to you both,
    robin claire


  39. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story of forgiveness. In this life we are surely going to be hurt by what someone has done or said to us, but it is how we recover from this hurt. If you had stayed in the state of anger , it would have only hurt you. But you allowed God to minister to you and bring you to the point of forgiveness and ultimately freeing yourself from bondage of holding onto a terrible situation. God Bless you and keep you!


  40. This post comes just when I need it. I feel betrayed by my government and my church. I have found it very difficult to pray for them, even though I try. I deeply appreciate your openness about your own struggle to forgive, and I thank you for the way it encourages me to persist. I am gritting my teeth, speaking with a clenched jaw, when I try to choke out the words, “I forgive ….” Your story helps me to be willing to keep trying, and your story actually makes me believe I will forgive these people, just as Christ has forgiven me. Thank you.


    • Thank you, Katherine. As you figured out, it can be difficult to pray for those we disagree with on spiritual or political matters, but that’s what the Bible instructs us to do. I pray for political leaders that I disagree with philosophically or on matters of morality because in the back of my mind I’m thinking that maybe a lack of prayer is the reason they don’t have what I see as a the “correct moral/philosophical view.”
      Besides, as in the case of the person in the post, praying for them lessons my anger and frustration with political leaders too:-)
      It’s also good practice for when you have someone who hurts you personally.


  41. “It was about this time that I read or remembered the words of Jesus; “…pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:28). But the last thing I wanted to do was pray for this person. I faced a clear choice; hold on to my anger with no hope, joy and peace or step out in faith and obey Jesus’ command to start praying for this person. I chose the latter…”

    That right there, sir, is what really makes you a man. GOD bless you friend, and thanks for the encouragment.


  42. Not only did I read this message in His word this morning, but I was blessed to read it again with your post. The true Bride of Christ will have to know and live this principle more and more as this world waits for Jesus to return. Thanks for the transparency of your testimony in the lesson learned….it comes through loud and clear for all of us to glean….blessing from the Lord….Donna


  43. Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing.


  44. I can so relate. My storm story tells it. Christ forgave and I too have come to the place where I could not only forgive but also feel sorrow for the individual who does not know how they have hurt another. What a blind space to be in!! Thank you for articulating this so well. God bless.


  45. Thank you for sharing your forgiveness story as is encouraging and powerful. Forgiveness frees us from torment!


  46. Wow! What a powerful story of forgiveness! Thank you for sharing it, Bill. I admire how you were obedient to God’s Word and forgave the individual who hurt you. As a result, you gained wisdom, understanding, and an eternal perspective on the situation. Whenever I’m having trouble forgiving someone, the Lord always reminds me that He has forgiven me for so many things. In addition, I’m reminded that Jesus was emotionally and physically hurt my people. He knows how we feel. These two reminders motivate me to go to my Heavenly Father and ask Him to help me take the steps towards forgiving someone who has caused me pain.


    • Thank you for your insightful comments, Danielle. It’s true that’s it is easier to forgive others when we know that God has forgiven us, which really is the eternal perspective that you referred to.
      “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)


  47. Thank you Bill a very good blog. Although I don’t think I have been hurt alot. I certainly know I have hurt alot. The problem people face when they finally relize they have hurt someone or in my case many especialy the one’s we/I love we/I need to learn to forgive ourselves. Some days it is a struggle, but to dwell on it for me is a defeatest attitude and could be dangerous in my case. I guess with all the schooling I’m learning so much more about me and relizing that the goasts I and so many have will always haunt. Thank you Mike


    • Thanks for your honesty, Mike. I too feel like I have hurt more people than have hurt me and I think this also helped me empathize with this person. But fortunately people that love us are usually quick to forgive us, as I know they have in your case and in my case, and the best way to make up for our past is to let it go – like those who have forgiven us have done.


  48. Spot on – thank you for being such a lovely example of this. I would like to share it on Facebook if you would be okay with that. Praying for you. ~nanc


  49. Great lesson. It is very hard to forgive, but the more I give in to forgiveness, the better I feel. This the season. Merry Christmas!


  50. Bill,
    That was good. It’s something everyone can relate to. You seem to cover everything in your blog!
    Although I just admit that reading it made me mad. If I would have known that someone took advantage of you & Mary I don’t know that I’d been as good about forgiving them as you were! I’m so sorry that happened to you.
    I’m sure by now, the Lord has shown you how many people genuinely love you and your family and have chosen to bless you instead of take from you. I hope you’ve received back more than you lost.


    • Thank you, Debbie. You’re right, the love and support of family and friends helped us through this situation and every other difficult situation! And God has made this financial loss up to us many times over.


      • This is surreal because when you love with all you got, and give with all you got, and get hurt from the person you least expected it from………..it hurts like something awful! The worst is when you tell them they hurt you, and they act like you caused self inflicted pain upon yourself. That for me is where the pain, hurt and mixed emotions can give way. But when you just conversate with God and be truthful to your emotions then the healing begins. God already knows the facts from the lies. The actions of love vs not showing love.

        Your testimony, my testimony is what God wants us to do. Because in the end forgiving is for ourselves. So we can be focused on God, and not the wound inflicted by another. Others can maybe see their wrong and face it. But at the end of the day forgiveness is a command by God!



        • You can obviously relate to this post, Shenine. You’re right that many times those that hurt us justify their actions by somehow making it seem like it was our fault. But, as you said, God knows the truth and He told us that He would make things right on our behalf (Romans 12:19). So forgiveness is really an act of faith.


    • Good post Bill.
      God showed me along time ago that we do not forgive so much for the other persons sake, but for our own sake. Our body is wired to react to sin. We get rid of sin, our body reacts nornal! Keep it up brother! Bless you in Jesus name!


  51. Thank you so much for the re-blog, Bruce!


  1. Pingback: “A Lesson I Learned About Forgiveness” 11/16/2013 | God's Group

  2. Pingback: Forgiving Those #$@%! | jadesandwich

  3. Pingback: ‘Forgive One Another Freely’ | Bible Questions Answered—By ideacreamanuela

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