I’m More There Than Here

I have been sick for the last ten days or so. It was likely another upper respiratory infection or possibly pneumonia. It’s probably not COVID-19 because Mary’s had the house on lockdown since early March to protect her mom and me. She guards our home like it’s Fort Knox. She’s tough. Our daughter was in town last month and asked to stay with us, and Mary told her no. Mary said to her, “you haven’t been practicing social distancing or wearing a mask.” Thankfully, Mary did allow the repairman in last week when our air conditioner broke down.

Regardless of what I had, hospice isn’t in the business of diagnosing. Hospice is in the business of making the dying comfortable, and it’s a job that a lot of caring people do very well. They did write me a prescription for antibiotics, however. We are thankful for hospice.

I am feeling better. Thank you to all of you who pray for me.

I usually don’t watch a lot of television when I am feeling/breathing okay. I’m on my computer most days for ten or twelve hours. But whatever I had was making it so difficult to breathe sitting upright. I laid down and watched way too much news. Watching too much news leads to depression. I knew this, but I’m a glutton for punishment. Seeing footage of George Floyd having his life snuffed out, and the riots that followed was depressing. I love people, but I hate so much in this world. I want heaven so much more than this cruel world. I didn’t pray to die like I did last Thanksgiving when I was so sick, but I was tempted.

In my soul and spirit, I’m more there than here.

“Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind.” ― C.S. Lewis.

Have you ever prayed for the return of Jesus? If you’ve prayed the Lord’s Prayer, you’re praying for heaven to invade earth:

“Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven …”
(Matthew 6:9-10).

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I got the name of my blog from Hebrews 12:27:

“…all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.” (Hebrews 12:27).

It was almost twenty-four years ago that ALS shook our family. It was as if God turned us upside down and shook us until almost everything we were trusting in fell out. Everything but Jesus that is. He is the only Unshakable Hope we have.

The world is being shaken right now. The only constant is change, and most of these changes are not for the better. There will be so many “new normals” that the world we knew will be unrecognizable.

We can’t blame God for all of this suffering and turmoil. He does allow the horrible things we see to happen, but He allows it for good. In order to understand this, we have to see it from God’s eternal point of view. Heaven and hell are real, and we will all spend eternity in one or the other. Many of us put trust and hope in the things of this world, temporary things. With some of us, the only way we will turn to Christ is to be shown that these temporary things are not worthy of our trust and hope. This is the context for the Unshakable Hope verse: “…all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain.” (Hebrews 12:27).

In chapter sixteen of the book of Revelation, the Apostle John was horrified by something he saw in the vision. He saw plagues and people with painful sores, such horrible suffering. What shocked John was these suffering people still refused to turn to Christ and be forgiven for their sins. Instead, they “blasphemed the name of God.”

How can I say that “God is good” when there is so much suffering and injustice in the world? Because He is not the “god of this world.” Satan is the god of this present world. He “has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4).

One of the ways that the “god of this world” has “blinded the minds of the unbelieving” is by waving a bunch of shiny things in front of their eyes.

“For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.” (Romans 8:24-25).

I hope I will see you there.

About Bill Sweeney

In 1996, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with ALS. The neurologist gave me 3-5 years to live. 24 years later... :-) I'm completely paralyzed and unable to speak. By God's grace and the great care of my wife, I'm still here. I live to encourage and give hope to others going through difficult times.

Posted on June 15, 2020, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 153 Comments.

  1. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! This world is not our final home. We are pilgrims and sojourners simply passing through. “I want heaven so much more than this cruel world” – really struck a nerve with me. I’m so thankful the Lord has deposited within (and around) us longings for home to help us never to become complacent.

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  2. Amen Brother in Jesus-Yeshua Christ-Messiah BILL!!

    Please Pray for Israel-Yisrael / Christian Nation United States of America, and our Christian Earth Everyday “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!

    ( Psalms 33:12 KJV ) “Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD; and the People whom HE hath Chosen for HIS Own Inheritance.”!!

    Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕💜 is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore!!

    I Love you all Everyone through Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua, because HE LOVED 💜💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!

    Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

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  3. Christine Lomas

    Bill, thank you so much for the encouragement and hope you point us to in Jesus Christ. The last two years have been very difficult, since I lost both my parents within 5 months of each other. I have suffered with anxiety and depression. I am 65, but it’s still hard to say ‘goodbye’ to your Mum and Dad at any age. When I found your site, reading your posts helped me tremendously. I understood how God can help us through anything if we trust in Him as you yourself have shown us all. I will remind myself daily, as Paul said in Romans 8 – NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. I know we have a loving heavenly Father who understands all our trials and sorrows and is always there for us. May God bless you always and I hope I’ll see you in heaven too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for your comments, Christine. I’m sorry you lost your parents. You’re right, it’s hard to lose a parent at any age. I’m also sorry you have suffered from depression. Apart from Jesus, I don’t know how people overcome depression.


  4. Just prayed for you Bill. How are you?

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  5. Once again your perspective is the one we ALL need, Bill, regardless of our circumstances. I’m glad your heart is where it belong, and (selfishly) grateful that you share your invaluable perspective about the journey ahead–you’re a first-class trail guide, my friend.

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  6. I so get it. The “incident” took place the day before my sisters passing and I have to admit I resented it because it has forestalled my ability to mourn for my sister properly. I remember asking her to take me with her. I am too old and too tired to see what all else man will do to one another. I told her I knew she was going to be in a much better place and I was ready to join her. So, yes, I’m sure there’s many of us who understand and for different reasons. Even so, you take your spirit and knowledge to lift us up and thank you.

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  7. Wonderful words of wisdom, dear Bill. I look forward to when God has completed His work of shaking “all of creation.” I’m also eager for our unshakable eternity with Jesus.
    May God enable you to complete the project(s) He has planned for you to do for Him, my friend & brother in Christ.
    Blessings to you & Mary ~ Wendy Mac

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  8. I hope so too! I am hoping also, and praying, that in the midst of all the strife, people will turn their hearts to God. I know He is faithful to speak to each and every one. Oh, for ears to hear!

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  9. Bill, you’ve “gone to meddlin'” with your reminder that an excessive diet of news coverage is not helpful to our mental (or spiritual) health. I guess there can be a fine line between being “informed” and being “bummed”, but you reminded me that God has been convicting me to dial back on my daily internet news “fix” for some time now. (Ouch and thank you!) “Night is coming when no man can work.” If you do get to glory before the rest of us, pray from there that those of us remaining will shine and reflect Jesus like never before while the true Light is still illuminating the way for us to reach others in these desperately dark and evil times. The ongoing grace of God in your life amazes me! If I didn’t know God had an endless supply of that grace, I would say, “Bill, how about leaving a little bit for the rest of us?” 🙂 You are blessed to have Mary, obviously an expert risk/benefit analyst, to know when to let an A/C tech in the door (a possible Carrier), versus risking the potentially more lethal side effects of the Texas summer! Love you Bro! Your friend, Bryan.

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  10. Hi Bill,

    Praying you feel better soon, brother. Amen to getting people home to that unshakeable place. What a great time for another Jesus Movement.

    In Christ,


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  11. Your words are so great at this time in life. God bless you and your family. Stay strong in the Lord. Love you all

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Kerri McElligott

    I hate that you’ve been sick. I know from having asthma/ copd that not being able to breathe is tough, my asthma has been horrible the last six months or so. I’ve, like you, longed to go home. This world is getting so crazy. I don’t know how God puts up with it all, grace, love, and mercy I suppose. So glad you have Mary! I pray for y’all often. Hang in there Bill, you are such an inspiration to us all. Much love and prayers for you and your precious family! ❤️🙏🏻

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    • Thank you, Kerri. Unfortunately, you know a lot about ALS. I’m sorry you are struggling, Mary and I will be praying for you. As you know, gasping for every breath is like torture. I think this is why seeing George Floyd’s death was so difficult to watch for me. His last 8+ minutes on earth were torture.


  13. Hi Bill, You have lived a long time with a terrible suffering and yet I can ‘hear’ a glimmer in your eye. You have an “un-shakable” faith that speaks for a time such as this. I needed to read your words today. It is an inspirational gift.

    Like many people, I am eagerly waiting on Jesus. I feel powerless as an older woman in my little corner of the world. My prayers are my amunition so to speak. I am depressed for what is taking place but I know the world was headed in this direction as the Bible says. I guess I just never thought I would live to see it.

    I pray you will be well and feel better. Your wife is your earth angel. God be with you both. And yes, I will see you in Heaven. You will be one among many doing the Happy Dance!

    Dale….Brandon’s mom

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  14. God bless you dearheart… we rejoice with you in your hopeful words— words that ring so true to our hearts and minds. We must be of good courage, strength and wisdom in the days ahead, in the name of Jesus we pray😇

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  15. Jesus our only unshakable hope.
    Thank you Bill.

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  16. I think you’re already on your way, Bill, even though you don’t know the day or the hour. The C.S. Lewis quote is so appropriate. Thank you. And thank you for your continuing transparency. Praying that your crossing is more than wonderful, if also painful for Mary and your family.

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  17. I’m always so happy to see one of your posts. I know it will be honest and encouraging. All the constant change is forcing believers to make a choice. We have to stand firm in our faith until the end, and yes this all will end. May we shine the light of Christ in the darkness like you do Bill. Bless you and Mary!!

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  18. I’ve been wondering how you’ve been…. haven’t seen any posts recently. So sorry to hear you’ve been so sick. For sure the news these days is not good… difficult to watch an sometimes I get discouraged… The only thing that is certain is the God is hope and He is in control…. Take care Bill… Diane

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  19. 💙

    Sent from my iPhone


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  20. Thank you for this awesome post! There is so much division in our country right. So many people seeking security in everything else but Christ. Praying for my lost brothers and sisters. Hope you are feeling better! Romans 12:12

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  21. Beautifully written! Thank you, and praying for you.

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  22. Bill, I’ve been reading your blogs for a few years now and I must inform you if I had not before. I am so looking forward to meeting you once we are all home with our FATHER/DADDY. You really inspire me to be greater than I was the day before. I do not look forward to getting your final blog post, yet, when your followers get that final blog from you then from either your wife or children it truly will be bitter sweet. Lovingly your sister in CHRIST JESUS

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. You just reminded me, I’ve been meaning to teach Mary how to post on my blog just in case 🙂
      Also, on the behalf of the homebound that you visit – Thank you!
      I’m looking forward to meeting you.


  23. qisrealetrulth

    God is good, because he loves us. I think he is God of this world, allowing Satan to have power, but id hate for the reason why u’d say he is good when this world is in such turmoil, is because he is not the God of this world. That opens the realm for lacking understanding as to what he really is all about. I send a strong spiritual arm over there to u, to touch that physical and ease all pain. The journey u have in God is much more difficult than the one i have, and a i appreciate u beeing on the team, and acknowledging me as well.
    -a stranger, 2we1ve

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  24. Dear Bill and Mary – This posting is so timely and so true about being drawn into the news. I liked the suggestion from the lady who posted we should be watching pug videos – I like the etrade baby you tubes and looking at the slides ed has saved online of all the people who are so important to us. I am so looking forward to getting on a plane soon to come visit, once the gatekeeper and I agree when that will be. Love you and am so glad you are feeling better.

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    • Thanks, P. The news is so sad. I’m “fasting” from the news.
      The gatekeeper is easing restrictions. Leah is here right now. But, the rate of infections is going up again so she’s talking about going on lockdown again.


  25. Thank you Bill for this wonderful reminder of the unshakable hope we have in Him. Your words reminded me to amp up my prayers for those who do not know the Lord yet.

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  26. Bill, your life story is a beautiful reminder to us all that this world is not our home. We are just passing through on our way to eternity. All too often we get caught up in the cares of this world and allow our thoughts and emotions to get the best of us. All of this, knowing full well that God has us tucked safely in the palm of His hand.

    Allow the Lord to lift your heart my dear brother in Christ. Your journey has not been in vain, but a powerful lesson for us all in the grace of our Lord. Neither of us knows how many days we’ve been allotted here, but I can think of no one who has spent his days thinking more of others than you.

    Keeping you lifted up in prayer my friend,


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your comments and prayers, Ron. So true about none of us knowing the number of our days. Every morning I think that this might be my last day. One of these days I’ll be right 🙂


  27. I’m glad you are still here. Change is happening all around, but God is still on His throne and He, as you know, is a good good God. Blessings Bill and Mary 💜

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  28. Oh Bill. I am so sorry to hear you have been sick. I continue to pray for you and Mary. I’m glad Mary is protecting your home like Fort Knox. I feel the same way and have been doing the same. I too have been depressed watching the news, so much so that I refuse to watch it now. When I tuned into church yesterday online, I was overcome with joy and good feelings when the music started and I was singing along with them from home. I realized then, this is what it is like to be devoid of all the bad news and trash on the news. It lifted my spirits like at no other time. I was wishing all those people on TV had this to watch and share, what a difference it would make!! I do think all this pandemic and unrest is God’s way of shaking us all up and I can’t believe anyone would not turn to God at a time like this, especially at a time like this. I just pray for us and our nation and our world, and you and Mary will always be in my prayers. Thank you, again, for your inspirational words and inspirational life!

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  29. I too am greatly saddened by the hatred, lying, greed, and selfishness creating such havoc in our nation. Perhaps we HAVE reached the last days, as Paul described them to Timothy (2 Timothy 3:1-5) long ago. Lord, help me be Your Light right up to the last minute–whenever that might be! P.S. So glad the respiratory infection has subsided, Bill. Love to you and Mary–our heroes!

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  30. Thanks for your beautiful honesty, Bill. This world isn’t home. Heaven beckons every day, and I find that I’m looking forward to being in the presence of my Lord more and more. All that is happening now, with the death of George Floyd, the protests, the anger, the destruction, the demands only demonstrate our deep need for a Savior of hope and grace. I’m so sorry you weren’t feeling well, but I’m grateful for the perspective you found in watching the news. We need to be reminded of what matters. Thank you.

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    • Thank you, Dayle. There is a lot to be sad about these days. But Jesus told us these days were coming. He said:
      “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28).

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  31. “In my soul and spirit, I’m more there than here.” That should be our heart’s desire! Our only hope for a sound mind in troubled times is to hide ourselves in the Lord, “You are my hiding place…” (Psalm 32:7)
    Bob and I prayed for you this morning, I asked the Lord to enable and inspire you to write a post…Thank you Lord and thank you Bill for encouraging us. We love you and Mary!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Bob and Lisa, for your prayers and encouragement. Your prayer was answered. Writing this post was especially difficult. I am still having breathing problems, I have to get off after posting this reply and lay down. More and more I can relate to passages about God being our hiding place and refuge. This world is not our home. I am not going to watch the news, though 🙂

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  32. Leslie Grayson

    Hi Bill, I want to let you know that I am praying and have prayed for you and for Mary. My beloved passed from this life to the next last October after five years with ALS and eight years with FTD behavioral variant. How I miss him! In his strength from days long gone and in his littleness. I really feel for Mary, as I think to myself “oh gosh, I would be completely undone trying to care for him here at home in the midst of this pandemic.” Just contemplating it makes me momentarily frightened. But God is so much bigger. What is impossible for me, or for Mary, is entirely doable for God! The world is out of control. God is not. As my mind thinks “What next?! What could possibly come next?” I remind myself of the words I chose to speak and live everyday I cared for my George “Every day with Joy”. There is always hope. Because our hope is so much bigger. Our hope is in Christ. Our hope is the Truth. And it is not a vain hope.
    God be with you in this moment, and the next, and then the next.
    In Christ,

    PS Skip the news. I find pug videos helpful 😉

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    • Thank you for your comments and prayers, Leslie. I’m sorry you lost George. Great job taking care of him. I don’t know how Mary does it. I am high maintenance. Until November of 2018, she was working a full-time job from home and taking care of me. Superwoman, for sure.
      I never thought about pug videos 🙂


  33. Dear Bill, I am encouraged that the Lord is still using you to proclaim HIs kingdom here on earth. Much love, prayers, and blessings for you, Mary, and your family.

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  34. I love the honesty in your writing. & pray for miraculous healing in your body!

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  35. I lost my connection as I was sending the message, so forgive me if I am repeating myself…
    You WILL see me there! I so look forward to the time when we will all be together, masks off, singing, hugging, high-fiving, dancing, and shouting for joy!
    “With some of us, the only way we will turn to Christ is to be shown that these temporary things are not worthy of our trust and hope.” SO true! It saddens me to see God’s people trying to fight a spiritual battle with worldly weapons of protests, politics, and rage. But God is still at work. I found some bright spots that I highlighted in my last post. I hope you can check them out and be encouraged by them as we wait for a better world.

    Racism: The Cause and Cure, Part 2

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  36. Well said, Mr Sweeney! Looking forward in my “Unshakable Hope“ of seeing you on the other side in the future!

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  37. Soon…very soon is my prayer for us all

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  38. Bill, I’m glad you’re a bit better now. I’m continuing to pray for you!

    I love Mary’s fierce guarding of you and her mom. Good for her!!!

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  39. Hi Bill, I’m never happy about finding out that you’ve not been well, after the fact, but it’s totally understandable how that happens. And I know that I am just one of many who hold you and Mary and your family up daily in prayer, so you and Mary are continually lifted up by the brethren. What a beautiful gift Mary truly is. Your observations about the news are so valid, and I agree with you on the shaking up that we are all going through. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does and there is such a roar of discord everywhere one looks. So many fingers being pointed in every direction, unfortunately most of them are in the wrong direction. I suspect that it will have to get a lot worse yet before the desperation of the situation really takes hold, and just thinking about that should give one cause for alarm, for those who have not yet called upon the name of the Lord. Humanity is it’s own worst enemy and there is no shortage of tentative carnage on the horizon. It’s hard to really comprehend how much can change in such a relatively short period of time, but none of this really happened overnight. It’s been a long time coming and I still marvel at the patience and providence of God. Yet, we are told by the Apostle Paul in Romans 8 that there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Absolutely nothing. The shiney things of this world are turning dull and the promises and beauty of God, much brighter. The long and the short of it is that we who believe, rest and trust in Jesus and there are no exceptions. Thank you once again Bill for your words of encouragement and the example that you and Mary set. There indeed shall come a day when we shall meet and what a glorious day that will be. May God’s grace, peace and blessings be poured upon you and yours. – Bruce

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    • Thank you, Bruce, for your comments and especially for your prayers! You are so right, there are a lot of fingers being pointed these days. A house divided? For sure. The shaking will increase because, as you said, God is patient and merciful. He wants to give everyone time to prepare for eternity.

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  40. Silvia Lia Leigh, MD

    Dear Brother Bill, Thank you for allowing us (me) into your world. Your words burn with life fire. I can imagine your wife taking care of you, talking to your daughter… It is so real to me… You are right, we should love people but hate the prince of this world. Sometimes, this loving is hard to do, because we get confused and guilty, about who to love and who not to love. We often waste good opportunities to love because of fears. Other times, we fall in love with that which is wrong, becoming faithful to losers. Thank God you are feeling better. Each time I read your letters I feel true love resident in your heart and home. That love is heaven’s oxygen, so we can breathe and be filled with the Holy Spirit. God bless you and your family!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you for your encouraging words, Silvia. I agree with you about being careful who we spend time on. Time is growing short, we must use it wisely. My biggest regret is wasting time on fruitless endeavors.


  41. Every time I am blessed to read your writings. . I weep. I weep happy and sad tears. Thankful that our Lord, thru you, is teaching me to have less fears. Prayers for continued blessings for all. . .in God’s timing. . .but especially for you and your family.

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    • Thank you, Susan. Only those who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior need to fear the horrible days ahead. For those of us who know Him, He will give us the strength and grace to overcome anything we face.


  42. I used to be a “news junkie”. But now reading or watching the news only grieves me. Like you, I long for the next world, Bill. Mankind’s choices have doomed this one. Only Christ’s return will redeem it. These troubled times are only the beginning of sorrows (Matt. 24: 8).

    My profound thanks to you and Mary, both. Your love and faith are a constant inspiration.

    Your friend,

    Anna ❤

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  43. If there was any doubt Satan is real, I hope that people would have removed that notion by this point. All common sense has left the building. My prayer is that after God is finished shaking things up, people would ultimately find hope.

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  44. Bill, you are an inspiration because Jesus and his love radiates out of you. Many are encouraged by your life. The unshakeable hope through Christ, shines in your life. Thank you for not giving up and reaching so many with the good news.

    Abundant blessings of love, light, and life to you, Mary, and your family. ♥️

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  45. everydaywiththeking

    You are such an amazing person. I always know I’m about to be blessed when I see you have a new post. Thank you for writing.
    Today we are hearing so many voices all over the world calling out for help, relief, change but the true need for all is Jesus.
    I want to be living more there than here also. Surely there are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind.
    Keeping you in my prayers

    Liked by 5 people

    • Thank you for your encouraging comments, Lynn. Of course, I agree with you that Jesus is the answer. But that’s too easy, apparently. Before becoming a follower of Christ, if someone told me that Jesus is the answer, I would have said, “I’m glad that works for you.” He is not only the answer for this life, but for the next life, too.

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  46. Thank you Lord for giving us hope. I am glad that you are feeling better. God is good.

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  47. Thanks, Bill, good to know you are “feeling better.”
    These are days in which it’s vitally important to make sure that the Peace of God is on sentry duty, watching over our hearts and minds lest any anxious thought invade. He is on duty at God’s command, not ours– our part is to simply “with prayer and supplication” make God aware of every concern, and make every request known to Him.
    “And the peace of God that passeth all understanding shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

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  48. May you feel His presence through all the responses from your supporters Bill. Remember you are greatly loved and admired and our God has positioned you for greater things than these in the days ahead.

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  49. Hi Bill! You don’t know me but I found your blog a while back and receive your emails. My daddy passed away in 2010 from ALS. It took forever for doctors to diagnose him and he passed eight days after the diagnosis. I am amazed and blessed at what you are able to accomplish. It is testimony to the fact that the Lord is able to use us in whatever condition we may be in. Just wanted you to know that you are an encouragment to me as I face daily struggles (and I’m sure my struggles are nothing compared to yours). I will pray for your continued improvement and that you will be able to continue to reach people with your blogs. God bless you.

    Liked by 7 people

    • I’m so sorry about your dad. ALS can be difficult to diagnose. But I’ve never heard of anyone passing away so quickly after receiving a diagnosis. I’m so glad that you are living in hope. Thank you for your encouraging comments.


  50. Thank you, Bill, for painstakingly blinking out letter after letter for our encouragement. Knowing that you do this despite how you feel encourages me so much. It gives me a deep desire to punch out another day for Jesus, despite the obstacles I encounter. How much easier it would be to resign and wait for Heaven … rather than working God’s will on earth.
    Your determination and faith is giving me mine. Much love and a big ole (cyber) hug to you and Mary!

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  51. As the songwriter sings, “Heaven’s sounding sweeter all the time. It seems like lately, it’s always on my mind. Someday, I will leave this world behind, as Heaven’s sounding sweeter all the time.”

    With all that is going on in this world, it is my prayer that people who put their hope and trust in this world, realize that they should not put their hope and trust in this world. However, they should instead put their hope and trust in Jesus, as He is the one who gives unshakable hope.

    God bless you my brother, as you continue to fight a good fight, and keep the faith, as you journey to the finish line. Henceforth, there is laid up a crown of righhteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give you at that day (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

    You are in my prayers.

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  52. Glad you are able to be sitting, and writing Bill. Praise Jesus.
    It sure seems like the time for Jesus to return is getting close, with all that is happening in the world. Holding on to the “Unshakeable Hope”, Christ alone, to meet Him in Glory, is what gets us through some days.
    Thank you for your words of wisdom again Bill. Praying over you, and your words, that your words will resonate with some people reading who do not know Jesus Christ yet. God’s Word will not return void, and you quote it so well, we can believe some lives will be changed.
    God Bless you and Mary.

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  53. Bill – you and Mary are truly remarkable! Thank you sir for that beautiful, hopeful, eternal perspective. These are challenging times and the fabric of society is being torn – but God is still on His throne and no matter the difficulty of the circumstance, we are to represent Him by our love and our fruit.

    Yours are most abundant. Thank you, Bill and Mary! You’re in our prayers!

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  54. Theresa Schrock

    I have such a strong desire to bring the gospel to the world! I want to tell them that just like me they need Jesus to wash away their sins. Jesus will remove our evil heart and give us a new heart that loves like He loved us and like the Father loves him! . A heart that keeps no record of wrongs! A heart that forgives! A heart that allows you to repent and be reconciled and restored to the love Of God. God’s love is full. It never diminishes nor does it grow! Our love will, though. I don’t think the world knows this truth! Their love can grow! The blood of Jesus purges our guilty consciences that hinders us from loving others bc we can only love others as much as we love ourselves. I want so desperately to go tell the world, one at a time, how much Jesus has done for them on the cross and how desperately they need him. I pray for hearts and minds of the unbelievers to be opened to understand the gospel and to invite Jesus to come into their hearts. The gospel will transform a culture!

    Liked by 5 people

    • I’m right there with you, Theresa. We have been praying for you. You’ll be fine. I think God allowed this trial to open doors for you to share the Gospel with others. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. Ezekiel 37!


  55. I am praying you feel better each day. You have many struggles, yet you are an inspiration to many people. Yes, there are many horrible things happening in the world. Watching the news can bring us down. I try not to watch the so called “news” too much. I am comforted in knowing God has a plan. He is always with us. We will have trials on this earth, but, our heavenly home awaits. Have a blessed week! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  56. Wonderful post, prayers for you to continue to heal

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  57. Shari Lemieux

    Excellent post – as always Bill. May God continue to bless, strengthen, comfort and guide you and Mary. With much love in Christ.

    Liked by 4 people

  58. Amen Bill! That is one of the most comforting and encouraging sermons on why God allows suffering that I’ve ever heard! I pray the Lord opens people’s minds and hearts to the Gospel and spreads revival. Praising God you are okay! Praying blessing over you and your family!

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  59. Bill, I absolutely share your desire for heaven. I’ve lived on this tired old planet for nearly 73 years, and I’m not a doom and gloom kind of person; however, the only answer is see is Jesus, and He is sufficient. Let it be today, dear Lord. Maybe today!

    Liked by 5 people

  60. Thank you, Bill for the gentle reminder to always keep our eyes fixed upon Him – which can be so difficult to do sometimes when the Evil One appears to be winning. I resonate with what you said regarding depression setting in, as we watch the world spin out of control via the news-cam. But indeed our HOPE lies in Him. He has already won…we merely need to wait patiently to join Him in our Heavenly victory-celebration when He at last calls us home.

    I am grateful you are feeling better, as I do believe you still have much more to teach – all in an effort to bring as many of us with you, on that golden road toward heaven. Hugs to you dear cyber-space friend!💕

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  61. Praying you feel better each day Bill. I have been Homesick more than ever this year, but I am holding on to my unshakable Hope. I believe I will see you there. God Bless.

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  62. Bill, I know you want to go to heaven. And I want you to be able to go to heaven except I don’t want you to leave. I’m like everyone else, we love you. I hope you know that.

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    • Thank you so much, Nancy. Apparently, God still has work for me to do. As horrible as these times are, I want to hang around because it’s harvest time. I want to see those I’ve been praying for come to Christ.

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  63. What truly scares me is not so much the horrific violence, though it is very bad, but how many will not choose life in Jesus Christ. And they are the only ones who can. No one can do that for us. I’m glad you are better.

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  64. Debbie Johnson

    Bill, What a great reminder of the only “Unshakable Hope” we have! It’s no wonder there’s so much frustration in the world right now. If you aren’t looking in the right direction, things do look hopeless. Your words are perfect! Thank you for caring enough to share, even though I know it’s not an easy task for you. Love you & Mary!

    Liked by 6 people

    • Thank you, Debbie. It’s sad that many people think if their candidate becomes president, things will be better. Or, if we get a vaccine for COVID-19. You’ve known me for 35+ years, I’m an optimist, but putting our hopes in a politician, a vaccine, or justice reform, to make the world right, is deception.

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  65. Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well.

    Liked by 5 people

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