My Two New Year Resolutions

In the years before I had ALS, I made and broke, usually quickly, more New Year resolutions than I care to remember. I became so bad at keeping my resolutions that I quit making them. But I began making resolutions again about 6 years ago and actually succeeded in keeping a few of them – resolutions like committing to follow a daily Bible reading program, which I’ve done several times and will do this year also. But following a daily Bible is more like a renewed commitment for me so it’s not one of the new resolutions I’m referring to in this post.

ALS has taken away a lot of the things I wanted to change about myself. Unfortunately it’s also taken away many of the things that I didn’t want to change. For example;

  • I am fed through a feeding tube now so I no longer have to make resolutions dealing with eating better.
  • I can no longer speak so I don’t have to make resolutions about speaking kinder to people or not gossiping etc.
  • I am paralyzed so I no longer need to make any resolutions about exercising or helping Mary more around the house etc.

As you can see, my list of possible resolutions has become shorter with each passing New Year. I’d like to claim that it’s from maturing in faith, but it’s more likely from running out of options (dealing with the physical part of me) that my resolutions for the last 6 years or so have all been spiritual resolutions. But, even for the healthiest Christians, all resolutions should be considered spiritual because, even though we have a body and a soul (mind, will and emotions), we are spiritual beings. It’s our spirit (the heart) that influences our thoughts and actions. I now believe that this is why I was such a failure at keeping resolutions that dealt with my behavior – I was focusing on the behavior instead of on God. In other words, I was magnifying the behavior and thereby minimizing the power of God – a recipe for failure.

A good person produces good deeds from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart determines what you say (and do) (Luke 6:45 NLT)

The two resolutions I’m making for the New Year are, I believe, the foundation upon which every follower of Christ should build his or her whole life on. They are the roots that all good and godly resolutions sprout from and are nourished by. My two resolutions are the two things that Jesus said would define His followers:

“…love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37 NLT)

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” (“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.”) (Matthew 22:39 & Luke 6:31 NLT)

Jesus said; “All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets (the whole of God’s word) are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40 NLT)

Knowingly or not, we’re signing on to these two commandments when we commit to follow Christ. If the Christian faith had a swearing-in ceremony I am convinced that pledging to follow these two commandments would be the basis of it. But it cannot be a one-time pledge; it must be renewed on a daily basis and this is my resolution: that I will read these two commandments every morning before reading my Bible so every verse I read will be put in the context of these two commandments. I will try my best to allow these two commandments to influence my thoughts, words and actions.

I suppose Christians could read these two commandments of Jesus and make a vague commitment to do better about loving God and loving others. But if you read scripture (in the context of these two commandments) you discover, as I did, that if there is such a thing as a vague commitment, it’s not an option here because virtually the whole Bible is about defining what it means to love God and love others.

For instance, in Luke chapter 10 Jesus uses the story of the “Good Samaritan” to define what He meant by loving your neighbor. We discover that His use of the word neighbor had nothing to do with those that happen to be living near you. The man that the Samaritan helped was a total stranger. Then He tells us in Luke chapter 6 that we have to love and be good even to people that hate us – according to Jesus, everyone qualifies as our neighbor – regardless of race, religion or anything else.

The good news is that God gives us the grace to do everything He asks us to do.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in (physical, spiritual or emotional) weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on December 28, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 145 Comments.

  1. All these comments are so awesome with the comments they post…
    Bill your messages are inspiring to me a lot.
    We as people do not ever have enough inspiring people in our lives.
    I went to one of your bloggers who have posted on your site, Patrick McGoldrick & read the post “Would I Say I do again.” In the midst of reading it I started to cry.
    I never lost a spouse to death, but I surely lost a spouse.
    Like I said before, I am a high value woman with values that keep going up because God has & is showing me that I have greater value than certain guys have given me or try to make it look like they are giving me. I never say die and I never say give up ever and I never share with any one any thing that is not theirs to have.
    One day, if the good Lord is willing, that will happen. In the mean while, I look to God for His leading, always and to the many inspiring people he sends my way.
    Thank you Bill for being so inspiring.
    The Lord bless you always. I can see He has already.


  2. lifeofaministermom

    Hi Bill!

    Diane (Coastal Mom) referred me to your site and I’m so glad she did! I’ve just begun to explore your inspiring, transparent, and of course, hope-filled posts, and I look forward to learning and building in the faith with and from you. You’re doing a mighty work and I pray your continued health, peace, love and joy in Christ!

    God bless!



  3. Hi Brother!
    I really like your New Years resolutions. God is teaching me to love people (and to love myself). Also, I pray that the Word of God becomes flesh in your life. I pray in the name of Jesus, that you would be healed of ALS (Isaiah 53:5). Keep fighting the good fight of faith, and don’t give up.

    Psalm 42:11
    New King James Version (NKJV)
    11 Why are you cast down, O my soul?
    And why are you disquieted within me?
    Hope in God;
    For I shall yet praise Him,
    The help of my countenance and my God.


  4. You are such an inspiration to me when I visit here. When we lose self, then God is able to shine through. What has happen to you is no curse, nor do I pity you. You are a great example of a spirit living in an earthly shell vs. a body seeking spirit. We all should be paralyzed(still to Christ). Feeding through a tube from the Book of Life. You have allowed yourself to be dependable totally in Christ!

    Just because you are in your condition does not mean you had to submit to Christ. But you did. There are others who are in dire conditions, and still have not chose Christ, but continually blame Him because they thought life was over. God is in control!

    I did when I lost my mother to a terminal illness at the age of 21. I felt lost and unworthy after being physically and emotionally abused. I felt like I was paralyzed, and did not want to live. But I looked back, when God delivered me at 2lb. 2oz. when doctors said I would not make it. I look back on that, and hold dear to it. God could have taken me, but now I am a mother of five beautiful babies. I cherish that. I’m not on drugs, and alcohol after being raised around it my whole life.

    God did not give up on me, and I will not give up on Him. You know what keeps me determined Unshakable Hope? The devil saw and lived in Heaven, I refused to allow Him to rob me from that awesome sight of Glory! I don’t want to go to hell, and be laughed at because I allowed my emotions, and self to get in the way of God’s throne (the one who created me to begin with). The one who died for me. Amen. Thank you Holy Spirit.

    Shenine- A Woman After God’s Own Heart, submitting daily to Him!


  5. mindinterrupted

    You are so amazing. God is reflected in you 🙂


  6. Aloha, Bill! I like your two resolutions! I can commit to daily Bible reading, but not a read through the Bible in a year kind of plan. My only resolution is that I will put prayer and Bible reading before checking email, Facebook, and my blog. And that I don’t hurry through the ‘important’ part! Imagine God looking down from heaven to see how long it will take before I reach for my iPad on the side of my bed!!!
    God bless you for being an inspiration to so many people!


  7. Brother you have a powerful testimony..May God be a blessing in you and your family lives.

    May God get the glory.


  8. You are one of the strongest examples in my life. God bless you my friend.


    • Thank you so much, Diane!
      How is your friend (with ALS) doing?


      • His spirit is amazing. We just visited him.He still has a sense of humor and loves The Lord in a way unlike any other I have ever met until you. I envy you guys in a way. .. you both have exemplified this spiritual discernment that seems to be in a realm all your own.
        I just came on to read this to my husband and could barely get through it. Your messages are better than church for me right now♡


        • Thank you so much! I am so glad he is doing well spiritually and emotionally – if you’re doing well in those two categories, you can handle the many physical challenges. If he emails, please give him my email address.


  9. What a beautiful post in which you encapsulated the absolute essence of Christianity – LOVE!!! Love and warm wishes to you!


  10. Reblogged this on Witnesses to Hope and commented:
    I just came across this blog by an amazing man. If you want to read more by him, go to Unshakable Hope under “Blogroll.” Keep him and his family in your prayers.


  11. Bill, thank you for “liking” my post over at Witnesses to Hope. If you hadn’t, I would never have discovered your wonderful, inspiring blog. I will be re-blogging this post onto mine. Please be assured of my/our prayers for you and your family as you continue this journey that God has you on. Thank you for sharing the marvels he is doing in and through you . . . Sr. Dorcee


  12. Reblogged this on JUSTICE FOR RAYMOND and commented:
    When the world looks upside down, people such as this give life a new perspective. Unshakable Hope certainly lives up to the title of the blog. Be sure to stop by for a look at life from a different viewpoint.


  13. my brother there is such wisdom found in your comments here. grace and peace to you and yours. looking forward to your next posting.


  14. Wow. I was blessed and encouraged after reading this post. Thanks.


  15. You are such an inspiration, Bill, and I thank my God for the privilege of knowing you through this blog. I sign on to your list of resolutions. If everyone followed these, wars, shootings, divorce, child abuse, and on and on and on would cease to exist. I’m praying for God’s peace and His blessings in your life today. May He continue to speak through you as you encourage others and point the way to Him. God bless. Connie


    • Thank you, Connie. I know people like you who have gone through or are going through trials can relate to my posts – just as I do to your posts.


      • My trials are nothing compared to yours, Bill. My cancer seems trivial compared to what you face every day. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God is using you, through your struggle, to touch lives. May you continue to be an instrument of His love, His grace. Connie


        • It is difficult, Connie, but all trials are. I look at the trials of others (the pain of cancer, the loss of a spouse or child, financial ruin etc) and I wonder if I could handle it. But God can handle any trial we face and He gives us the grace we need when we need it. I think you already know this, Connie.


  16. Oh! My! Goodness!!!!
    I have just discovered your blog on a reposting. It rushed in like a holy breath hyper-ventilating my soul. Breathless heights!

    In the still place of your ALS you have rocked the meandering, careless waste of lives with the call of Christ. I am disconcerted. Restless. Do I long for the simplicity of these loves enough to sacrifice all for real, meaningful change?

    Please keep writing. More! And when you get to the second command in your daily review of the call to love others as yourself . . . I would be humbled if you would remember me in prayer.


  17. Reblogged this on gracestories and commented:
    From a friend blogger who has ALS . . extraordinary insight on resolutions, and why we struggle nearly always to keep them.


  18. Unshakable hope
    Great inspiration
    From the God of Hope
    weak yet strong
    poor yet making many rich
    with divine song


  19. Such a powerful post. Thank you for this. Let’s keep the faith and remember that He is faithful to us!


  20. I and my friends and those I visit in nursing homes are all old and faced with so many of the challenges you describe. Do you have your blogs in print form, so that I can purchase them to share them, since most of the people I know or meet are not able to use a computer? If not, could I pay for permission to print them and just share them with those I know? A lot of what I write is about grace in weakness
    and about receiving as an integral part of love as much as giving or doing. You are such a powerful witness to these. Thank you so much for being willing to be one with Christ and all of us in suffering.


    • Thank you so much, Eileen; it means a lot to me that people would want to share my posts with others. You are more than welcome to print the posts; my wife prints them for her mom and an elderly woman at church. I don’t have a printer connected to my computer so I don’t know if it’s as simple as clicking the print tab at the bottom of each post. If you have any difficulties, please reply to this comment or email me and I will ask my wife how she does it, excluding the comments etc.
      I admire you for your ministry of visiting people in nursing homes… I bet they really enjoy your visits!


  21. Your blog makes me want to cry out of love for God!! It is so renewing and refreshing and definitely hope-building to read what He is doing in your life…these lessons are blessings for me. I can’t say how much I love this! I’m going to have to follow;)


  22. Reblogged this on Notes from Meme and commented:
    Although, we are already almost a week into the New Year, it’s never too late to make resolutions. Whether you have made resolutions to make changes for the better or you gave up making resolutions because, like most of us, you fail to keep them… this blog is worth the read and I found it worthy to be posted on my own blog today.


  23. I can’t think of any resolutions better than the two you named. They underscore the whole Bible. You have inspired me to adopt those resolutions for 2013 and the rest of my life. Many thanks and blessings!

    “May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” (Numbers 6: 24-26)


  24. Thank you for visiting my blog thus allowing me to find you and your words of wisdom and hope. They spoke to me or should I say through you God spoke to me.
    Thank you and may you continue with your ministry keeping the faith for those of us who may have lost some of ours.


  25. Very inspiring post, thank you so much for continuing to write and share your faith with us. God bless and have a great 2013! Praying for you 🙂


  26. I will make your New Year’s resolutions mine as well. May God be our strength and guiding light in all things.


    • I have been reading that passage before reading my Bible every morning, looking for how loving God and loving others ties into what I read. It’s really made a difference. Yesterday I added one more thing to look for that cannot be separated from the other two – God’s love for us! I read John 3:16, “God so loved the world…” and I realized that the only reason we love God and love others is because “He first loved us.”


  27. Bill…thank you, again, for being YOU. Your posts are always packed full of pure truth. God’s light shines so brightly through you, and I’m thankful He’s blessed me with the privilege of being connected to you.

    When I first entered recovery and was just getting to know Jesus (after a very miraculous encounter), I read the scripture about loving God and others. It was so simple and clear, and being a Christian finally made sense to me. Being raised in the church with an emphasis on works, I was too bogged down with so many to do’s and not to do’s that I missed the entire message of Christ: Grace.

    Your resolution is my life’s resolution. And I’m pretty sure it’s going to take my entire life to just begin to understand. Thank God, He already knows that. 🙂

    Many blessings to you and your family.

    Does Mary have a blog?


    • “…I read the scripture about loving God and others. It was so simple and clear, and being a Christian finally made sense to me.”
      That’s good, Lori!
      (Mary doesn’t have a blog – she does not have time).


  28. Resolutions of living a life following Jesus! Amen.
    Instead of making resolutions, we set aside some time to pray for each other at my church, asking the Lord to speak blessings and prophecy for the coming year. As I read your post and considered your physical limitations, I asked the Lord what he would say to bless you. I don’t have some super in with God, but I believe I hear him say this of/to you:
    You are a faithful man and I see you. Your physical limitations have opened a world of spiritual possibilities, allowing you to grow in ways you never would have imagined. You are a blessing and inspiration to others and while it may seem like an eternity for you in this body, one day you will walk with Me and not remember any limits from your life on earth. Well done, good and faithful servant. Well done.

    I hope I’ve heard and imparted correctly, but should anything I’ve written not fit within your heart, please discard it as a human error. I wish you a blessed year with whatever good God has planned for you.


  29. Your physical condition is actually inspiring, because it is a picture of what it is like to be dependent: on God and others.

    Your attitude and perspecitve is incredible, I am humbled reading your post. Thank you.


  30. I hope it’s not too out of place that I giggle at that part about why your resolutions have changed -feeding, paralysis, etc. It’s just that you made something which ought to apear tragic sound so comical.
    The issue with sinning is more than just the impulses/negative opportunities we are exposed to, it’s a lot about OUR own selves. The remnants of the old life looks for channels of expression, if the verbal is denied it, it can struggle to show through your thought processes. So that battle is not over. Anyway, you aptly did say that your change may not have been due to spiritual maturity and I agree with that possibility.
    Further, not just about committing sins, you could also pay more attention to the things God still wants you to do in/with your current state.
    I am always happy to read your posts, as reflections somewhat of your general state of mind. Be cool.


  31. “The good news is that God gives us the grace to do everything He asks us to do”

    Grace for 2013, nicely put Bill.


  32. Dear Bill, Yours was the first post I read this morning. What a wonderful way to start a new year. I am so humbled by your spirit, Bill. I lift you up in prayer — that God will continue to fill you up with His spirit and that you will feel strength, confidence and joy in your good works. Happy New Year!


  33. I’m not sure how well I’d do with my New Year’s resolutions this year, but I do hope and pray I can consistently grow closer to God. I am sorry you have experienced and are experiencing such trials! But I do understand what you mean. I have been dealing with an illness–one that is nowhere near what you must deal with, but when my mind first started to grasp my diagnosis, and when my health was probably at its lowest, I found suddenly so many of the things I once angsted over and spent a great deal of time and energy on, were no longer so important. And in fact, those things I had often taken for granted (time enjoying my family) became paramount. I am beginning to feel better, but I do pray I will not waste away the true treasures God has provided–my family and Himself–by allowing non-essentials to crowd into my heart.


    • Thank you for your comments, Jennifer. It’s sad that it takes trials to remind us of what’s important. I hope you fully recover from your trial.
      I love your idea for a group to study Proverbs – I read your post this morning.
      Happy New Year!


      • Thanks! And you are so right! I hope I fully recover as well, but I’ve also decided, regardless of where my health leads in the coming year, I am going to grab hold of every moment and the joy God provides in each day, and I’ve learned my greatest joys are Him, and nothing can take that away, and my family, who has consistently demonstrated they are always by my side. Such treasures! One thing that has brought me great hope is the realization that God is holding on to me, not the other way around. This comforts me greatly because there are days when I am anything but faith-filled and faithful, and it is on those days that I know God holds me tightest.

        Blessings to you, my friend!


        • You are committed to serving Christ (seeking first the Kingdom of God) regardless, Jennifer. I think this is one of the greatest lessons we learn from trials. Like Solomon seeking wisdom above all else. Knowingly or not, this is probably the reason you’ve committed to study Proverbs.


  34. Hi Bill,

    I’ve been following you for a while now and am always inspired by your words. Thank you. I too am on “life supports,” as I mentioned a while ago. I think the hardest thing about our trial at times is our inability to see God in it. I recall the words of a friend who once said this is what Job found so hard about his trial. Where was God? He just couldn’t see God in what he was going through. “Oh that I knew where I might find Him!” This was his great anguish. My friend said, “Where was God? He was on the ashpile with Job.”

    I’ve never forgotten those words that my friend passed on to me back in the days when I still had my health. I thank God for that insight. That’s the kind of God we have, Bill. Oh for eyes to see Him!

    …Happy New Year, Bill, to you and all yours.



    • Hello Allan. It’s good to hear from you again; I’ve been thinking about you the last few days, wondering how you were doing.
      I agree with your friend; sometimes in the midst of a personal trial or the tragedies we witness on the news, it’s natural and, I think, even good to ask, “Where is God?” If we’re asking “big questions,” we’re seeking “big answers.” As Jeremiah chapter 2 (“Judah’s Apostasy”) demonstrates, the real problems come when an individual or a nation arrives at the point where they no longer ask “where is God?” because they really don’t want to know.
      Thanks for your comments, Allan and Happy New Year!


      • Thanks, Bill. I really like that thought– that if we’re asking big questions it’s because we’re seeking big answers. We very much need big answers these days.

        That passage in Jeremiah Ch. 2 has been one of my favourites. “Neither said they,
        Where is the LORD…? I agree with you that it is good to ask this. Jeremiah adds a couple of verses later, “The priests said not, Where is the LORD? And they that handle the law knew Me not…” (vs 8).

        Oh that more of us were crying out like this! Not that it is meant to minister doubt; exactly the opposite. It inspires our faith to see a greater reality of His Presence in our midst!



  35. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman

    I cannot add anything else to these comments – everyone has spoken my thoughts as I read, your article is yet another powerful message from God. “Love” – what a wonderful gift take with us in the New Year.


  36. I am totally humbled by reading your post. You reminded me of something so important today. Something that I had forgotten in the midst of being busy, running around organising, getting stressed. You made me remember that “It’s all about God.” Nothing else matters.
    Wishing you a blessed 2013


  37. May God bless you and keep you. Happy New year and I’m praying for you.


  38. optimisticgladness

    Bill, you amaze me! This is so good.


  39. Hi Bill,

    I’m passing on the “Very Inspiring Blog” award to you.
    You can get your award at this site.

    robin claire


  40. Wonderful post!

    You know it is rumored that St. John the Apostle was noted as giving the same sermon over and over again “Love one another.” and was asked at one point “John, when are you ever going to teach something new?” He reported response was suppose to be this. “Once we have loving one another down perfectly, I’ll move onto the next lesson.”


    • That sounds like something John would say. The letters of first, second and third John were written later in his life and loving God and loving others is the theme throughout those letters – “This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. The one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him.” (1 John 3:23-24)


  41. Professions for PEACE

    This is the best article I have ever read about New Years Resolutions. Your post here has renewed my own faith to resolve, if nothing else, to follow these 2 essential commandments. While I already do, by making it a ‘resolution’ of sorts, I like how it renews and deepens my commitment. And to make a vow on a DAILY basis is an excellent suggestion. I like to imagine peace on earth sweeping the globe if every one could truly live from these wise words of advice. And, as you pointed out: according to Jesus, everyone qualifies as our neighbor – regardless of race, religion or anything else. Let there be peace, and thank you for helping contribute to it!


    • Thank you for your insightful comments. You’re right; there would be peace on earth if everyone followed these two simple commandments. But unlike forcing people to pay taxes and obey laws etc, loving God and our “neighbors” is something that cannot be forced; attempting to mandate it would be counter-productive – it must be our choice.


  42. You continue to be in my daily prayers and you continue to show me what is truly important. Thank you. May your New Year be blessed and may you continue to be a witness to us.


  43. Bill, you may not have the ability to speak using your tongue, but what you say speaks volumes and blesses me deeply.

    Blessings ~ Wendy


  44. I love the way you strip it back. It is so raw but gentle in delivery . You amaze me.
    Janet, sister in ALS.


  45. Bill, I love the way you peel away all but what must be our fundamental purpose every day–to love God and to love others. I admire how you choose every day to lift others. When I have written a blog post, I always feel uplifted when you’ve stopped by and have taken the time to like my words. Thank you for your kindness. May this New Year bring you closer to God and therefore more abundant joy.


  46. Good Word. Have a blessed year.


  47. Such wisdom you have gained through your trials, Bill. Thank you for sharing with us what God has taught you. Fantastic verses you were led to. May you continue to seek the Lord and write His answer. “Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it’ ” (Habakkuk 2:2).


  48. Thank you Bill! Your writing is always an inspiration to me. I love the two scriptures to read before the daily Bible reading. I’m going to remember to do that!
    We miss & love our old neighbors!


    • thank you, Shanna. We miss you guys living next door – you were “neighbors” that were easy to love:-) The new house being built on your old lot is bitter sweet for us – it will be nice having new next-door neighbors, but they’re not you guys.


  49. God bless you, Bill. Happy New Year to you and your family.


  50. Your wise words humble all of us who are physically mobile. We could all do with applying the simple yet profound words of scripture that move us towards loving God and others. Thank you for slowing me down this evening and helping me refocus. Diane


  51. Thank you for your words of authentic wisdom and challenge. You are a blessing and an inspiration.


  52. Like the others, I really admire your perspective! I agree that”Love your neighbor” is key–perhaps that’s why it remains so tricky. It depends upon the neighbors, I suppose, but it’s those who are the biggest challenge to love that can yield the most for us. Happy New Year and God Bless! –Paige


  53. Thank you so much for inspiring my family and i as we travel together in California. We’ve read your most recent blog together and have a much better perspective as we enter the new year. Blessings to you Mary and the girls.


  54. I read your posts on someone’sFB… so powerful coming from one who has experienced such suffering. God in HIS mercy has given you a pulpit and voice to speak to those of us who take so much for granted! Blessings to you and I pray this gets out to many!


    • Thank you. I also used to take my blessings (health, a good job etc) for granted. And, even after losing all of those “normal people” things, I still have to make a conscious effort not to take the blessings I have left (a wife, family and friends that love me etc) for granted. I guess it’s part of the human condition to take things for granted regardless of our health and wealth…


  55. It takes a post like this to put things into a correct spiritual perspective. God is using you to impact many. Your words speak loud and clear….even without your voice. As I read this post, I felt the love of God very strongly. God’s continued blessings for you and your family.


    • Thank you, Donna. You’re right, these two commandments “put things into the correct spiritual perspective.” I hope by committing to read them first thing every morning, they’ll keep me in the correct spiritual perspective.


  56. Powerful post! It is so true that one must love God and their neighbor and God gives us the grace. I love your spirit. Happy New Year!


  57. Prayers for you and I loved this post. I have days when I feel so close to God and days where I notice I’m not as close and I struggle with my full intention to always have a close relationship with Him. You definitely touched my soul with this post and inspired me to consider these to commandments each day, too. Thank you and God bless!


    • Thank you for your prayers and for your comments. I know what you mean by feeling close to God some days, but not others. It took me years to discover that my relationship with God had little to do with the way I “felt” from one day to the next. We cannot allow our emotions to influence our beliefs – what the Bible says about our relationship with God through Christ is true regardless of how I feel. We must trust the unchanging word of God over our ever-changing emotions.


  58. I’ve recently become more and more aware that love and compassion could solve almost anything. Very similar to your second commandment selection.


  59. Thank you for re-blogging my post.


  60. Thank you for re-blogging my post.


  1. Pingback: My Two New Year Resolutions « To Give You Hope

  2. Pingback: Insight on resolutions . . and why we fail to keep them « gracestories

  3. Pingback: My Two New Year Resolutions « inspiration4generations

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