Is the Internet Evil?

I know people might read the title of this post and think I’ve decided to take a break from my usual hope-centered posts, but I haven’t; this post is also about hope.

A few years ago I was watching a show about ancient Rome on the History Channel. One of the most fascinating segments was on the incredible highway system the Romans had built throughout their empire. These Roman Roads were built to exact specifications to handle cart and foot traffic. This intricate network of roads facilitated trade and commerce as well as making it much easier for people to travel.

After several commercials, the show resumed and the subject was crime along these roads. Along with the increase of legitimate business – shops selling meat, produce and manufactured goods etc – came an increase in criminal activities. Prostitution, sex/slave trafficking, gambling, robbery, scams, murder and every other crime and temptation that was known at that time was available along these roads.

Suddenly I had a revelation; The Internet is our generation’s Roman Road!

Because many of us grew up seeing depictions of the Apostles dressed in shimmering white robes with halos around their heads, we tend to think they lived above or somehow outside of the filth of Roman society. But we know that Paul, Peter, John and millions of other Christians living throughout the Roman Empire used these crime-ridden and temptation-filled streets to travel and spread the “Good News.” These men and women faced dangers and temptations every day; many of these early Christians were once among those robbing or tempting travelers along these dusty roads just like many Christians today once participated in the dark side of the Internet. Even the setting for one of Jesus’ most well-known parables, “The Good Samaritan,” (Luke 10:30-37) took place along one of these dangerous Roman Roads.

I copied the following quote from an article (about the evils of the Internet) that I read online; “Because the Internet is as broad as the human psyche, it naturally encompasses all of the darkest manifestations of evil imaginable…”

I agree with this quote, but whether it’s a road system, television, radio or the Internet, the thing that facilitates or depicts both good and bad behavior, cannot itself be good or bad; it’s what we do with a medium that’s good or bad. So, even though there’s a lot of evil on the Internet, the Internet is merely a vehicle for what’s in the hearts of man.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, for the last 3 years I have been volunteering as an “Internet missionary” with a non-denominational Christian ministry called Global Media Outreach. Via the Internet and Cell phones, GMO reaches people with the Good News of Christ who cannot be reached in traditional ways. On a regular basis I receive emails and texts from people living in nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia, countries where it’s illegal to practice the Christian faith. In most cases these people find a GMO site through viewing one of our online ads or from doing an Internet search containing words such as God, Jesus, religion or Christian etc. Last week GMO emailed all of the volunteers a summary for 2012; over 195 million people were reached last year and over 26 million people made commitments or re-commitments to follow Christ.

Recently I read that the two most searched subjects on the Internet are those dealing with pornography and those dealing with matters of faith. As a Christian, this makes perfect sense to me – “…the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another…” (Galatians 5:17).

The “soldiers” (thoughts and spiritual influences…) of this war that’s going on inside of all of us are always searching to gain more territory. And, like the Roman highway system of two-thousand years ago, the Internet offers numerous opportunities for doing this. While pedophiles, sex-traffickers, pornographers, terrorists, scammers and other “soldiers of the flesh” are exploiting this modern-day Roman Road, Christians don’t seem to be capitalizing on this like I think we could and should be. Sitting on the sidelines and cursing the darkness is not an option for the “soldiers of the Spirit.” We must be engaged in this battle for the sake of the Gospel and to support and protect legitimate business and innocent people regardless of their race, religion or nation of origin. I get furious every time I hear about a marriage being destroyed because of Internet pornography or someone losing thousands of dollars through some online scam, and I believe we can do more to battle these tragedies.

To some extent, I am probably preaching to the choir here because many of those who read my blog are other Christian bloggers that are already engaged as soldiers in this war. And, as I mentioned, through GMO, this blog and in other ways, I too have been engaged in this battle. But I’m going to recommit and be more determined this year than ever before, and I hope many others will join me.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on January 29, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 111 Comments.

  1. disciple4jesus

    You need to write a book about this because this is a stumbling block for so many people. You have written well!


    • Thank you for your comments, Nancy. You are so right about the Internet being a stumbling block for many people, especially in regards to pornography. I have heard so many horrible stories. But the Internet has been a blessing for me and many others, we just have to be careful.


  2. Reblogged this on God's Enduring Love and commented:
    Great post! I, too, had thought about this before getting into cyberspace blogging!


  3. Very good post! I agree that we as believers must take advantage to travel the internet road also! What you said about the draw of porn is so true. But by Christians?! I have only one post on the popularity of teen pornography which never ceases to have viewers! I should probably re-read it and write a Biblical follow up on it! Thank you!


  4. Hello. I have enjoyed this post and found your site through LLA.

    I have a few questions:
    1. Did Timothy travel the Roman roads alone? Not sure.
    2. Did moms in the ancient days let their children play in the road, giving them a sense of security about the safety of it?
    3. Did people travel the Roman roads looking to visit on the front steps casual acquaintances, in order to escape dealing, in their own homes, with their neighbors and family?

    Also, may I reblog at my site?

    Thanks for your consideration.


    • Thank you for your comments and questions, Katharine.
      You asked
      1. “Did Timothy travel the Roman roads alone?” I don’t believe most people traveled those roads alone; in fact, maybe that’s one of the lessons Jesus was teaching us in the parable of the Good Samaritan; apparently he got beat up because he was alone. Obviously we cannot have someone sitting next to us (“traveling with us”) every time we go online, but there are accountability programs and porn blocking software that make “traveling” the Internet much safer.

      2. “Did moms in the ancient days let their children play in the road, giving them a sense of security about the safety of it?” I don’t think so. Neither should we allow children or even teens “play” online freely. I know this might sound strict, but even in high school we didn’t allow our daughters to have computers or TV in their rooms. I think people need to be intentional about going online; it’s not a playground.

      3. “Did people travel the Roman roads looking to visit on the front steps casual acquaintances, in order to escape dealing, in their own homes, with their neighbors and family?” Sadly that’s what the Internet has become for many people, especially young people – it’s a hangout spot. That’s what I meant about being intentional in using it.

      “Also, may I reblog at my site?” Absolutely.


  5. Many days I am unable to get out of bed or off the couch. I am limited in getting out of the house but I have found the internet to be an essential tool for me to stay in contact with friends and family. I still see “live” people but most of my contact is through online ministries like Rest Ministries and Outlook Ministry as well. I am really blessed by your blogs, your insight, and your optimism. God bless you, again. You are an inspiration.


  6. Great post. Full of enlightening insights. Internet can be a source of light and darkness. Just like the world that we live in. We are given choices which sides to follow. In the end, we still need to pray for each other that good shine through.


  7. Thanks Bill, a timely warning, I really enjoyed your parable of the Roman roads and the net . Both parrallel the good and bad each offer, as to film video games dvd etc all can be used to corrupt.



    • Thank you, Ron. I was thinking that virtually everything, even the best of things, can be used to further evil. God’s word warns us to watch out for those who twist and pervert the Bible to further their own evil agenda. So if God’s word can be used for evil, anything can! God bless.


  8. Reblogged this on Freedomborn…set free and commented:
    I was very uplifted and encouraged by reading Bills messages of Hope in the Lord, he is disabled like I am but in a more limiting way and yet instead of focusing negatively on his disability, Bill seeks to uplift and encourage others all over the World, I’m sure if you read his Posts you will not only learn but also be very inspired.

    Thank you Bill and may you be blessed greatly – Christian Love from us both – Anne.


  9. What a wonderful, inspiring message Bill, thank you, I was once again amazed how God speaks to us in different ways and yet the message has the same focus, which is to share the awesome Hope we have in Him.

    I recently Posted a message simular to your Highway that God showed me about the Internet, my link is below, yes even though God gave man the Intelligence to invent Technology it can be used for evil but as you shared it also brings us together as The Body of Christ all over the World …. How good is that!

    Blog Post –

    Jesus showed me also Bill the importance of putting our flesh to death so we can walk in Victory, it is not often taught today in the Churches but it is the only way that we can be perfected in Love, the Truth does indeed set us free. I will share a few verses with you, which I hope will encourage you, there are more but I’m sure God will help you to see this Truth more clearly then I can share here..the battle is not ours it is The Lords but it is always our choice if we walk in freedom or not, our Salvation is indeed a free gift and we will show we have it, your words of Hope and your Peace in the Lord, clearly shows that you do Bill, I rejoice as I read your messages.

    Colossians 3:4-6 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

    Romans 8 :12-15 Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. or if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

    1 John 4:17-19 Herein is our Love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in Love; but perfect Love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in Love. We Love Him, because He first Loved us.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


    • Thank you for your encouraging words and the great verses, Anne.
      By the way: my sister is on vacation in Australia right now and my niece is studying in Tasmania this semester. I’ve never been to Australia or Tasmania, but from the pictures I’ve seen you live in a beautiful part of the world.
      God bless you and Ron.


      • Hi Bill, yes we do live in a beautiful Country, every State has its highlights, and no doubt America is the same.

        One time in my life I never took the time to appreciate the Beauty God has given us to enjoy in His Creation but now even as I’m creating Power points I cry with amazement and have deep inner Joy because I see His Awesome footprints, meaning foundation of Love in all He has created, how can we ever deny His Majesty or forget to thank Him.

        Let’s stop and smell the Roses always.

        Christian Love – Anne.


  10. Fighting the good fight as a soldier in God’s army. Thank you for your hope and inspiration. I have nominated you for the inspiring bloggers award. Thank you for inspiring me. Check out my page to see nomination and acceptance rules. God Bless!


  11. I’m right there with you my fellow soldier! I have often wondered what Jesus would have done had the internet been around in His time here on earth. Since I know that God has called me to use it to spread His good Word through my blogging, I believe Jesus would have also embraced the tool to evangelize. Thanks for another great post!


  12. Good thoughts on bible verses. My view on this is God gave us this gift to create a the road in cyberspace. There will always be evil. God gave us wisdom, to know the different. And it’s good that people can continue to communicate via internet where it’s not allowed. Thank you Lord for making you an instrument.


  13. What a timely and powerful word you’ve offered here. What you are saying is so true. I can cite what the Lord has done in my personal experience in this venue as a perfect example to corroborate your points. I have spent most of my life in ministry, teaching God’s Word in meetings, books, radio, and TV, but it ‘s just been in the past couple of years that the Lord led me to begin using the Internet to reach people with His love and truth. The result is four different blogs, three of which are specifically ministry blogs, and one of which is my author’s blog, which is also clearly recognizable as a Christian platform. Many people won’t connect with a ‘ministry’ site, but will spend time on a site that looks like it’s dealing with more “normal” things, so I have had a good chance to connect with those people as well with the author’s site.

    But what has amazed me is the number of people who also visit the ministry sites and often “like” or comment on the material there. The most recent of those blogs is a blog devoted exclusively to healing, (Healing From Jesus), on Blogger, and to my surprise, with absolutely no advertisement or interaction of any kind on my part, in less than 3 weeks, we had almost 100 visits to that site from all over the world. People are in need and are hungry for good and for help, and the Lord can use the Internet to reach them a surely as He did that “Roman Road” and a papyrus scroll.

    I was talking with the administrators of the ministry through which my ministry functions about this subject, and they agreed that it is amazing what God is doing. When I think about how some of my blogs have an average of 300-400 hits a month, from all around the world, there is just no way to even begin keeping record of what work is being transacted for eternity via cyberspace and our faithfulness. I’m not refraining from my other types of ministry, but I figure God is reaching more people using me this way than if I were pastoring a church of 500 people.

    Keep up the great work, Unshakable Hope. Just think how many people may be able to welcome you into eternity by giving you a great big hug and thanking you for leading them to the only Savior.


  14. Well written. Thank you and I look forward to your blogs.


  15. Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog. I too have recently mentioned in one of post about the internet highway. God blees and keep on truckin as the truckers say.


  16. jennifermccrary

    I love the comparisons in your post! The roadways were indeed central to every part of the Roman Empire, just as the internet is for us today. I’m going to share your article on my Facebook page. God Bless!


  17. Excellent point! I just came here from another site – like road, the internet is a medium for communication. However, the internet is much a much faster and more readily available medium of communication, so it will naturally have greater quantities of both good and evil! Praise the Lord for people who use the internet to spread His truth!


  18. Planting Potatoes

    amen….well put! God will use what man invents to his good purposes….and man will continue to use what he invents for his bad purposes….I too pray with people through We use Twitter, Facebook, and to re-connect people in this broken world with Christ….isn’t it great to be serving God this way?


  19. Great article Brother Bill. Too often Christians curse the vehicle and miss the opportunity to use it for the sake of the Kingdom. Thanks for reminding us that our calling is to use tools like the Internet redemptively. It’s part of being salt and light in this generation.



  20. Bill, you make great points. I guess like everything there is always going to be questions like that… progress is sin according to the Amish and in some ways ignorance just might be bliss. But is the telephone evil? I guess it can be used to save a life by calling 911 or call your mom to offer your love, to make a drug deal or to wire money to a missionary. I think it is people who make something good or bad… like they say guns don’t kill people, people kill people… ahhh such as with the Internet it can be used for fighting with stangers, viewing porn or googling health needs or writing a blog and meeting a wonderful stanger such as you who has changed my attitude 180 and blessed many… have you looked at your followers lately? YOU my friend are amazing and lots of people know it!
    I wonder if I could be so bold to ask you… my friend Chris who also has ALS would love to write like you… can you send me a link to where he could go to get a keyboard that would allow him to write? He is doing it one finger at a time and there seems to be resources out there to make typing more accessible for people with limited movement. I would love to send him to it if you have a resource. Thank you and God bless you!


    • Thank you, Diane. I thought about the Amish while writing this. Jesus told us to go to all the world to preach the gospel; I think we need to capitalize on technological advancements like the Internet in order to do this. Obviously the Amish disagree.
      Regarding Chris, he really needs an “Eye-gaze” computer. I cannot imagine him having to type with one finger. There are several manufacturers of these systems; I think the two biggest are Tobii and Dynavox. I have been looking into getting a new system because the company that made this system is no longer in business and it needs service. I have tried the Tobii and Dynavox and found the Tobii to be more user-friendly. It might take Chris 6 months or more to get a system like this through insurance, but if he wants to get started right away and lives near a large city, the local MDA probably has some almost new donated eye-gaze systems they will loan out to him for as long as he needs it. If he wants to get more information about the Tobii system, he can check out their website –


      • You are amazing! I am going to cut and paste this information and send it
        to his wife Michele right now! I just sent your blog to them and know you will be a blessing. I have a feeling you have a DIVINE appointment with each other. Your heart and thoughts about the Lord as well as your ALS story is so similar. I hope that you guys can connect in some way.
        He is in the midst of trying to get an accessible van. And next month has decided to get a trache. He loves the Lord and still jokes and ministers to us all.
        Both of your attitudes touch me more than you will ever know.
        Praying for you both now!
        May God touch you in a miraculous way today!
        Love in HIM,


        • Thank you for your kind words, Diane. I look forward to connecting with Chris. It sounds like he also has a great wife/caregiver!
          I need to warn him that learning to type on an eye-tracking system is one of the most frustrating/challenging things I’ve ever done. If, like me, he needs to learn patience, learning this system is Patience 101. But he’ll get the hang of it after a few maddening weeks:-)


  21. This is an extraordinarily intriguing post. I applaud your organization on the work it is doing. The devil never stop competing with Jesus. Wherever Jesus is, the devil is always lurking nearby. That is one of the reasons Christians should not be complacent.

    Thanks for sharing. God blesses.


    • Thank you, Noel. You’re right, spiritual darkness is constantly trying to extinguish the light, and, today, this process is happening on the Internet, I believe, more than anywhere else – probably because it’s the World Wide Web; the one medium that interconnects the whole world.


  22. I’ve actually been using Facebook as my main means of internet outreach. Just from skimming through status updates, it’s really easy to find people who are hurting and just need to hear some hope. Thanks to the messaging, it’s easier than ever to just listen to someone an either redirect them to Christ, or share with them for the first time.


  23. Love this! Keep fighting, my brother. You’re a valuable and powerful soldier.


  24. very apt comparison and a great charge for us to fight the good fight of faith


  25. Wow! I never thought of it that way. You’re absolutely correct. Please keep on preaching to the choir!


  26. Great post! When we lived in KC, our youth pastor said he had a number of students–kids!–struggling with pornography. So sad! And yet, how awesome that parents and kids were coming to him to receive help. And how awesome that the church is getting more involved in this spiritual battle, not just against pornography, but all those things that threaten to place us in bondage and steal our freedom, peace, and joy in Christ.

    I love how you are actively involved in expanding God’s kingdom. I know you have some immense challenges, but wow, how awesome to see a brother in Christ make the most of every opportunity in order to serve Christ.


    • Thank you, Jennifer. It isn’t just young people or even just men that are battling Internet pornography, but I think young minds are probably more susceptible to forming bad habits and addictions. As I said, the Internet can be a scary place, but not if you only travel the “roads” you know. I don’t have the time or desire to “go exploring,” I can count on one hand the sites I visit daily and I think everyone should set up boundaries for traveling the Internet – not out of fear, but just common sense.


  27. Well said and amen, Bill. And thank you for the link to GMO.
    Also, as I’m sure fellow bloggers may have found, the Lord uses us when we offer our ‘cyber-skills’ in His service. I was stunned by several ‘God-incidences’ whilst drafting a recent post, ‘All Hail The Lamb’ – not the first time it’s happened over the years! (, in case anyone’s interested)


  28. Very interesting observation – thanks!


  29. Once I was quite wary of posting or emailing online anything to do with the Gospel.
    Silly I know! Now I see it as a wonderful platform for sharing the Good News and gifting flowers of hope along the “Roman Road”.
    Thank you for another brilliant post.


  30. Amen! What a fantastic analogy! Thank you for the encouragement!


  31. I agree with you on the internet, it is but a tool to be used to spread the good news of God’s love for us to people who have never heard. We, as believers must share the truth of Jesus’ teachings. When we accept Christ, we have just began our walk. We must take off the Old man of sin, and put on thre New Man who is created in holiness and true righteousness. It can only be done through the Holy Ghost. (Corinthians 12:3. John 3:3-5, Mark 16:15-18, John Chapters 14, 15,16,17) Without the power of the Holy Ghost in our life, we can never become sinless before God. 1 John 3:9 &10)
    If we know the truth, it will set us free, but if we have half truths, it will only bring us deeper into bondage!


  32. What a wonderful ministry, Bill. I was just having a discussion the other day about what my teenage years were like when computers were becoming accessible in the classroom, but not quite “the internet” yet, and what teens are facing now. My 13-year-old niece is a mess. I blame a lot of it on my sister and her husband. Fortunately I am social media savvy and have found a lot of her postings (much to her dismay). I have tried to explain to her that if you put it on the internet, it will come back to haunt you. She could post something at this tender age, and it might ruin her chances for employment a decade later. She posted something and one day later the parent of one of her friends went to the school counselor and had emergency psychiatric services intervene. I would appreciate some prayers for her. I worry for her. It’s just one of many things that have been going on with her lately. Part of it is the anonymity, too, that the internet creates where people can say and do things they would never say or do if their real names were posted.

    I really enjoy reading your blog. I have a few entries that I need to get caught up on, but it always makes me go, “Hmmmm” (in a good way).


    • Thank you, Hilda. You had computers when you were a teenager? That makes me feel old – when I was a teenager, calculators were the closest thing to computers we knew of:-). I am so glad that we didn’t have Youtube and Facebook back then because, as you told your niece, postings can haunt you the rest of your life! Believe me, I’ve had many of those “be careful what you post online” talks with our girls. But, like when I was a teenager, it’s all about right now – they don’t think about consequences down the road.


  33. Wow! Great post! I love the line you wrote, “whether it’s a road system, television, radio or the Internet, the thing that facilitates or depicts both good and bad behavior, cannot itself be good or bad; it’s what we do with a medium that’s good or bad.” I totally agree. I know many people who don’t like to use social networking sites. I believe the internet is a powerful tool that we believers can use to spread the gospel and spread love to numerous people!!


    • Thank you, Danielle. There was a time not too long ago that I was one of those people that didn’t like using social networking sites and even now I rarely post on Facebook. But theirs is a good side to social networking and the Internet in general. As I said, and you obviously agree, we cannot do any good just cursing the darkness.


  34. Elder Shawn Denise Briscoe

    I would have loved to comment on your topic; however, you voiced this subject matter so eloquently that all I have to say is…..Amen and well done.


  35. As Paul found Christ on the road to Damascus and the disciples found Him on the road to Emmaus, many will find Him on the digital highway. God bless!


  36. What a wonderful analogy, Bill. Thank you for your astute insight.

    In my many years of teaching and counselling at the high school level, I dealt with an increasing number of young women who are now addicted to pornography. It saddens me because these women who are seeking help truly understand that porn has severely “stained” their concept of sex and their image of self. With a push of a button, often unintended, these unhealthy scenes of sexual behavior mark young women for life.

    I do believe that the Internet can be and often is, this generation’s Roman road.
    Oh, how we all need wisdom and discipline.


    • That’s sad, Diane. I feel so sorry for young people today who have seen things online that, even as I juvenile delinquent looking at Playboy magazines back in the 1970’s, I couldn’t have even imagined. Only by the Holy Spirit and God’s word “renewing their minds” can they hope to get that garbage out of their heads and get back a normal God-given view of what a sexual relationship is supposed to be. Keep up your great work!


  37. I am so glad that there are many, like you, that are using the internet for good. Just this morning I read, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest IF we do not give up.” (Gal. 6:9) Yesterday I read a quote from Annie Downs, “The enemy is relentless BUT defeated!” May we remember that always.


  38. You may well be preaching to the choir, bill, but please don’t stop. sometimes the choir gets sleepy; sometimes they get preoccupied with looking out the window; sometimes they refuse to learn “all those crazy new tunes.” The old ways are good ways, but with care new things can be put to profitable use, too.

    I think it takes seasoned warriors to go off on these roads, though. I would never encourage young people to get involved in a lot of internet activity because they may sooner fall prey to the enemy’s diversions, get involved in social interaction and forget the main mission. (That said, I’m thankful there are those who are totally committed to the cause and do reach out through the internet.)

    I agree with you, let’s do what we can. And if the Lord calls us to this type of service, we need to remember I Corinthians 4:2: “Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” We will need to give an account someday.


    • Thank you, Christine. I agree with you about not encouraging young people to go online; as I mentioned in the post, the Internet, like the Roman roads, is full of traps and temptations. Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs and I believe that one of His reasons for doing so was so – so they could watch each others back and hold one another accountable. I think that’s a good rule for traveling the Internet too.


  39. God bless you, Bill! Your work, along with other volunteers for GMO is a light in the darkness for people searching for Truth. It’s particularly hopeful that your ministry reaches people in countries where being a Christian is dangerous. GMO gives them courage. Keep fighting the good fight, my friend.


  40. As always, thank you so much for your thought provoking posts. I attended a UK festival in the summer last year and listened to a guest speaker proclaim that he believed God would release the Holy Spirit through something new/undiscovered in His Word via the internet that would go viral. It certainly sounds typical to God but that said, this speaker fell from Grace in a big way so I am now holding and praying into this potential prophesy. Through the Victory Craig:)


    • Thank you, Craig. I do think we’ll soon be seeing a lot more “good things” on the Internet. I sense that people, especially Christians, are fed-up with all the garage and there are good tools (blocking and accountability software…) available now for avoiding and combating the dark side of the Internet.


  41. I love your analogy about the Roman road. I never thought of the Internet (or the Roman road for that matter) like that.

    As a Christian blogger walking that road every day, I have to be careful not to be distracted by the temptations along the way.

    By the grace of God, I’m not tempted by pornography, but I am tempted by trying to “fill my cup” with stats, e-mails, and comments.

    Your analogy will hep me in this battle. Thank you!


    • Oops – I should say help me in the battle, not hep me in the battle!


    • Thank you, Barb. There are so many temptations and time wasting opportunities on the Internet. As the verse I used at the end of this post says, we overcome evil by doing good. I became convinced years ago that there are a lot of Christians not “doing bad” things, but if they’re not doing good things, they’re not letting their light shine anymore than Christians who are engaging in “sinful behavior.” I’m glad you’re letting your light shine.


        (Habakkuk 3:17-18)
        The people of Judah were on their way into captivity, and Habakkuk was just one of the prophets that God used to deliver His message of judgment and repentance. Judah’s sin and disobedience had grown to such a proportion that God knew He had to do something to stop their downward spiral. The nation needed to turn back to the Lord and begin to worship Him as their only God. Therefore, He allowed them to face captivity in a foreign land. As promised, Judah was invaded, and most of the people were deported to Babylon. It was there that King Nebuchadnezzar ruled over them.
        Like many of us, Habakkuk felt the weight of what was about to come, and he was not settled with the matter at all. In fact, he became anxious and cried out, “How long, O LORD, will I call for help, and You will not hear?” (1:2) As long as life runs along well, we rarely feel the need to ask God for help. However, the moment the skies of our lives turn dark and stormy, we immediately cry out to Him.
        You may be a Christian who has worshipped the Lord most of your life. In fact, you consistently take time to be with Him in prayer and praise. However, difficulty has come, and you wonder what you will do. Not all suffering is the result of sin. It is true that Judah needed a course correction or they would have totally abandoned their faith. This was not God’s desire for the nation He loved. Nor was it on track with His promise to Abraham and David.
        Other times, suffering comes in order to prepare us for an even greater blessing. While the storms of life may descend on us without warning, God always has a rainbow planned for those who turn their lives over to Him and trust Him even in the most difficult circumstances.


  42. Once again SPOT ON! Thank you for being a constant encourager and challenger.
    You are a blessing.



  43. I love it. Thanks for bringing this revelation of the internet being our Roman road system. It makes perfect sense. The best and worse have equal opportunity to use it. My dad taught me that where there is no light, darkness abounds. He would say that if we as light pull out of anything like TV, movies and now internet, we are giving in and letting darkness win.
    I’m with you, my friend. You are not fighting alone!


  44. Worthy thoughts. I hear brothers and sisters complaining about how evil the world has become and many seem to find it discouraging. But the apostles lived in a time that was even worse and saw people desperately in need of the saving power of Jesus Christ.


    • I think that the garbage on the Internet shows that we’re living in dark times, but, as you said, the early Christians lived in even darker times; a time when people paid money to go watch men kill one another, a time when pedophilia was practiced openly and a time when men like the Apostles and thousands of other Christians were tortured and killed just for being Christians. We live in dark times, but it’s at the darkest of times when the light of Christ burns the brightest!


  45. God Bless You for using the internet for good!


  46. Amen brother, we are marching alongside you…


  47. Thank you for the reblog, Katharine.


  1. Pingback: Is the Internet Evil? — a reblog from Unshakable Hope | Home's Cool!

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