More than just a dream

I had a vivid dream last night –  In this dream I was completely healed and whole.

The dream began with me simply stepping out of bed, which is something I haven’t been able to do in over 15 years. I could walk, talk, eat, dress myself and do everything else that I was once able to do. Mary and I were so excited that we began calling all of our family and friends and then we began visiting people at their homes and offices (Mary drove the car because I don’t have a driver’s license and the only thing I’ve driven in last 15 years is a wheelchair).

The dream was so real-to-life that I was telling Mary all the places I wanted to travel to and all the restaurants I wanted to try. I was even making practical plans like getting a driver’s license and making an appointment with the doctor to have my feeding tube removed etc. As you can probably imagine, this was so exciting; more so than winning a billion dollar lottery! But that incredible excitement soon turned to great disappointment when I awoke from this vivid dream at 4:15 this morning and realized I couldn’t even uncross my feet, let alone get out of bed.

Then my great disappointment turned back into incredible excitement when I remembered that, regardless of what happens in this life, one day I KNOW that I WILL be healed and whole! One day “…there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain…” (Revelation 21:4)

There was a time in my life that I feared death and the unknown in general. I later found out that these fears are quite common. But, as strange as it might sound, ever since I committed to following Christ and began believing the promises of God’s word, my fear of death has been replaced with an excitement of what lies in store for me after this brief and fragile life is over. Christ died and rose again to free us from sin AND from the fear of what lies ahead – “…only by dying could He (Jesus) break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.” (Hebrews 2:14-15 NLT)

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on February 13, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 172 Comments.

  1. God made my dream come true. He healed me from Cancer. Our God is truly an amazing Father. I pray that God give you more strength and healing. May you continue to inspire others with your wisdom and courage. =)


  2. I’m keeping with just the dream aspect. I’m much earlier in progression, but I can’t drive and I can only do something similar to walking for a few very assisted steps for transfers. Right before I go to sleep I sometimes try to imagine I can in hopes of having a full dream of walking out of the house and getting in my car like I did not all that long ago. It’s probably not a good idea right now. Waking up would leave me saddened much longer than you by my loss. I would get over it though. I’ll take the dream.


  3. Hi Bill,
    We at BeingRebekah LOVE this post and were wondering if you’d be willing to allow us to reblog it as one of our guest spots? We completely understand if you don’t, but we really think this is something that our readers would be encouraged by. Sorry to ask so openly, I would have asked via email if I could find one on this site.

    Rebekah M. (feel free respond via email at


  4. This was one of your posts that I send to many. It is still getting reactions I see. Keep up the wonderful inspiring words. YOU are truly HIS vessel1
    May God give you a great miracle this week!


  5. Hi Bill!

    That is an exciting dream! I am believing for your healing in the here and now. Your dream reminds me of Kenneth Hagin who couldn’t walk and was miraculously healed. He wrote about it in his book, ‘I Believe in Visions’. A friend who is in the process of being miraculously cured from cancer is reading it and it has greatly encouraged her.

    I also want to encourage you by telling you that though I have never been in a wheelchair, I have been healed of MS. I’m not on meds and I have not had any symptoms in 4 yrs. I am excited for you. Looking forward to hearing what God does in your life.

    Be blessed beyond your imagination.


  6. I remember having an incredibly vivid dream after our son died. (I wrote about it here: I dreamed that I came home from somewhere and Jason was in our house. I was so excited! I couldn’t stop hugging him because I had missed him so much. People started coming by to see for themselves that he was actually alive. I woke up smiling…until I realized that it was all just a dream…and I started crying. But someday we will all be together and it won’t be a dream…and there will be no more sickness and no more sorrow. I look forward to that day.


  7. wildpatchouli

    I should amend my previous post – the man of God did not heal the woman, God did, through him.


  8. wildpatchouli

    Gosh this is a great write-up. I’ve had vivid dreams I’ve been disappointed to wake up from as well – but also many, many very bad ones where I’ve been more than relieved to wake. Thanks for liking my post the Fantastic Flight – this is how I see life. We’re travellers, or sojourners heading for our real and eternal home in paradise. May God bless you richly.
    (PS. I did once witness a miracle from 2 feet away. A man of God healed a woman’s limp by praying over her. As I watched her outstretched legs, one of them grew at least 6 inches, to a bit longer than the other leg, then withdraw until it was exactly the same length. She walked off without a limp. True – miracles still happen today.)


  9. Thanks for following me – I hope you find something useful in your journey following The Master Christian! Blessings.


  10. And we will see Him as He is…The thought crossed my mind that we will also see on another as brothers and sisters and children of the King. Can hardly wait!


  11. Bill ~ I love that you are keeping your hope alive during the daylight and during the nighttime in your dreams! Keep it up! xo


  12. We are one day closer!
    Praise God for the victory we have in Christ!


  13. I’ve enjoyed reading your Unshakeable Hope entries and look foward to reading more of them–God is so good–thank you for your faithful witness to HIM!


  14. Dear Mr Hope, what a lovely dream. You humble me and inspire me to keep a positive attitude in life. Thank you for living the walk and taking on the cross that God has given you to carry. You do so with such faith, dignity, honesty, and trust. Blessings to you. Cheryl


  15. Hey Bill, Just wanted to share this.
    Hope your day was great! May tomorrow be even better!


  16. Bill,
    I am back from my LA buying trip and the whole time, I continued to be notified of all the people you touched by this one! I read it to whoever would listen. I realized that it is kind of like sharing our faith. You have pricked my heart. I have begun to wake up everyday and thank God for giving me “ENOUGH” thanks to you, I have begun to appreciate what I used to take for granted. The amazing responses here have also blessed me. Knowing you has blessed me. I am praying for your needs now. Because of you, I pray in a way I didn’t used to. I mean, I prayed for others of course, but my prayers are different now. I can’t really explain it. My day is different.


    • Thank you so much for your ongoing encouragement, Diane! Thank you also for your prayers. Where would any of us be without the encouragement and prayers of others? God has shown me in His word that He is good, but also by His working through people like you and so many others among my family and friends!
      “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” (Psalm 118:1)


  17. I respect your Trust and confidence Bill that God does not cause affliction, and the Hope you have in a wonderful Eternity, I too share this with you and know without a doubt it is Truth, we will only know Joy.

    You may already know Bill that I’m also disabled and have been from birth but thankfully it was slow moving. Amazingly I have now been Miraculously healed more than once, all documented but unexplained by the Doctors who treated me…. why was I healed when others are not, some life treating conditions disappeared after coming to heart repentance which is a confirmation of God’s forgiveness as confirmed in Scripture and some others I believe because I would not be alive now if God had not intervened but as for the resent ones, I’m just thankful and don’t question why God has blessed me so much, I’m still Disabled but I will no longer have to fear being a Paraplegic which was diagnosed when I was 40. I believe God knows what we can endure and He has provided help by Medicine and in His creation but as you shared Bill and it is confirmed in the Scriptures I shared on your About, He will also strengthen us and help us in whatever Storm we encounter in life.

    God does not do or willingly allow evil to afflict us, just as Loving Parents wouldn’t with their Children, He warns us to follow His guidelines, but He is patient giving us time, all evil will soon end, we are in the end times as confirmed by Scripture and by what is happening in the World, these are signs we cannot ignore.

    Bill I feel I must share the heart conviction that I now have after reading your message, your dream will be a reality and I will be praying for this to be soon and I will also ask Peter a Christian friend who has the gift of healing to pray for you too. God bless you greatly Bill and your Loved ones.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne.


  18. I’m speechless. Thank you for touching me with that unshakable hope you have. Blessings to you, the deepest and best.


  19. Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts!

    And thank you for sharing your wonderful dream and also the truth of our reality with Christ in eternity!

    I look forward to reading more of your entries. 🙂

    P.S. Have you read the book “The Power of the Blood” by H.A. Whyte?


  20. Bill, it’s obvious that God has an incredible hold on your life. The world needs to know the hope that’s in your heart.

    A couple of months before my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer, the Lord put it on my heart to study heaven with our sons. We’ve been reading Randy Alcorn’s book, Heaven for kids, which is an adaptation of his book called Heaven. Have you ever read it? It’s wonderful to look into scripture and see exactly what’s coming for us. Even though I was raised in the church, I never studied heaven. I’ve been amazed to see how much scripture there is about heaven. I’ve also been studying near death experiences, which is a world-wide phenomenon.Wow. I can’t wait.

    Dreams can be so powerful. I think you got a small taste of what’s in store for you, my brother.

    I can’t wait to walk with you and my mom in heaven. Love to you…


    • Hi Lori, it’s good to hear from you. I am glad you mentioned that book, “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. Others have told me it’s a good book, but I haven’t read it yet. I will order the audio version today so I can relax outside and listen to it. We have much to look forward to, Lori.
      “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:2-3)


      • I hope you enjoy listening to the book. I look forward to hearing what you learn.

        Our lives, including our struggles and losses, align with such a different purpose when we look at our life from eternity’s perspective, yes? Not that it’s easy, of course. Compared to forever, our pain and suffering seems so temporary.

        Knowing this, why do I still seem to lose sight of this truth? I wonder if you can relate…


        • It seems to be human nature, Lori – even for the most devout followers of Christ; we tend to get so focused on the here and now that we lose sight of the Big picture – the eternal perspective. It really does take a conscious effort, like slapping ourselves, to get us refocused. Unfortunately spiritual complacency seems to be mankind’s “default position.”


  21. I nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”.
    Your strength is amazing and I am grateful God brought us together. God bless you
    Here is the link:


  22. Thank you, Bill, for always bringing us back to reality–the reality of God’s eternal kingdom. I think an old hymn said it was “just beyond the veil.” For a few moments during your dream, God pulled back that veil a bit. (I have a feeling he’s saving the best until later!) Your positive attitude and unstoppable faith touch every heart who hears your story. And I see great ripples of transforming effect in many lives through your example. Thank you for pressing on!


  23. Reblogged this on and commented:
    There is liberty in the spirit of God – Charles Spurgeon


  24. Thank you so much for stopping in at my blog … Thank you for sharing your story and hope … Your love for Jesus is so evident and inspiring.
    Wholeness and completeness in every aspect is something I can’t even imagine. Being completely loved and fully known … being completely healed and fully able … what concepts … thank you for helping me see a little clearer today … Please continue to write and encourage your readers… I will be one of them now 🙂


  25. Hi Bill. Diane sent me over here and I’m glad she did. I know with every fiber of my being that what awaits you on the other side will be beyond your most beautiful dreams and expectations. You will not only be made whole, you’ll be made perfect. This life is just a blink of an eye in terms of eternity. I’m like you, eager to cross over and be with our loving Savior. It is something to look forward to. 🙂

    I was in the room when my brother in-law passed away. Minutes before he died he began having a conversation with his deceased mother, as if she was right in the room with us. He was so happy to see her. I have no doubt that she had come to get him. When he finally died it became very obvious that his spirit had left his body. The body that remained looked like a rental suit, it could have belonged to anyone. I realized right then and there, that it’s our spirit that gives our body light and makes it recognizable. Without the spirit we just look like a sack of potatoes. 🙂

    My brother in-law’s spirit had left the room — I had the distinct impression, I mean, I KNEW that he continued to live!! It was amazing!!

    This is a scenario that I hear about quite a bit. There’s another blogger that lost her dad a year ago and had a very similar experience. She said it was divine and so comforting because her dad was happy and no longer in pain.

    So, no wonder I’m excited to cross over – we all should be!

    I’m so sorry for this physical pain that you must endure while you’re here in this mortal life, but I’m sure that what awaits you is magnificent. There is soo much love for you. You’re reaching so many people with this beautiful testament of the Lord. I know He must be very pleased with you Bill and is smiling down on you, His beloved son.

    Carry on! You are an inspiration to me. I’ll put you in my prayers and be thinking of you.
    Much love,


    • Thank you, Lisa. Diane is like my biggest cheerleader:-)
      The experience of watching your brother-in-law pass away was awesome and I like your comparing his spiritless body to a “sack of potatoes.” The Bible says our body is just a “tent” for our spirits to dwell in while on earth. CS Lewis said, “You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” I feel sorry for those who fear death.
      “For we walk by faith, not by sight — we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:7-9)


  26. What a great dream! Maybe it was a God-given dream, prophetic in nature. (See Job 33: 14-16, which says that God speaks to us in dreams. ) Regardless of whether it was a God-given dream or wishful thinking, our new (eternal) bodies will be perfect in every way. Love in Christ.


    • Thank you, Sheryl. You’re right; the Bible has a lot to say about God speaking to us through dreams. And, even the healthiest of bodies cannot compare to the post-resurrection-Jesus-like bodies we’ll have for eternity – “…We know that when He appears, we will be like Him…” (1 John 3:2)


  27. Prayed and will be praying for you.. Pls take care, and yes, our God of hope is an amazing God! I ponder with excitement on heaven too… 😉 May you be blessed with Philippians 4:11


    • Thank you for your comments and for your prayers! I agree with you, we must learn “to be content in whatever circumstances” we find ourselves in (as Philippians 4:11 says), but that sure is much easier to do when you’re hoping for something better:-)


  28. Oh wow!!! Amazing. See my post called ‘when I get to heaven’ we shall have at least one race ib heaven, my friend!! Love it!!


  29. Bill,
    I have not been on line for a while except to read some of my favorites! And I have to tell you that I have read this particular posting of your blog out loud to several people, just posted it on my facebook and sent it to even more.
    YOU have changed my life.
    Just your everyday perspective has made me look at things so differently. I just want you to know that I have been a believer and raised my kids that way but maybe it is the fact that you are sitting still getting to know HIM on such a different level that makes me envious and yet sit up and appreciate the every day things that I just take for granted. This dream of yours has sent me reeling. No one can get by me, without sharing about you. Thank you for changing me. For HIM.
    Have a blessed day my friend. I am off ot LA to visit my daughter and do a retail buying trip for the spa where I work. So I won’t be on for a few days posting but I will be reading! 😉


  30. Hi Bill, the Lord is control of your life and if he has allowed certain things to happen and be part of your life then you will find His grace to continue and persevere in it. One of my pastors is crippled, he was shot in the head in the Rhodensian war before Zimbabwe won independance in 1980. He gave his life to the Lord in hospital afterwards and today is being wonderfully used by God. He always says to us though that he would rather be cirppled in the natural than be crippled by sin. It is one of the greatest previlages to be able to Christ and we will experience such a great joy at meeting Him one day face to face.

    Keep well, and continue in the faith.


  31. Wonderful example of what a perfect name you have given your blog. Simply awesome Unshakeable Hope. I thank God for the blessings He gives us through you. And I celebrate with you what is to come.


  32. a beautiful dream and a hopeful vision. I love the thought of God’s promises and being able to realize them. I changed my blog it used to be mindinterrupted


  33. Perhaps it was more of a vision rather than a dream, and God was showing you what it will be like after your divine healing occurs!
    Much prayers & God Bless you!


  34. Your dream is a look into the time you will be whole once again. I so wish there was a cure for ALS, cancer and many other debilating illnesses. God bless you as you minister through your computer to your Internet family.


  35. I love your blog. You inspire me!


  36. Bill, you are such an example of what Corrie ten Boom used to talk about: you get the ticket when you need it. That gives the rest of us hope. Thank you for sharing this.


  37. I think you are so courageous!. You have been given a difficult path to take and yet you continue to trust and believe in our Heavenly Father! What a lesson to all of us!


  38. This is just awesome Bill, thank you again for sharing


  39. Your blog is so hopeful to people who are suffering. Praying that God will continue to give you peace and joy in the midst of your trial.


  40. You bear such a powerful testimony, Bill. I’m grateful to know you in some small way. Happy Valentines Day, friend!


  41. Thanks so much for such great encouragement to everyone. Interesting title, for I’d originally called my testimony of the Lord’s visitation, ‘More Than A Dream’!
    (perhaps you’ve read?


  42. One day, you will be dancing with Jesus, and the angels, and all the saints –what a wonderful day that would be!


  43. Sometimes it is difficult to see beyond the physical reality and even harder to discern God’s plan when silence answers your prayers. But nevertheless our God is a God of miracles and compassion. And I want to pray for your healing, for your body to be restored and for you to get up and walk. So that you will be a powerful testimony to the glory of God! Keep up the faith 🙂


  44. Bill,
    what encouragement you bring! i praise God for the day you will dance in Heaven on God’s great dance floor!
    thank you for your transparency 🙂


  45. We all await this day, I rejoice with you the hope we have in His resurrection !


  46. Bill, your unshakable hope is truly inspiring. This is on the list of the most inspiring posts I’ve read.


  47. Dreams allow our spirits to soar. God gave you this dream so you could enjoy a time where you had no constraints. Your dream reminded me of Martin Luther King’s famous speech, I Had A Dream. Although the African Americans had been physically free for a century, they did not have true freedom. This speech about a dream for complete freedom sparked vision, where there was none. This dream became reality in the years that followed. It is my belief that God is telling you to grasp the vivid dream and have hope and vision. He is giving you the oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness. Nothing is impossible, with God. Without a vision the people perish. You have vision and it shines out of your blog. Know that you are not forgotten and God is working on your behalf. May God’s love and favor surround you beyond anything that you can hope for or imagine.


  48. I love it that, rather than wallow in your hard circumstances, you share your faith, hope, and wisdom through this blog. I bet you are a serious prayer warrior as well.


  49. Ok Lord, you said You would heal the lame, and you have shown Bill what WILL come to pass. Thank you Lord, that one of these mornings Bill will wake up and be whole. Let it be done to him according to Your Word. Restore his legs, and all other areas that have been bound by infirmity, in Jesus’ Name. At the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Infirmity, you must bow, and be gone, in Jesus’ name.


  50. We have SO much to look forward to!!


  51. Amen!! Thank you for such a heartwarming, heart-rending, yet encouraging post!


  52. There is no way I could read your latest blog and not comment. Your dream I believe and you don’t have to agree with me. However, I believe that you were being shown what is available to you here on earth and not just what will be in heaven. You see I take the healing scriptures very seriously and at face value. I believe the Word when it tells me that life and death are in the power of the tongue. There are so many things that have been restored in regards to my health. Just last month I was told by my neurologist that there was remnant of brain tumor left. For 13 years I kept saying that I am healed and never allowed the doctors to operate on me. In 2009 I was told by many specialist and various doctors that I was going to die and that I needed to get my affairs in order at home. In 2000 I had the first of 3 strokes and no one can tell that I’m a stroke survivor. I had lost my sight and now I can see; I have glasses but who would know that my bifocals are due to the tumor being on my optical nerve. The bifocals look like anyone who wear them. You see I know that just as JESUS is in heaven so am I on earth. JESUS is not sick; handicapped; blind or anything that is considered sick. Now I know that our flesh will fail us. But I would like for you to think in your heart and mind that you are healed and just as JESUS is so are you. Believe and never doubt. Believe that the dream you had will come true because it came from GOD. You see my brother; good ideas may come true but GOD ideas will come true.


  53. Thank you, Bill, for your willingness to bless us by sharing from your own life and heart. I treasure reading your posts! You inspire hope and encourage us all to remember the big picture – that this life on earth is so brief and Heaven in eternal…

    Blessings ~ Wendy


  54. I am so encouraged by your attitude towards your health and life! I was ill and bedridden for two weeks this month. It was hard NOT to feel impatient and want to feel better and see life get back to normal. I wonder how I’d do if I had to live with physical restrictions on a daily basis. Your words remind me, that God’s grace is sufficient. And He would supply the patience and positive attitude. You are proof of His incredible grace!!


  55. This is often it is, that we are upset by little things…like not getting our way, or things not panning out…to imagine, not being able to get out of bed! This is such a great reminder for me, not to take life for granted, and yet, also keep in mind how very much more Jesus has in store for me and you and everyone who calls on His name! Inspired by your faith! thank you so much =)


  56. I’m sorry that you had that dream (I’ve also had similar dreams) only to be disappointed.

    I know that my situation is nothing compared to yours, but I also look forward to that wondrous day when we get to see Christ and we will no longer have any pain and our bodies will be whole again. I am thankful to God that we have that promise of perfection. I am glad that we share the same salvation!!

    I continue to pray for you and your health. God bless you richly!


  57. Encouraging as usual. Thanks for this post!


  58. More than a Conqueror
    Cast Down but Unconquered
    7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
    8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
    9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed —
    37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
    38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,
    39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


  59. Your dream was a beautiful rainbow of the promise to come. Thank you for sharing Bill.


  60. Bill, thank you for sharing your dream. I admire your eternal perspective on life! My father-in-law is a quadriplegic and has been in a wheel chair for about 17 years. My husband’s dreams at night are often filled with his father walking. My daughter recently drew a picture of her grandpa in heaven walking and flying. I love that verse you mentioned that reminds us we have an amazing place to look forward to! Everything we experience here on earth is preparing us for our real home in heaven!


    • “Everything we experience here on earth is preparing us for our real home in heaven!” I agree with you, Danielle! I’m sorry to hear that your father-in-law is paralyzed. It’s strange, but even after all of these years, I am “normal” in almost all of my dreams; it’s like my mind doesn’t comprehend what’s going on with the body:-) I wonder if this is the case with people like your father-in-law too?


  61. You truly have unshakable hope.


  62. Better still, the vision is also instructive of the fact that, though we may be physically limited, in the realm of the Spirit, we are complete, perfect and limitless. Thank you for being a portal of such insight.


  63. Great message of hope and so much to look forward to in the life to come! Praise God Hee’s not finished with us yet.


  64. Your post humbles me. What courage it takes to tell such a story! What courage it takes to keep your faith when the dream is over! I have a friend who is going through a totally different sort of problem that is, nevertheless, paralyzing, not physically but emotionally. Sometimes you might not know that she is not physically paralyzed.
    Yet you share the hope that she also must cling to. God is not done with you, and God is not done with her. The promise of what one of my teachers calls the real reality is solid, and your testimony is faithful.
    Thank you,


  65. Your posts leave me humbled and so incredibly grateful for all those things that I take for granted.
    May you always have the perfect peace that God provides.


  66. Thanks for sharing your dream. I always think of Joseph when I read about dreams. God gave him a dream that seemed impossible. He endured so much before his dream became a reality. When it seems like your dream is just a dream, keep hoping and believing because God is working on your behalf. I am hoping and believing with you until He completes that which He began in you.


  67. Bill, as always, thank you. You are a true evangelist!


  68. Blessings to you, Bill. Thank you for sharing your dream with us – I feel like I was right there watching you experience such physical freedom…and I was rejoicing with you. I so enjoy your posts – they are always inspiring and they remind me to hold unswervingly to hope. I agree with Annie – I, too, can’t wait to see you dancing in heaven.


  69. Blessings to you, Bill. Thank you for sharing your dream. I felt like I was right there watching you experience this physical freedom. I so look forward to your posts – I am inspired and reminded to hold unswervingly to hope.


  70. What you say is true, but i believe God wants you to be healed in this life. The dreams we dream between 3 am and 6 am are usually from the Lord, especially if they bring joy to the soul and are as vivid as you described. Whatever you see yourself doing in your mind, you can eventually do with your body too. Never lose hope. Stay optimistic. Pray.


    • Thank you for your encouraging words, Kevin. I agree with you completely about God wanting us to be healed in this life. Strange as it might sound coming from someone who has been in a wheelchair for 15+ years, I have never been more convinced that this or any sickness is NOT God’s will. I don’t understand why this belief has not materialized in my situation, but I no longer feel as though I have to understand all these mysteries – God is good and, as His word says, death, disease, mourning etc are His enemies.


  71. Your blog is one that has depth of Godly wisdom. The price we pay for such wisdom is usually through challenging and sometimes painful experiences. Thank you for sharing from your life. I love your blog. I do not walk in your shoes per se; yet my own walk is a difficult and painfully challenging. You shine the Bright Light of encouragement in Christ Who is our Unshakable Hope into many lives…I thank God my life is one of them. Your writings are priceless yet you pay a high price. Knowing Jesus is truly Priceless and He gave the ultimate High Price of His Life so we can go through such times as these with victory no matter what we face. Please keep on writing… God bless you.


  72. This is a beautiful post. Courage. Our God has so infused you with courage. As I read & then reread your post, the thought that came to my mind is that you are a person that is truly living out this verse: “Though the fig tree does not bud & there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails & the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen & no cattle in the stalls YET I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD. I WILL BE JOYFUL IN GOD MY SAVIOR.” Habakkuk 3:17, 18. Thank you & may God bless you & your Mary!


  73. Truly inspiring- bless you for sharing! I can’t wait to see you dancing in heaven- right into His arms!


  74. Awesome message bro!


  75. Thanks for sharing this story. I can imagine (in part, only, I know) the elation and following disappointment. I’m so glad you have the perspective and hope that you have.


  76. I just have to say Amen, and also.. I’m so sorry you have so much to deal with. I fully agree, I used to have the fear of dying. As I’ve lost loved ones, now I feel that great excitement of all the healing, no tears, no pain and seriously, I can just see that great reunion! I felt it strongly when my mom went to heaven..for the very first time, she would know love like never before. We cannot grasp the love here, that we will know in heaven. My mom would see her own mother, who had gone to heaven when my own mom was just 14 yrs old. See that reunion? What a joy to behold in all of it. I think it’s just like our Father to give us just a tiny fragment of what is to come, through dreams. Thank you for sharing your heart. God bless you and Mary.


  77. Amazing story!
    How great to be able to remember the whole story…that this is just the beginning.
    Praise God for your faith and for the ability to share with the world!


  78. Beautiful post! God bless! 🙂


  79. The thing I love about God is that he always encourages us to stay storng when we feel weak. He is always with us. Still praying for you.


  80. Thank you for the re-blog, Rebekah.


  1. Pingback: Being Isaac: Bill from Unshakable Hope “More than Just a Dream” | Being Rebekah

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